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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. @Smarch go to club room
  2. whats ur psn

    1. Smarch


      I added you or an imposter of you. I'm lunchmate123

  3. doesn't look like anyone else is joining us
  4. Youll be up
  5. whats ur username
  6. around 1:30am EST
  7. @Jala @Smarch @Kendrick @Molholt @DollarAndADream @Cuffy @Dangles13 you guys want to play some games tonight?
  8. Lotto just happened. Calgary is picking second. You know what they say, first is the worst and second is the best
  9. thanks obama
  10. Middle of the road sounds about right for that Calgary era. Like you said, if we could have just won 1 more cup out of those 4 deep playoff appearances, it would have turned pretty good into greatness. Still, happy to win a cup with the members I did #hurleyship @Cuffy
  11. I donated $10 right before draft lotto doubles week
  12. Meute Legion Express Express
  13. Pleasure to listen King Phillip and sidekick.
  14. riga pulls a s43 seattle and wins the cup
  15. lame at least if we lose @Cuffy wins
  16. Yukon 2 gud?
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