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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. I appreciate the shoutout! I hope the Titan's locker room is doing well!
  2. I used to ski a lot when I was a kid. I really want to get back into it. We are saving up for some kayaks, next it will be skis.
  3. This is pretty much what I've been doing as well. I love hiking and biking, not so much running though. Getting 1/4 of a cow has allowed me to cook quite a few new beef dishes, which I've enjoyed!
  4. Hey everyone! As we each sit back and look at the effect that COVID-19 has had on our world we often talk about the economy, how life is no longer "normal," and how frustrated we each tend to be feeling. One thing that is often over looked is mental health. Understand that we are creatures who desire to be together, who long for community. It's hard to break away from that, especially when it's because of something we can't really control. This lack of control, and isolation, creates a dangerous concoction which can often lead to poor physical and mental health. I've only been here for a couple of months, but I value this community, and I care about each of you deeply. So, I wanted to bring up two things... 1) My profession allows for me to spend a lot of time listening to people and being a shoulder to lean/cry on. If you need that from me do not hesitate to ask, I'm here for you. I'll happily message you when I can, talk to you on the phone, or even video chat with you. I'm open to listen to anything you have to say. 2) What are you doing to keep a positive frame of mind during all of this? Are there any new hobbies you are trying? What is it that makes your mental health better? This league is great, and we often spend a lot of time talking with one another, but that doesn't mean it's reserved for hockey, memes, and jokes about @Beaviss (love you bro). We can be a great support system for one another, and don't ever forget that! Never be afraid to reach out for help. There is no shame in it.
  5. Among the best, sure, but now better than Sales!
  6. Hey! I've got my first career shutout...on 9 shots for 3 periods lol
  7. (D) Edwin THE Encarnacion (G) Kevin Malone @Josh x2
  8. lol they were good thoughts indeed. I appreciate the feedback, just helping you dive deeper into my mind...
  9. I kept the spaces blank on purpose. This is supposed to be a computer wallpaper, and in my own personal preferences I like to have a lot of space, but that's just me. I actually looked up "Pirate Fonts" on google, and this is one that came up.
  10. Owen Nolan (F) Odin Omdahl (D) @Josh
  11. I'm really happy with how this turned out. I liked toying with the Miami city view and searching for various fonts. I did A LOT of new things regarding "photoshop" for this wallpaper. Recoloring! Transforming the logo and making it appear more to be as if it were originally on the sweater and helmet. Put a mask layer over Sales (Murray) that gave it the scratch look. Downloaded new fonts! I learned a lot today, and really enjoyed doing this. I've heard some great suggestions, but am always looking for more. If you'd like, feel free to make a suggestion and then show what you mean (I'm a visual guy). For example, @Enorama suggested a blurred edge and some "lighting" over the player. I've messed with that a bit, but still couldn't envision what you were saying. I'm not asking you to do it for me, but providing an example or something would help my mind work through it. All in all, thanks everyone for anything you say, hope you enjoy!
  12. No, it's basically a participation trophy
  13. I originally voted 4, I'm voting for 5 now!
  14. You heard it right. I used to be in prison, it's where I learned how to play hockey. They called me Prison Mike because I used to be known as Michael Scott. But, after I got out of prison I took on a new identity, Thadius Sales. Check out my aliases in my sig.
  15. Part of my heart will always reside in Halifax. I'm glad to have won, but sad it was against you bby
  16. Oof, I didn't realize we couldn't change our votes. RIP
  17. I'm gonna make a petition on change.org Petition: Allow the creator of 5 to do a logo swap and we'll vote for it! Like to agree
  18. For sure. If 5 happens to pull in the win, I'm all for the creator making the logo swap real quick lol
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