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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. 10 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

    The little Machop looks around in bewilderment as the fellow denizens of the cave vanish in impossible seeming balls around it.


    ”Sorry little chap,” the old man said to it as he menaced toward it with the strange BJ plant. “There’s only so much room at the lab.”


    The Level 20 Bellsprout spews corrosive purple liquid over the Machop, and the party goes back to Pallet Town to sleep off the night.

    Bellsprout stares at the Machop writhing in agony. It's extra creepy since Machop kind of looks like a person. But Bellsprout keeps staring and staring and staring until suddenly, Bellsprout begins to change!


    Bellsprout gains 1 level. Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell!

    You gain $130

  2. 58 minutes ago, Enorama said:

    Oh damn did not realize it was 4 actions and not 3.


    Use action 4 to explore Mt. Moon. Hopefully you can process my other actions so I know exactly what mons I have to battle with at this stage.

    You encounter

    Geodude lv 13

    Onix lv 16

    Geodude lv 15

  3. 32 minutes ago, Enorama said:

    Buy EXP share and equip on Magikarp.


    Action 1: Explore Saffron City

    Attempt to capture an Eevee using all Pokeballs if one is encountered. If an Eevee is not encountered or is captured and other balls are left over, attempt to capture a Pikachu. 

    Use Ekans to battle whichever Pokemon are left, starting with the highest level one.


    Action 2: Work


    IF Pikachu was not captured earlier, buy a Pikachu egg.

    Purchase as many Pokeballs as we can afford.


    Action 3: Fish

    If Squirtle is encountered, use all balls to attempt to capture it.

    Use Ekans to battle whichever Pokemon are left, starting with the highest level one.

    You bought exp share and gave to magikarp

    In Saffron City you encounter...

    Pikachu lv 16

    Koffing lv 19

    Meowth lv 13

    You attempt to capture Pikachu. Takes 6 tries but you get it! Team Rocket FINALLY captures Pikachu!


    Ekans vs Koffing (another team rocket classic?)

    Koffing and Ekans look fairly foolish battling each other. The battle goes back and forth until Koffing is barely the victor! Though with just 1.76 HP remaining.

    Next you send out Dratini! He finishing Koffing off.

    Meowth next faces Dratini, but is no match.


    Magikarp gains 9 levels! Magikarp evolves into Gyarados!

    You gain $234


    Working you gain $723

    Good think you caught that Pikachu! Now you can buy... 15 Pokeballs! Plus the 5 cent paper bag fee.


    Time to Fish!

    Poliwag lv 14

    Poliwag lv 18

    Magikarp lv 16


    A modest catch. Ekans gets to work...

    Ekans takes out the first Poliwag fairly efficiently

    Next in level is magikarp. Easy!

    Finally the last Poliwag... He beats Ekans!

    Random number generator says you send out... Pikachu!

    Pikachu's type advantage makes it easy.


    Ekans gains 6 levels. Ekans evolves into Arbok!

    Pikachu gains 2 levels

    Gyarados is too high of a level compared to Ekans and Pikachu, so the EXP share does not work if that was your intention.


    You gain $275

  4. 2 hours ago, Berocka said:

    Run it back same way


    Geodude rock slide

    Rhyhorn rock slide if geodude faints

    Charmeleon flamethrower if they both faint


    Fight the pokemon in this order

    fire pokemon highest level first then work way down, then any non fire type pokemon lowest level first

    Only 1 more visit to Cinnabar Island, and you will have filled out your punch card for a free Cinnabon!


    While there you find...

    Ponyta lv 13

    Growlithe lv 20

    Gastly lv 11


    Geodude 20 - takes out growlithe. Gains 3 levels

    Rhyhorn 24 - takes out both Ponyta and Gastly. Gains 2 levels


    You gain $366


  5. 3 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    “WOW,” Professor Oak said. “These tassels cost far more than I expected! At least they came with these 2 great balls and I think 4 Pokeballs.”


    After getting launched off his bike after hitting a Geodude, he’ll get up and start tossing Pokeballs at it in frustration. All balls if necessary.


    Assuming the rock doesn’t suck all the balls, he’ll use great balls on Level 20 Machop.

    Geodude lv 18 - first throw!

    Machop lv 10

    Machop lv 20 - 2nd throw


  6. 31 minutes ago, dlamb said:

    Rare Candy on Charmander

    Purchase a Pikachu egg


    4th Action - Work


    I need to double check, but I think I had you using your 4th Action already.


    Charmander Evolves into charmeleon and you buy a Pikachu egg!

  7. 12 minutes ago, Berocka said:

    Run it back again, go to the island and use the following

    Geodude rock slide

    Rhyhorn rock slide if geodude faints

    Charmeleon flamethrower if they both faint


    Fight the pokemon in this order

    fire pokemon highest level first then work way down, then any non fire type pokemon lowest level first

    You encounter...


    Geodude lv 19

    Ponyta lv 10

    Gastly lv 20


    So your order would be

    Ponyta lv 10

    Geodude lv 19

    Gastly lv 20


    Geodude 19

    Rhyhorn 16

    Charmeleon 21


    Geodude defeats the ponyta easily. Then the 2 lv 19 Geodudes go back and forth trading ineffective weak hits against their tanky opponent. The wild Geodude wins after 14 rounds.....


    Rhyhorn defeats the Geodude. Then Rhyhorn also defeats the Gastly!


    Geodude gains 1 level

    Rhyhorn gains 8 levels!


    You gain $381

  8. 2 hours ago, dlamb said:

    Gyarados Hydro Pump on Ponyta & Growlithe!

    I'm pretty sure I have 6 great balls, catch that Charmander for me please. If you burn through all the balls, Gyarados Hydro Pump.


    EXP Share on Gastly still btw.

    Growlithe lv 16

    Ponyta lv 13

    Charmander lv 17 - first throw!


    Hydro Pump wipes out the fire pokemon easily!


    You earn $231.


    Gastly gains 2 levels

  9. 2 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    “Wow!” Professor Oak says, observing a derpy fish transform into a ferocious dragon. 

    He spends his 4th Action Point taking notes at the biological anomaly and doing WORK.


    Afterward, he hops on his new bicycle, drives to the Pokemart to buy some sweet pink handlebar tassels and an as yet to be determined amount of balls.


     Then, he’ll use his 5th and final action point to bring his fab looking bike to EXPLORE Mt. Moon.


    EDIT: Adventuring squad consists of 

    Level 20 Bellsprout 

    Level 21 Gyarados

    Level ?? Eevee

    You show up super early to work thanks to your bike, so your boss pays you $704.


    At the Pokemart, the pink handlebar tassels cost hundreds of dollars. Fortunately though they come with free yet to be determined number of pokeballs.


    Biking up the hill to get to Mt Moon, you feel especially proud as you pedal frantically to make minimal progress in first gear. At the entrance of the caves you encounter...


    Geodude lv 18

    Machop lv 10

    Machop lv 20

  10. 2 hours ago, Berocka said:

    Geodude rock slide

    Rhyhorn rock slide if geodude faints

    Charmeleon flamethrower if they both faint


    Vs them in the order you posted

    Growlithe lv 13 - wrecked by geodude

    Growlithe lv 20 - geodude takes him down half way. Rhyhorn finishes the job

    Gastly lv 15 - rhyhorn faints, but Charmeleon mops up



    Geodude gains 1 level

    Rhyhorn gains 5 levels

    Charmeleon gains 1 level


    You gain $361

  11. 3 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

    Catch Abra with Greatball

    Catch Meowth with Greatball

    Fight Ekans with Charmeleon using Flamethrower and Eevee lvl 23 if Charm faint

    Meowth lv 19 - 2nd throw

    Ekans lv 17 - wrecked by charmeleon

    Abra lv 18 - first throw!


    You gain $96. Charmeleon gains 2 levels.

  12. 3 hours ago, rory said:

    EXP share Ivysaur


    Gengar shadow balls Lapras > Ekans > Rhyhorn

    If gengar goes down, Ivysaur will razor leaf lapras and rhyhorn and ponyta will flamethrower ekans

    Ekans lv 12

    Lapras lv 19 

    Rhyhorn lv 11


    Gengar wrecks them all! Easily!


    Ivysaur gains 3 levels


    you gain $552

  13. 2 hours ago, dlamb said:

    Ah I see, thanks! Good shit Ivysaur.


    2nd AP - Work
    Purchase an SS Ticket & 5 Great Balls

    3rd AP - Explore Cinnabar island


    Exp Share now on Gastly instead of Gyarados. 

    You earn $569!

    After your purchases, you have $1225 remaining.


    On Cinnabon island, you find...


    Growlithe lv 16

    Ponyta lv 13

    Charmander lv 17

  14. 5 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

    Catch Squirtle

    Battle lv 10 Poliwag with Jynx

    Battle lv 20 Poliwag with Meowth 

    Poliwag lv 10

    Poliwag lv 20

    Squirtle lv 17


    You catch Squirtle on the first try!


    Jynx and Meowth have no trouble.

    Jynx gains 1 level

    Meowth gains 2 levels


    You gain $246

  15. 10 hours ago, omgitshim said:

    Action 3: Work

    Action 4: Challenge Agatha


    Exp Share on Ivysaur


    Gyarados uses Hyper Beam against Umbreon.

    Continue to use Hyper Beam against Arbok. If Gyarados faints, Ivysaur cleans up with Body Slam.

    Ivysaur uses Razor Leaf against Gengar, the Poliwhirl uses Water Pulse (Gyarados would use Dragon Rush if it gets a chance to attack but I don't think it will).

    You earn $606.


    Agatha says nothing as you approach. She simply glowers at you and sends out her Umbreon.


    Umbreon is tanky, but doesn't do much damage with its attacks. Hyper Beam chews through it eventually.


    Still wordless, Agatha sends out Arbok. Gyarados weaknes Arbok, and then Ivysaur finishes the job.


    Finally Gengar takes out Ivysaur and Poliwhirl easily with Dark Pulse and Poison Jab


    Ivysaur gains 7 levels

  16. 4 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Pokeball on exeggcute, followed by great balls

    Abra same after.


    If balls run out, i will provide battle instructions

    Eevee lv 14


    Exeggcute lv 15 - first pokeball!

    Abra lv 18 - first pokeball! wow you've got some good aim.


  17. 6 hours ago, Berocka said:

    @Ptyrell Can I also use the rare candy on Charmander (if this applies before the fight use scratch)

    Sorry I saw this after. Feel free to edit your post if it hasn't been processed yet. Your Charmander gained max levels, so actually worked out better that you didn't use the rare candy.

  18. 8 hours ago, Berocka said:

    Use Geodude Rock attack on Ponyta, then Growlithe lv 20 then the lesser growlithe, if he faints use Rhyhorn Rock attack, if he faints use charmander tackle

    Ponyta lv 10

    Growlithe lv 12

    Growlithe lv 20


    Geodude lv 15

    Rhyhorn lv 11


    Geodude takes out Ponyta in 2 hits and the first Growlithe in 4 hits



    Geodude gains 3 levels

    Charmander gains 5 levels.


    Charmander evolves into Charmeleon!


    You gain $374

  19. 8 hours ago, Doomsday said:


    Kadabra wastes both Koffings easily with Psybeam. 


    Exeggcute can finish Gastly with a combination of the two moves. 

    Koffing lv 20

    Koffing lv 13

    Gastly lv 10


    Kadabra and Exeggcute destroy them all the while staring at a spoon.

    Kadabra gains 3 levels

    Exeggcute gains 1 level


    You gain $366

  20. 9 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    I’ll throw balls at the Level 20 Bellsprout to try to upgrade. Failing that, I’ll have Bellsprout push psychedelics on it until it passes out, and then I’ll have Eevee finish it off.


    Then, regardless of the above outcome, have Eevee murder the Level 14 Bellsprout 

    Bellsprout lv 20

    Pikachu lv 11 - ran away

    Bellsprout lv 14 

    (Exp Share on magikarp)


    You catch the lv 20 Bellsprout on the first try!


    Eevee murders the lv 14 Bellsprout, wipes off its prints, and flees the crime scene.


    Magikarp gains 2 levels. Magikarp evolves into Gyarados!


    You gain $112.

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