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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. mcqueened
  2. You'll be back right? #Yukon 4 lyfe
  3. wow jardy rigged
  4. wat is this blashphemy
  5. eaglesfan036

    BER/BRT S40

    i boycott this
  6. eaglesfan036

    OSL/BER; S40

  7. rigged
  8. rigged
  9. jarrrkkooo
  10. anyone not murica is commy
  11. jarrkkooo
  12. rigged
  13. You can call me Rig G
  14. I blame Mike
  15. awooo awooo awooo
  16. You can call me Queen Bee
  17. I have work on Halloween Bad news is that I have work on Halloween Good news is no one will be there so I get to hang and do nothing
  18. Hi Kendrick
  19. Rigged
  20. Yukon 7 gud
  21. this is really cool I've never seen anything like it
  22. In recent weeks, the VHL has experienced a civil war of epic proportions. Longtime commishioner Higglypuffs has tried to put down the rebellion led my communist party leader Munk. In order to settle their dispute without claiming more innocent lives, Munk and Higglypuffins have arraigned a boxing match. Higglypuffs - 5\'6\" 180puunds In the left corner of the ring, we have Higglypuffins, standing at 5 foot 6 and 180 puunds (Canadians pronounce pounds incorrectly). Higglypuffs has never fought in a ring before, though he is well known in his old high school for stealing Kesler's kids lunch money. Higglypuffins has been training with world renowned gloryhog Donald Graper. - Kesler Munk - 4'11 210 In the other corner, we have Munk. As John Madden loved to say in an old Madden game, "He's short, but he's stocky. He's small, but he's fast." Munk has also never been in a boxing match, but he is very good at confusing his opponent. Munk plans on telling his opponent he is both a Chelsea and Man U fan, as if that is possible. Munk had been training with world renowned trainer Birdman. Munk is well known for carrying around King Arthur's seat for him.
  23. Pretty sweet
  24. I apply as well I could have a lot of fun with this job I am on VHLM Mag already
  25. rogged
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