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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. sounds like someone needs tebow
  2. good article! These teams would actually be my 3 preferred destinations as well if I was a draftee
  3. the dress is blue and black
  4. tf higglypuffins will have ur hed
  5. i know your identity peter parker
  6. I love the idea I love ESPN first take ever since the Skip Bayless Tebow era
  7. oh yeah! well.... i got nothing
  8. Archie Wagner is available
  9. what does the munk say
  10. bern 2 gud
  11. Bern 2 gud
  12. clargary is wingating woo! I'm excited to see what elite goaltending can do for us
  13. At work I was playing around with bread and my boss told me to quit loafing around
  14. bern 2 gud
  15. JOHN SCOTT will soon play in calgary with chuck goody, don't worry :3
  16. Nice article but why is there no scenario with calgary winning
  17. I think the number one reason you were traded was to get you more playing time so you could get more points :3
  18. I blame Bernie Gow for our loss
  19. wranglerz gonna wrang
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