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Posts posted by tinafrombobsburgers

  1. This is very sick for a desperation a “attempt” your effects are otherworldly and go absolutely perfect with the Bulls logo! I like the colour you used for your font more then the font itself but it still works with everything going on! The different colour jersey to helmet is throwing me off a little bit but can’t complain too much cause this is fun to look at!



  2. Review: this is ridiculously cool graphic, your effects and background go really well with your goalie!! Love the idea of the goalie grabbing at the lighting or maybe being pulled towards it 👀 either way it’s sick! And the logo swap is very well placed considering how much is going on! 


  3. 9 hours ago, Greg_Di said:



    1. What Wrangler player is most likely to drop the gloves during the game to protect our players?


    2. Its Christmas time in the VHL! Will you be participating in any of the activities that are currently happening? 


    3. The Wranglers have been approached by multiple companies to become our new sponsors, who do you think should be our main sponsor?


    4. If you could change one thing about the VHL, what would that be?


    5.  Out of the VHL league leaders in points, who are you most surprised to see?


    6. What is the one personal item you refuse to share with anyone?

    1. Phil Johnson mostly because he’s a freak and wants to love us so much!


    2. most definitely! VHL does a great job during the holidays of giving back!


    3. Smokes poutinery! Can sell it at the arena and we can be the brst Wrangler Poutine in NA.


    4. Maybe a program to encourage or guide more managers for future jobs! Seems as if we always have more jobs then people. 

    5. Moreau, even tho I have him in fantasy so I’m happy :)!


    6. My Girlfriend for the most part

  4. Review: this is great man! Awesome first attempt at a graphic! Much better then mine!  Your entire work is bright and vibrant! Like your colour swap on the jersey! And your use of the city on the top! Logo backdrop behind your logo looks great! Don’t love the green with the font chosen as it’s a little hard to read at the angle especially! But overall great work! 


  5. Review! This is solid banner!! Love the colours you used as this entire graphic really pops off the screen! I think having the VHL at the top and VHLE in the middle would obviously flow better and your iron eagles logo swap is a bit off while the other team look great! Love the idea of having the team name on the sides like that! 


  6. 23 hours ago, Greg_Di said:



    1. Calgary has slid down from 1st to 5th in the North American conference after a 6 game losing streak, what do we need to do to turn that around?


    2. How does your player stay motivated through a rough stretch where nothing seems to go right?


    3. Fans have recently started throwing jerseys on the ice due to the losing streak, what is your players reactions to this? 


    4. Who has been the most underrated player on the team this season in your opinion and why do you think they are underrated?


    5.  Where do you see yourself 3-4 seasons from now? Will you still be playing in the VHL or will you have already retired?


    6. You're a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

    1. a few changes in strategy might do the trick but our players are getting chances just not converting! They can turn this around!


    2. Perry likes to spend these times making sure the younger players spirits are high! Take them away from the rink do other things away from hockey! Once you start overthinking itll get worse.


    3. Their jersey their choice ;) but it’s tough to see cause they deserve better as a fan base, we need to do better.


    4. Nasherov, maybe underrated coming into the season but no longer! He has been absolutely fire all season long! Consistency is key!!


    5. Perry will be retired hopefully laying on a beach for a season or two and then get into management with the wrangles organization.


    6. Smokey, cause it sounds cool and spooky. 

  7. 8 hours ago, Shindigs said:

    The angle is brutal. In the original picture the Hurricanes logo looks off too. Because it's one of those angles that makes it looks like it isn't centered, even though it clearly was. The size of the Marauders logo is actually the exact same height the Canes logo was (also centered on the same spot). But yeah it looks a bit off, but as mentioned so did the actual logo. So might just be what happens when a jersey is in that position?

    Yes most likely! You did a great job at it honestly

  8. Review: this is a solid graphic! So much to love! Integrating all three jerseys including your alternate with your captains it a great touch! Logo swaps are good overall! I like the idea of having a logo behind as the backdrop but with all the colour it takes away from the renders and it’s a little too busy! It is also hard to read your font! But overall love this idea !! 


  9. 6 hours ago, Greg_Di said:



    1. Calgary is off to a hot start! What do you think are the main reasons for this?


    2. Who will finish in the top 3 for points on the Wranglers this season?


    3. How are you feeling about your player's start to the season? 


    4. How did you do in last seasons VHFL? Do you think you will do better this season?


    5.  The Wranglers secret santa is a few weeks away, list who you got and what did you get them?


    6. Is there such a thing as fate or destiny, or do we make our own future?

    1. Everyone has boughten in! Ricer has a goal and a plan on how it will all work! Perry and other vets lead that plan in the room and on the ice! The young stars are impressing early!


    2. Johnson, Perry, Nasherov


    3. It has been okay, but after a career year last season, and with all the talent around him now perry is okay with being the reliable offensive presence but not necessarily main guy if that’s what it takes to win! 

    4. finished with 5 points I think 3rd or 4th place! I think my team is very solid this year and I expect to do very well!


    5. I see what you’re doing, nice try! It’s a secret! But let me tell you my secret Santa is getting a very good gift. 

    6. Don’t mistake coincidence for fate!!!!! 

  10. This is siiiiiiiick!!! Your render placement along with your logo swap work well! (Not to mention the sick new logo) I like what you’ve done with the effects! I think it works well with your font used and render overall! I really don’t have any complaints! Can’t wait to see more! 9/10

  11. Review: this is a solid graphic!! Your double render is a solid choice and I think your logo swaps are clean and stand out! Your backdrop of Seattle and the team logo works well without being too busy! I think the font used is a little hard to read with the backdropped used and could have stood out better! Overall solid work!! 


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