Total of 51 responses, thank you to everyone who participated.
According to the results, if we are going to do Twitter ads our target market will be the following:
Male, White, Aged 18-31, maybe bachelor's degree, Gamer and Sports fan lifestyles
Gender: Shockingly we are a sausage fest
Male - 98%
Female - 2%
Race/Ethnicity: Mostly white
White - 90.2%
Other - 5.9%
Asian - 2%
Hispanic - 1%
Age: Mostly between the ages of 18-31, so we young millennial buhls
14-17 - 2%
18-22 - 33.33%
23-26 - 31.4%
32+ - 5.9%
Highest Level of Education Completed or Plan on Completing: Lots of college peoples
High School/GED - 17.6%
Trade School - 5.9%
Associate 2 year degree - 7.8%
Bachelor 4 year degree - 56.9%
Master's degree - 11.8%
Estimated Household Income in US Dollar: Incomes are all over the place, don't really see a target group here
0-20,000 - 15.7%
20-40,000 - 23.5%
40-60,000 - 19.6%
60-80,000 - 17.6%
80-100,000 - 9.8%
100,000+ - 13.7%
Where do you live?: No major regions really stick out here
Central U.S. -21.6%
U.S. East Coast - 11.8%
U.S. West Coast - none
Canada East Coast - 11.8%
Central Canada - 25.5%
Canada West Coast - 13.5%
UK - 3.9%
Other - 11.8%
LifeStyles: Most of us are both gamers and sports fan
Enjoy the arts - 27.5%
Foodie - 37.3%
Gamer - 78.4%
Online buyer - 49%
Photography - 11.8%
Sports Fan - 98%