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Posts posted by NSG

  1. So, I was the postman! In the Spirit of my green-ness and rookie-ness, sent a message to Lefty asking about his night actions. Then I sent some message from OMG to MMFLEX, which is fucked, because one is dead and the other is the hangman lmao. Ricer was my first GM so I trust him enough to...



  2. 6 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) Valentine's Day is coming up! What presents are you getting for your coaches? 

    2) How are you going to spend the weekend? 

    3) What is more important, scoring a goal, or blocking a shot?
    4) If you had to be an animal for a day, what would you pick?

    5) Give me your best impression of Rayz. 

    6) Looking ahead to the next couple of games, which, if any, worry you?

    7) What is your biggest sports fear?



    1. Nothing that I can think of lmao

    2. Playing a cocker tournament in Montgomery.

    3. Blocking a shot, obviously.

    4. Cat. I could catch up on some sleep lol

    5. (Heart Reaction)

    6. Miami. Do we have Miami? Idk

    7. Tearing an ACL


  3. Tibet? Tibet?? Tibet??? Why the fuck would Henry Tucker, hotshot prospect for the Vancouver Wolves slated to make his debut next year, go to Tibet? Well, one answer: Because Tucker in Tibet sounds better than, say, Tucker in Brazil, or Tucker in Hong Kong. So, anyways, Tucker went to Tibet.541DA17E-A291-4AB4-8CFE-C498BED6DF15.jpeg.85d91bcc05815f38c2b32383ba9c30ea.jpeg


    So, Tucker packed his bags, in his hockey bag, thanks to some inspiration by @Trunkxolotl’s article about using your hockey bag as a suitcase, and headed off. The flight was long, but, finally, Henry landed in Djibouti. He was a little confused, because he remembered reading that he was going to a beautiful and cold mountain range. Why he was in a flat and hot desert was a mystery. He soon figured out the problem: He had hit the wrong button on his phone, so he went to Djibouti instead of Nepal. Thankfully, he got a refund, and continued on his way.


    Now, a couple days and 2 delays later, he arrived in Nepal. He was pretty pumped to be there, cause, Y’know, it’s a really chill place. Sadly, Tucker forgot to get winter clothes, so, arriving in the middle of winter, he was pretty cold. He had to go get a lot of sweatshirts at a local bar, but he was still freezing his ass off. However, Henry thought he was a macho man, so he continued on with his trip. He decided to climb a 11,000 foot mountain with a guide, and all he did was fall down a few crevasses, but thankfully, he didn’t get injured in the process. He wanted to climb Everest, but his GM, @Rayzor_7 called him up and said, in effect, “No, you’re not climbing Everest.”


    After that, Henry decided that he would just chillax in some bars, maybe go to a nightclub or 2. And so he did. However, he got in his, er, happy place, after 3 beers and crashed the buggy he was riding back to his cottage. He had to spend a few days in the hospital, but he was fine. Word got around fast, though, and before he knew it, @Mr_Hatter and @Beaviss were on the phone, threatening to trade him if he didn’t cut the shenanigans. Tucker remembered that he came here so he could get 6 Uncapped TPE for Theme Week, so he sobered up fast. For the rest of that trip, he only drank non-alcoholic local beverages and some Pepsi. He enjoyed the rest of the trip, before beginning a very, very, very long trip home.


    This time, Henry hit the right button on his phone, so he went straight to the U.S. instead of making an unwanted pitstop in Andorra or Italy or something like that. The trip was over at last, and Henry needed a day to recharge his batteries. Thankfully, Minnesota had an off day, so he just rested up before taking the ice again. He got 1 goal and 1 assist in his 2nd game back, giving him 45 points through the first 40 games, more points than he had scored in his first 103 games (44). It’s a pretty good season, and it should be, since he’s at 250 TPE and ready to make his VHL debut next year.


    539 words

  4. 4 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

    As an aside, I'm not sure if there's any here but in ToS proper there's some actions you need to know the results from discord before you post for the day (primarily if you're blackmailed and not able to post for the day, but also the results from night actions in general). If you won't be able to check discord before getting on the site in the morning, you may want to talk to Berocka to see if he can PM you any important messages from the night results so you don't make any mistakes.

    Aight, that sounds good.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

    This should be fun!

    Can’t argue with that.


    With all my luck, I’ll be one of the following.


    Demolitions Expert who blows up a townsman

    Two Truths and a Lie Person who chooses the lies lol

  6. 3 hours ago, Ricer13 said:




         Hi there, my name is Ricer and I am the General Manager of the Miami Marauders. Also a member of the GREENLAND family! We have an opening on our TOP PAIR that is up for grabs and we would like to offer it to you. 

          Miami is a relatively new franchise only being around for a few seasons now. Right from season one we have build an amazing atmosphere around our team. Each player that comes into Miami loves being there and usually stick around even after they have move up to the VHL. We consider it a family and we would love have you become a part of that family. As a new member I am sure you will have lots of questions about how the league works and whether you decide to join us or not I will be around to answer any questions you might have. Please feel free to DM me at anytime.


          To accept our offer just quote this offer and type “ACCEPT” I will then be able to get you into our locker room and get a contract sent you you right away.





    Miami Marauders GM

    I, as a former Marauder, highly recommend Miami as your destination, they have a top pair opening and they’re a contending team (won the championship in S74 and made the quarterfinals last year, also are having a good season), and the Discord is quite plainly electric. Ricer’s a constant presence and likes to talk there.


    So, yeah, Miami is a really good place to go.

  7. This is our 2nd VHL.com article following Henry Tucker while he’s in the minors.


    Just 1 year after Minnesota was a pain in the ass to play with (sorry @Rayzor_7 and @Mr_Hatter, it was painful), though the Locker Room was fun. Now, though, the LR is still fun, but we actually win! Henry is trying to get his SC up to 80, because it’s currently conflicting with his Passing in the sim engine :(. He’d like to thank @Ricer13 for telling him that on the Discord a few nights ago, but he’s still not doing bad for a 2nd liner, with 6 GLS, 23 AS through 26 games with 73 hits. However, 43 PIM is a problem, but he’s just living life as an enforcer. Every team needs them, and Minnesota is no exception. 

    If all his updates get approved, Tucker will be at 250 TPE, which will mean one of 3 things. I gave them a % chance of happening.


    1. He gets a late season call up (Chances: 1%)

    2. He begins playing in Vancouver next year (Chances: 40%)

    3. He gets traded to a team that has roster space (Chances: 60%)

    If you liked this article, give it a heart. If not, give it a trash bin reaction.


    211 words


  8. 4 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:


    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE

    1) Who has been the most important offensive contributor in our squad this season?

    2) What about defensive? 

    3) Are hot dogs a sandwich?

    4) Who is your pick for VHLM MVP trophy this season based off performances so far?
    5) How many, if any, awards do you think Minnesota players will win?

    6) Which would you prefer, do keep the game winning puck from the final game in a cup final, or hoist the cup first?

    7) What do you envision our team mascot being?

    1. The guy who has the most points, most likely.

    2. Tater Tot!!!

    3. If you flip them sideways.

    4. Grapes!!

    5. 2 awards, why not?

    6. Keep the game winning puck, but only if I put it in the back of the net :)

    7. A cyclone, I guess.


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