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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. If anyone is interested in becoming Calgary GM please contact me ASAP

    1. boubabi


      your multi


    2. BluObieZ


      I'd do it but I can see not getting it cause of my fucking around ways in NY

    3. Phil



  2. true those are cities from the important countries idk all those random small little eastern European countries cause trump is gonna let russia take them over anyway
  3. prague is not one i would have thought of. When I think big European cities I think: London Paris Amsterdam Moscow
  4. yeah i have no idea where bern is lol Also it would seem to make more sense to do more major cities
  5. Canadian immigration website has crashed lol
  6. i can't believe this
  7. da bears put up a good fight Good luck in the next series toronto :3
  8. I think it's just on chrome, there's nothing you have to download or anything
  9. i feel ur pain ive never gotten 1st overall
  10. i guess we should send kesler to other sites since he is our youngest member
  11. yas town of salem and cards against humanity sounds like a gud time imo tbqhimho
  12. I'd be interested :3
  13. why wasn't calgary in this lottery? I declare this a rigged election and will not accept the results until calgary wins
  14. da bears r putting up a fight
  15. if no one applies i can go back i guess only consder me if no one applies
  16. http://i.imgur.com/0rr80Un.gifv
  17. If they ever sell Modern Warfare Remastered by itself I'll probably get that, as I'm not going to waste money on trash Infinite Warfare. Also I agree with you that Black Ops 3 > Advanced Warfare. I thought Blops 3 was pretty gud. I'll watch this when I'm not doing homework like right meow :3
  18. I miss AIM-11 that guys robot antics were hilarious
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