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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. btw I feel like this was made too late. all of them who wanted to respond already did it. In conclusion: @Beaviss is a bad GM and he should be fired immediately. Thanks for attention.
  2. wait, wasn't Nick's post in media actually? yall really took 6 TPE out of him like that. all of Shawn's work goes out the window smh
  3. It's not like Malmo is poo, but I was expecting better so far. for sure disappointing.
  4. pbp could be a decent addition if a person can do it right, not just copy paste from the game thread cap reduce at TD is cool I guess? although I'm ok either way.
  5. 1) What are your Playoff expectations? beating Malmo at least. then we'll see. 2) What's going to happen to the team next season, with 3 players heading into retirement? I already explained it all in our discord LR, but plans may change if we can pull out a championship win. 3) What's the team doing to prepare for the playoff run? making customised brooms. something like this. 4) Which team do you want to beat the most? Helsinki. 5) Playoff dinner? Go! Pizza. 6) Playoff song? Go! idk, probably a song that includes a word broomstick.
  6. beginning of the end for the Philly. you can all thank to Sir Can...and our offense as well
  7. can't have a hope on this season with bitch ass games like this
  8. 1. Your reaction on my update I made on Friday regarding the future of Riga? 2. How likely can we hold on to the 2nd place in EU? 3. Do you feel we gotta step our game up against contending teams? 4. Does that bothers you when I'm raging on Simon over and over again? 5. Halloween soon! What are your plans on this event? 6. Have you already tried NHL 21? If so, your opinion on this game? 7. Can we help Tallinder to hold his points lead please? 8. The Vegas AGM nicknamed our prospect Matt Thunder a ''Rolling Thunder''. Do you think this is a good nickname for him? 9. Do you agree with Beaviss that football is boring?
  9. High TPE pass first defensemans are actually good players. Forwards wise - not great individual stats but good for team chemistry.
  10. That was the one of times that my trade paid off fully. Regardless how Eagles is gonna perform in his remaining games, the S72 playoff run will outshine that...well, we still can win this season too so I'm a bit ahead of time perhaps. But one fact remains intact - thanks for providing us the 3 and half seasons of elite goaltending! We really needed that to stay hunting through all these seasons and make the record playoff streak happening. @Greg_Di
  11. This silly guy wanted to blow the win in this game, but forgot to do that in shootout. well ok, here's 2 points
  12. And just like that the era is about to come to an end. One of key players of the defensive Riga and success at S72. Tate is for sure is one of main reasons why our team ever had a chance once I drafted him to this moment. I'm not even sure if I can even replace him in the future, it would be hella tough if not impossible. I also gotta praise his positive LR presence. He was always believing in our team even when we had some rough moments and I was doing my usual rant on Simon. I'm glad we could get at least one championship, but let's also hope we can pull another one in your farewell season. Thanks for being a loyal Reign for your whole career, we really appreciate that. Anyways, we have some more things to do so I'll wish the fun in post career later @Tate
  13. 1. We seemed to stabilize our performance a bit. Can we move up in standings though? 2. Why does Davos suck? 3. Opinion on most recent Seattle and Helsinki trade? 4. Do you think NHL free agency is kinda boring so far? 5. Do you like moves your NHL team has made so far? 6. Is LAL taking the game 6? 7. Which weather is better - freezing cold or mad hot? 8. Cleveland Browns are 3-1 so far...wtf? 9. Is there even an ounce of chance Marleau can break the hits record? 10. Do you think the S75 draft will be the biggest ever?
  14. Not much intros out there. Just little disclaimer before I'm naming my ''dream'' top 6. All of them but one are basically former Riga players who managed to pop out of the nowhere with the surprisingly good performance while having a low number of TPE. You know, I'm still having fond memories of Krīgars and his out of nowhere HoF performance. There's no doubt I started to like these kind of players and I was always watching them tearing opponents down although they weren't really supposed to do logically. All of them played during my tenure (so from mid S53). F - Codrick Past @Kylrad And I'll start with the most recent player who just retired last season with his career best 88 points. With 460 TPA. Back then it wasn't a low number, but nowadays not having much TPE in competing team most likely gonna give you mid tier numbers at best. Not in Codrick's case for sure. He changed his position to forward once getting traded to Riga, but having 70 skating didn't do him much favors. After a mere 39 point season he followed by another one with the same number. However, he started to show a potential with taking more chances and also updating the skating skill. It resulted in a jump in points production to 68 and then he dropped 20 more in his farewell season despite losing more than 100 TPE in regression. I was a big fan of his playing style - a guy who is gonna shoot the puck every time he finds a chance, even in tough situations. And he for sure delivered in his last season so he finds himself on my list. F - Ryuu Crimson @SlapshotDragon Now, he wasn't a superstar forward, but dropping 89 points in S65 while still being behind Cast and Edwin was a big deal. However, the reason I put him here is his S63 playoffs showdown. He started it pretty slowly and then a hat trick against Quebec happened. After that, he was just unstoppable. At the end of the playoffs he was the only plus player in Riga and most importantly, he is still the only player in history who won the Kanou trophy in his rookie season. And that's while having EdwinCast in a team plus more big and experienced players. That was a definition of ''out of nowhere'' performance and for that he also will find himself on my list. F - John Locke @Will There could be a debate that I should've put Krīgars here instead, but at least I updated him. Locke in other case was staying at 440 TPE for a long time cause Draper was basically inactive by that time. So that makes his S57-58 performance even more impressive. There could be another debate about ''out of nowhere'' situation. Before being traded to Riga, Locke was already showing that he is a big thing in Quebec. But I'm not sure everyone expected him to score 131 goals in span of two seasons. That was the case when 40/90 build brought him to the elite level and eventually to hall of fame as well. A combination of his steady low TPE number and his two blow out the water seasons in Riga I'm putting him in this list as well. But hey, I'll also put Krīgars as the honorable mention because why not. D - Alexander Thrower @gregreg Can't even copy paste quotes on this stupid PC, but: ''THROWER??? Inactive Greg is best Greg ever. Gawd lord'' - in courtesy of @Higgins. This was indeed a strange one and player itself was constantly doing out of nowhere things. I believe he never had more than 300 TPE yet he won two indivdual awards, one of them (Beketov) came during his time in Riga. He managed to finish his career with over 1 PPG as well despite puting only 27 points in his last season. He benefited a lot from Locke and Krīgars showdown, but all we are going to remember are stats (91 and 107 points with 95 of them being assists). And his numbers were really on point. He was traded to Riga in right time and he was put in right place in our lineup and for that he ends up on my list. D - Dragon McDragon @JardyB10 Speaking about unexpected results, how about Jardy's last player who never had more than early 200's TPE. Like Thrower he was in right place and right time. This time, it was EdwinCast duo that boosted stats in S62 for other as well, incuding McDragon. That 100 point season (90 of them were assists, close to Beketov award) was his peak and he never put up anything similar performance to this. But hey, he also won a championship a season later. But since we're covering up low TPE guys with mind blowing stats, the S62 stats line is the one that will put Dragon into this list. I'd also put Guntis Petenis here for his S54 play which was pretty unexplainable, but he had 500+ TPE by that time so these two above made the cut before my own guy. G - ...uhmm nobody? eh. Kallis Kriketers (yeah that's me) There was no goalie during my tenure that was performing above their TPE level. Kopralkov...well I didn't remember much, but I think he hadn't blow out of the mind stat number. Markus King performed like he should've been. Aamo sucked most of times. Davison and Eagles were/are solid like they supposed to be. So the reason I put Kallis to this list, making him an exception of that low TPE cut is his S69 performance. Even before that he had a lots of awards and he was considered as one of the best goalies in 60's. However, most of times he was somewhat underwhelming. Before S69 came. Now, it was also a defense first lineup that helped boosting his stats, but he also wasn't choking...before last two games in finals. Anyways, the .931 save percentage, 1.66 GAA and 11 SO was a big deal in the era when nobody (or almost nobody) could came even close to .930 zone. So after 6 seasons of just ok stats this one was a breath of fresh air. And somewhat unexpected. So this is my dream first line and goalie roster. And I somehow managed to get 1000 words on it. Wow lol. that's it and I'm out. 5/10 - 11/10 12/10 - 18/10
  15. I guess Sask won't take out HFX for now cause Sir Can said so
  16. 1. We had a hot start to the season but have seen things turn a bit upside down, what do you see as the cause? It was bound to happen. I guess we're lucky that didn't happen at the end of the season. Now we're again getting points and the future schedule is not that bad. 2. Theme week is this week, if you could choose the theme, what would it be? Don't care, just gon get 500 words for 12 TPE, that's it. 3. The trade deadline is just a week away, what area of the team should we look to add to? Either a defense depth or a good second line wingman. 5. We're having a Thanksgiving potluck for Riga, what food will you bring? basically this. or pizza could be fine as well. 6. Who do you think will finish the VHL season as the best rookie? I'm standing by my earlier choice, Dakota Lamb. Although Grachev seems a good pick as well. 7. The Stanley Cup finals are over, what are your thoughts on Tampa winning the championship? Was rooting for Dallas, but good for Tampa after that last year's failure. They can now sleep calmly at nights.
  17. *generic media, generic choice of a pic. it all adds up* *Very generic media this week since I have no ideas and I'm waiting for the theme week anyways* We're half through the season in the big league and honestly, there were not much surprises by far. In some previous seasons Simon was fucking around a lot at the start of the season and we had unusual teams at the top of standings. This season, not much. Yes, Chicago is still hanging on, but we all know they will fall sooner or later. NY was doing something, but it's just over for them without Nolan. Anyways, a couple of note from myself on this season: - The NA conference is just becoming more predictable. I was expecting an epic NA finals with Seattle and Calgary, but instead we're seeing the Wrangs having a sub-tier record with a questionable form from the offense. It appears that regressed Dredge and Gunnar are not the guys that can carry this team to the NA throne, at least for now. Moreso, Dredge is inactive for now so he definitely won't get any better. It seems like neither is Gunnar and that's a hell of a fall from grace. Despite of a valiant effort from a defense and Lafontaine, they're still outside the playoff spot as they're also boasting the second worst offense in this league. Jubis is trying to make some deals going to address this issue, but I'm afraid that the forward market is in shambles after Nolan trade earlier today. So it might get ugly for them in this playoffs. - In other case, EU is far from predictable. Right now there is: Malmo with a serious offensive threat and the main eagle Condor; Moscow with the ''Victor+Beketov partnership going right'' moment; Riga with a Tallinder show; Helsinki isn't having the best record as of now, but they might wake up sooner or later and sending Oh Sens out could help them even more; Davos with a claim of being a legit underdog after landing Owen Nolan...and then there's Prague with their usual .500-ish performance and 6th place. In fairness, they are trying to get it done this time and they are only 1 point behind Davos. It's going to be hard for them to make a big noise in this conference, but at least they may throw Davos out of the playoffs? Stay tuned. I guess I could make some mid-season predictions, but of course it will go right back to my face because these will be incorrect. Anyways, I think this is the Seattle's conference to lose. Vancover slowed down a bit and most of their forwards are just too green to make big plays. I'm not a fan of a 5 forward setup from DC either. Toronto is having a good streak, but I just don't seem them win anything with that meh winger lineup and only Killinger being something better than a second pair tier defenseman. And I already covered up Calgary's struggle with scroing goals. In EU though? Hard telling, any of these current top 4 teams might make the finals and even Davos could make a good underdog run after getting Nolan. I just don't believe that Prague is going to do much even if they will make the post-season. So yeah, that was it. Waiting for the theme week now. That's it and I'm out.
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