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Posts posted by N0HBDY

  1. 4 hours ago, AJW said:

    1. Which VHL team deserves to win a Cup the most?

    2. How do you start your mornings? What is your routine to crawling out of bed?

    3. If you could change the hockey stick forever, what new "tool" would players use to play the game? I'm making them use pool noodles.

    1. Picking from only the teams remaining, Davos, but got does it hurt after that season on Seattle.
    2. Scream at alexa to shut up then if I work go shower and leave picking up breakfast on the way, otherwise lay around if I'm not working.

    3. On ice lacrosse?


    1. Are you invested in the results for this season's Junior showcase tournament?

    2. What's something you're looking forward to next season?

    3. How many times do you use the skip button to go to the next song each day?

  2. 4 minutes ago, McWolf said:

    Why only adjust players starting under 70 if you're taking them to 100?

    This is mainly targeted to first gen players, so if a max carryover recreate happened to join as a waiver then they’d get the boost along with like 20-30+ tpe that we see a lot of recreates earn in their first week. Obviously it’d be a bit more rewarding for them but less fun for lower earning players

  3. Hello there folks, as you can see from the title there's going to be a change to how waivers in the Junior Showcase Tournament work. The JST was created to be an off-season tournament for first gens and all other VHLM-eligible players to further develop, create more opportunities for prospective GMs to gain experience, and foster a fun environment to learn more about the league. However, our main point is to help develop first-time players regardless of recruitment ups and downs. We want to see new players perform and further incentivize our GMs to take the time to pitch to waiver players. But let's cut to the chase, we're basically going to be boosting waiver players so that they actually have a chance. Here it is


    In what will be designated as rule 2.3 "Waivers Adjustments"(Current rule 2.3 "TPA cap" will be amended to rule 2.4):


    Rule 2.3 Waiver Adjustments

    First-generation and Recreating offseason waiver-eligible players at or below 70 TPE on spawn will be subject to the choice of a "boost"(See 2.3(a)for options) to carry their player up to a total amount of 100 TPE. To select what "boost" will be applied for the duration of the tournament, the player or the manager of the player's selected team will message either the commissioner or tournament simmer for application.


    -2.3(a) Boosts

    Each attribute listed under each "boost" will be distributed evenly until the player reaches a total of 100 TPE with priority given to the first named attribute and the one then following it in cases of uneven distribution.


    -Detroit Boost
    -Campbell Boost    
    -Unassisted Boost    


    *As an added note and reminder, these "boosts" will not carry over into any other league (VHL, VHLE, VHLM) as it is exclusive to the Junior Showcase Tournament.

  4. 1. Cole had a very good season to go out, not on top of all goalies but not terrible, would say 8.5/10

    2. I think Cole will show out and build off the momentum of the team to build a strong case for the best goaltender in the playoffs.

    3. Either team I'm fine with, we got New York who I think we sweep but if not we only drop 1 game.

    4. Hulk Hogan on his faceoffs for sure

    5. Let's say Jeopardy, I absolutely bite it but nail every sports related and greek type of question.

    6. Some type of candy or cookie not really sure what a specific would be.

  5. On 7/15/2023 at 8:26 AM, der meister said:

    1 - I just got back from a short walk outside and it's hot as hell out. How's the weather where you are?

    2 - It looks unlikely that Warsaw makes the playoffs this year - what could we have done different?

    3 - My player, Ryuji Sakamoto, is going to be a free agent at the end of the season. I'd like to win a cup before he is mandatorily retired. Where should I go?

    4 - My toaster oven just dinged, signaling my pancakes are ready. What do you like to put on pancakes/waffles?

    5 - What style of hockey player is your favorite? Butterfly goalie, power forward, slick defenseman, something else?

    6 - When you create a VHL player, do you have a real life role model in mind?

    BONUS QUESTION -  are you subbed to my YouTube channel? I started dabbling with Shorts last night and am trying to pick some funny excerpts to highlight. 😛


    No Simmer pay this week so figure I'll do myself a pc


    1- It's not bad we just got a decent bit of rain to put of the drought we're having for a bit, other than that smokey because of the fires in Canada coming down here.

    2- It hurt so badly once the season started and not landing that final piece in FA which I still think would've made a night or day difference. I could've bought the piece but likely at an expensive price and for what another season at possibly competing. Wasn't really worth it with the rebuild looming over us, which sucks because I had high hopes after getting a little bit of luck and making the best of an unfortunate failed sign and trade. Not to make it sound bad but I'm glad we sucked and aren't a middle-of-the-pack team after everything, so that this half buy kinda thing didn't hurt our draft position and instead we'll have a decent pick.

    3-I don't know every team's situation but I feel like New York could be a sleeper team.

    4- Syrup if i'm feeling it, nothing if I'm not feeling it, or just some butter if I want the bare minimum, not a big topping guy.

    5- A good goon is enjoyable to watch like Ryan Reaves but the goalies this era are so cool to watch with butterfly becoming more popular.

    6- Not particularly, or maybe not so much a role model but more a face to put to the name, otherwise I create them pretty standalone.

    Bonus: No but I watched some of the videos in the background while gaming myself.


  6. Name: Thor Reingaard

    Age: 18

    Birthday: 21st September

    Shoots: Left

    Preferred Number: 90

    Height: 6'2"

    Weight: 205lbs

    Position: C


    Thor is a crafty centerman with a high IQ for the game, good playmaking, scoring ability, and dominant faceoff abilities. Faceoffs are one of the strongest points of his game, by using his size and technique to win nearly every faceoff. His playmaking ability, IQ, and stick-handling abilities all complement each other in making plays and getting down the ice. Thor's IQ is above average because by watching him it is very apparent that he is very aware and meticulous of his position on the ice and always using that to his advantage. Thor's shooting and passing abilities are around average if not slightly above average with an impressive and accurate shot as well as impressive passing accuracy even through tight spots. Thor is more of a team player but won't hesitate to take advantage of each situation to better equip himself or his team for the advantage. Thor's skating ability has potential but isn't outright amazing like his other skills.


    Thor's weaknesses come on the defensive side of the puck with not-so-impressive defensive capabilities he definitely prefers to be on the attacking side of the puck. Besides his physical build, Thor doesn't use his size to his advantage, hesitating to make contact when needed to stop a play, not going much out of his way to separate the man from the puck but waiting for them to make a mistake or his teammates to take care of it. He lacks discipline and so when he sometimes tries to make contact and fails he gets frustrated and makes stupid decisions leading to a likely situation where he ends up in the box at least once a game. Thor's leadership abilities are also very limited, preferring to do things on his own his way or follow others when seeking a solution or an attack. Another slight weakness to Thor's game which really doesn't matter all that much but his fighting skills lack, in the unlikely occasion that Thor would get into a fight it would not be likely he win that fight with most of his skill being focused around the main mechanics of the game rather than the punching, the only real times this has happened is on the pond fighting with either his brother or cousin.


    In summary Thor is an offensive focused player and when put on defense might not be the most reliable, his IQ, faceoff ability, and stick handling are his major strengths. Defense, discipline, and fighting being his major weaknesses. But his skating, shooting, and passing are all average with lots of room to develop.


    430 words

  7. Thor Reingaard, an up-and-coming player in the VHL’s S91 class has just found his way to the minors which will hopefully be the beginning of the journey to playing in the VHL. The odds of Thor accomplishing this were thought to be impossible when he first started playing hockey. Though Greenland has suitable weather for sustaining rinks and such, the spirit of the sport is not so loved. Most kids in Greenland preferred to play handball and other more popular European activities. Thor, his brother Leif, and distant cousin Lionel Collberg however had a different passion, that being for hockey.


    Greenland however doesn’t actually have any hockey arenas, with possibly the closest options for a hockey arena being northern Canada or Iceland. So the occasion of when the three passionate players got to actually be in a hockey arena, was rare. To fill the void pond hockey was the obvious solution with the winters being plenty cold on Kulusuk Island, located on the southeastern part of the country's territory. With the convenience of water being all around them, it was, however, tough to find players and so Thor, Leif, and Lionel would oftentimes play each other 1v1v1 in a true competitive king of the hill kind of way.


    Thor’s spring and summer time was mainly spent in Iceland playing in local tournaments for whatever team he could be accepted on. His winter “training” showed and helped him dominate the youth tournaments with his exceptional faceoff ability and handles all learned from playing against Leif and Lionel. Eventually, Thor hit a growth spurt growing quite taller and bigger than most of the kids at his level and so he was moved up an age class for some more competition, but even that wasn’t enough. In order for Thor to be able to follow his passion and play against adequate competition, instead of flying from his town's airport and heading east to Iceland, he’d have to make the more costly trip west, to Canada.


    Ahead of time, Thor signed up for as many showcase camps as he could find, filled in for any team he had time for, and his hard work/dominance got him noticed. From early spring when he had arrived in the land of syrup to July, Thor had caused enough noise and gained enough attention to get his first major opportunity to play in the Brick Invitational. After playing in the tournament and performing better than others but not quite outstanding, Thor disappeared back to Greenland.


    The trip to Canada was a costly one, and not one that they could do every year, and so Thor went back into his routine of wintertime pond hockey in Greenland then summertime hockey in Iceland for a few more years. Never getting bored of the routine, training tediously, people around the town would sometimes come out and watch along the shoreline as Thor practiced with his brother and cousin. Thor’s reputation slowly built throughout Greenland and Iceland and then after simply a matter of time, Thor became eligible for some junior league drafts.


    Most teams had forgotten about him on the Canadian mainland since his moment at the Brick Invitational. But Thor reached out to scouts, messaged coaches, sent highlights, anything to get him noticed. Most Canadian junior teams passed on him in their drafts, not even giving Thor a chance just from his lack of “actual competition.” That would however change when in a prayer-being-answered moment in the 8th round of the Ontario Hockey League the Soo Greyhounds decided to pick Thor, ironically the team had similar colors to Greenland’s flag.

    Thor went to the Greyhounds training camp and to the surprise of the staff, dominated. Thor undoubtedly made the roster and was placed on the 2nd line where he would eventually improve to the 1st line as a star 16-year-old player playing his first full year of what could be considered actual hockey. Thor’s strengths from when he was young were still very apparent, dominating the faceoff circle, and creating opportunities with his game sense and exceptional handles. Thor’s reputation back home skyrocketed, not even being a full-fledged pro yet but already the crown jewel of the town with his games being played on every television no matter the time.


    After two short years, making the playoffs once but not getting too far, Thor turned 18 and was eligible for a contract in the VHLM. The scouts had noticed and he had the opportunity to pick any team he essentially wanted. Considering the Aces and the Marlins, until he eventually decided to reunite with his brother and cousin in Philadelphia. In his first game for the Reapers, Thor started strong winning the majority of his faceoffs and notching an assist in his first-ever game in the VHLM.


    Though early Thor is expected to be one of the top players of his class with Leif and Lionel not far behind. Who knows what the future holds for this young prospect.


    837 Words

  8. 2 minutes ago, Banackock said:

    Apple is creating a new iPhone based around the VHL. Are you able to give us details about it?

    Reminds me of a couple of years ago when the Iphone X I think was coming out, that or the 8 line. A guy's daughter I think posted a video of the phone that he had because he was an employee but it wasn't out yet, got him fired LMAO

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