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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. wow this was a throwback to some painful moments between this great free agency heist and losing back to back cups to helsinki.... thanks goodness I won in S44 otherwise I would have gone mad
  2. sounds like you need to go instigate a fight
  3. Early again
  4. My Press Conference Questions For Myself That I will Answer Next Week: 1) How lonely is it being seemingly the only active member on Halifax? 2) Were you happy to be traded from Minnesota to Halifax without any word of warning from Minnesota's GM? 3) Did Halifax perform above or below expectations this season? 4) Describe Dil in 5 words 5) Why does @Dil never write press conference questions for me? 6) Will you be graduating to the VHL next season or staying down in the VHLM? Tune in next week to see my answers!
  5. I used to hit the view new content button on VHL and scroll through all the beautiful content, but these days there is not much to be seen from that button outside of people earning their tpe. No one comments on game threads as this is just done on each team's individual discord or whatever. No one trash talks on forum anymore, it's all on forum and if you weren't there live to see it then you most likely missed it. I am currently on Halifax and haven't even been invited to their forum locker room (if it even exists), and I am not taking the time to check the discord locker room super often. I turned off all discord alerts on my phone because I am tired of it beeping at me all day, and I am not taking an hour to manually select which forums I want alerts or no alerts to. Where does every team locker room have a pokeman and gambling discord section that spams my phone with nonsense?
  6. Nah gorlab mvp he had 2 kills
  7. Gg thanks for hosting gustav
  8. well our suspect is either rory or jiggly since shaka was confirmed by the trapper i believe so hang rory tonight and if not evil i will jail jiggly
  9. @GustavMattias can you confirm said fuck up?
  10. No you guys have it all wrong jiggly used his power to use osens as investigator, and found bigal was the blackmailer (he then switched to mafioso when we hung barzal). And @jhatty8 if you follow the theresd i told him to vote you because thats how he showed us what investigator results he had Rory incorrectly said one of BigAl or MMflex is good, and likely was the nexro who got this kill. Vote Rory
  11. If this was the real town of salem game everyone would be mean and toxic to him for that will haha. But I encourage people attempting it because it makes the game more fun. For anyone in the future looking to make a fake will, we have played plenty of games before that you can look off of if you are confused by the wiki
  12. So for example if you were to make a fake spy will for night one, you would say that mafia visited OMG. I think coven also poisoned jhatty as well so you would know that coven visited jhatty.
  13. Well you made a better effort than Mike and others in that you at least tried, but that's not even how spy works. As a spy, you know every member who was visited by a mafia or coven
  14. sure go ahead and consult your mafia friends for a fake will I will be curious to see what you guys come up with
  15. @jhatty8 now that we have everyone narrowed down just reveal yourself as mayor at this point so we can be sure
  16. And if BigAl is evil that probably means Rory is his evil teammate
  17. we have a psychic, a trapper, and a lookout all against you. I highly doubt any evil side even has 3 people left.
  18. well done! If this is correct, Big AL is our blackmailer. I'll execute him tonight. Now just vote barzal with the rest of us
  19. Ok now vote based on the following results for him: Vigilante, Veteran, Mafioso, Pirate, or Ambusher. - Eaglesfan Medium, Janitor, Retributionist, Necromancer, or Trapper. - Gorlab Survivor, Vampire Hunter, Amnesiac, Medusa, or Psychic. - Mr Hatter Spy, Blackmailer, Jailor, or Guardian Angel. - Jhatty Sheriff, Executioner, Werewolf, or Poisoner. - Barzal Framer, Vampire, Jester, or Hex Master. - Solas Lookout, Forger, or Witch/Coven Leader. - Rory Escort, Transporter, Consort, or Hypnotist. - Berocka Doctor, Disguiser, Serial Killer, or Potion Master. - Quik Investigator, Consigliere, Mayor, Tracker, or Plaguebearer. - Shaka Bodyguard, Godfather, Arsonist, or Crusader. - Unvote and vote no one
  20. oh right that makes sense
  21. ok great. Now vote whoever you investigated so we know who you took a look at
  22. ok now that is interesting since we are 99% sure Quik is the medium @bigAL role?
  23. we had a trapper and a lookout on you who both confirmed the only person who visited you was each other
  24. Also everyone vote Barzal
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