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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. 6 hours ago, rory said:

    Rare candy to Ponyta, buy TM blizzard for Venusaur


    A1: Agatha


    Rapidash megahorn nukes Umbreon, fire blasts Arbok

    Gengar shadow balls Gengar

    Venusaur shouldn't have to fight but blizzard if he does lol


    A2: Lance


    Gengar thunders Gyarados and Charizard

    Venusaur blizzards Dragonite


    A3: Explore safari zone

    Ponyta evolves into Rapidash! Our first of the game!

    pokemon jinx GIF


    Venusaur learns Blizzard. That's pretty cool if you ask me.


    Against Agatha...

    Rapidash's Megahorn evaporates Umbreon! Then Fire Blast takes out Arbok as well!

    Then Gengar Shadow Balls Gengar into oblivion.


    You've defeated Agatha!

    Rapidash gains 4 levels. Gengar gains 5.


    But you're not done yet! Time to take on Lance!

    Gengar takes out both Gyarados and Charizard with Thunder! Quite an effective TM!

    Then Venusaur 1 shots the level 55 Dragonite with Blizzard! TM Domination!


    Gengar gains 6 levels and Venusar gains 5.


    You've defeated all 4 members of the Elite 4!


    In the Safari Zone you discover...

    Exeggcute lv 18

    Exeggcute lv 22

    Electabuzz lv 24

  2. 7 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    Professor Oak upon Entering the Safari Zone:

    Big Cats GIF by NETFLIX


    Let's start with Pokeballs at Rhyhorn, move to Great balls if need be.

    Then Great Balls at Eggs, move to Pokeballs, THEN ULTRA BALLS I GUESS if need be


    Assuming I catch the Rhyhorn, I'll equip the Exp Share on Abra, then use Rhyhorn to safely murder the Electabuzz. If I fail to catch Rhyhorn, I'll have Golem do the deed instead.


    Then I'll probably shop again for an as yet determined amount and quality of balls before


    Action 2: Explore Safari Zone

    Rhyhorn lv 20 - you catch on the 3rd throw

    Exeggcute lv 14 - 1st throw

    Electabuzz lv 16 - murdered by Rhyhorn.


    Abra gains 2 levels. Abra evolves into Kadabra! You gain $110.


    Now I have to expand how much space I made in the spreadsheet for pokemon, because you are catching more than I anticipated people would!

  3. 7 hours ago, omgitshim said:


    Use Great Ball, then Poke Balls on the Lv 19 Squirtle.


    If I catch it, use it against the Magikarp, then Venusaur against the Squirtle.

    If I don't catch it, Venusaur takes out all 3.

    Magikarp lv 19

    Squirtle lv 14

    Squirtle lv 19


    You catch the Squirtle with the Greatball. Squirtle then beats the Magikarp and gains 3 levels. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle!

    Venusaur fights the other squirtle for 1 level.

    You gain $182

  4. 7 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

    Use final Pokeball if not able to catch use Wartortle with Water pulse

    Gastly lv 20 - caught

    Rhyhorn lv 17

    Machop lv 22


    Your final pokeball is unsuccessful. You defeat rhyhorn with wartortle and machop with charmeleon. Both gain 2 levels, and you gain $251.

  5. 5 hours ago, Enorama said:

    Action 1: Explore Saffron City

    Gyarados kills everything


    Action 2: Explore Saffron City

    Gyarados kills everything


    Action 3: Challenge Agatha

    EXP Share on Gyarados

    Lead Venusaur to solar beam until dead

    Next Gyarados to hydro pump until dead

    Finally Espeon to psychic until dead


    You decide to go on a murdering rampage in the city of Saffron. Whoever or whatever you met was going to get a faceful of hyper beam. First you find... Pikachu, Gastly, and Meowth. Their levels are irrelevant compared to the might of Gyarados. You earn $426.

    Next you meed Koffing, Eevee, and Eevee. You ear $306.


    Against Agatha..

    Venusaur beats Umbreon.

    Gyarados beats Arbok.

    Espeon beats Gengar!

    9 levels to Gyarados.
    You've defeated Agatha!



  6. 4 minutes ago, Lemorse7 said:

    Use greatballs on Gastly and Rhyorn 


    Fight Machop with Charmeleon using flamethrower

    Gastly lv 20

    Rhyhorn lv 17

    Machop lv 22


    You catch Gastly on your 3rd throw. You are out of greatballs. Would you like to use your last pokeball on rhyhorn? And if unsuccessful, who will you battle it with?

  7. 1 hour ago, Doomsday said:


    Espeon uses Psychic on Lvl 24 Koffing.


    Jynx uses Psychic on Lvl 20, then Lvl 18 Koffing. Espeon may mop up whatever Jynx can't finish. 

    Espeon and Jynx have no trouble!


    Espeon gains 2 levels.

    Jynx gains 7 levels

    You gain $342

  8. 2 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Catch growlithe

    Catch ponyta

    Geodude rock throws charmander

    If faints machop kills charmander with low kicks

    Growlithe lv 14 - 3rd try

    Ponyta lv 14 - 1st try. Phew! Your last pokeball!

    Charmander lv 21


    Geodude covers Charmander in rocks! Gains 4 levels. You gain $119



  9. 2 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

    Eevee lv 21 catch greatball

    Eevee lv 20 catch greatball 

    Gastly with greatballs 


    If I run out of pokeballs fight Gastly Umbreon 


    Exp on Ekans 

    Gastly lv 16

    Eevee lv 21 - first throw

    Eevee lv 20 - 2nd throw


    You are out of greatballs. Did you want to use your final pokeball?


    If not, Umbreon gains 1 level and you gain $100

  10. 1 hour ago, omgitshim said:

    Action 1: Challenge Lance


    Venusaur Solar Beams against Gyarados, then Poison Jabs Charizard until it gets fried.


    Poliwrath comes in to Hydro Pump Charizard, then Dynamic Punches until Dragonite takes it out.


    Gyarados cleans up with Dragon Rush.

    Venusaur takes out Gyarados with Solar Beams without taking too much damage. Charizard fries it though, as you say.

    Poliwrath cools things off with Hydro Pump and Charizard goes down. Dragonite makes a strong show with Hyper Beam. However Gyarados's Dragon Rush overpowers it!


    You've defeated Lance! You've defeated the entire Elite 4! Now what???


    Venusaur gains 1 level

    Poliwrath gains 4 levels

    Gyarados gains 5 levels

  11. 4 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    A3: Attack Lance:

    Exeggcute - mega drain on gyarados, if he wins he will use confusion on Charizard
    Raichu takes over and Thunders the entire room, hoping to knock out some foes
    Once Raichu goes down, Gyarados comes in to try and finish everyone off. 
    He uses Hydro Pump on Charizard and Dragon Rush on Dragonite!

    Lance's Gyarados takes out Exeggcute easily with Hurricane. But Raichu comes in with the MIGHT OF THOR. THUNDER! Gyarados goes down.

    Charizard steps up to Fire Blast Raichu. It does barely enough damage to take Raichu out in one hit!

    Your Gyarados next... Hydro Pump is super effective! Charizard tries Hurricane. Gyarados stands in the midst of it and launches another Hydro Pump. The combo makes some crazy Typhoon! Charizard goes down.

    Dragonite is next and isn't messing around. It launches a Hurricane of its own and Gyarados goes down.


    "heh" Lance torts.


    Raichu gains 5 levels

    Gyarados gains 5 levels

  12. Rivals night!


    Ash Ketchum

    Ivysaur lv 32

    Gyarados lv 26

    Gengar lv 28


    Gary Oak

    Charmeleon lv 26

    Umbreon lv 28

    Glaceon lv 23


    Starter pokemon face off first, unfortunately for Ash! Ivysaurs body slams hurt, but Charmleon's flamethrower attacks are too strong. Gyarados cleans things up though.

    Umbreon and Gyarados start trading Dark Pulses and Hyper Beams. I bet you can guess what wins... Gyarados remains with 15 HP left! Glaceon takes him out, but loses the chance of a first strike.

    Gengar hits first with Shadow Ball. Glaceon returns the blow with a big Blizzard, but another Shadow Ball finishes the fight.

    Ash wins!


    Red also waits for Blue but nobody shows up. 


    Day 5 begins!

  13. Day 4 ends!


    As mentioned on Discord, inactive players will not count toward the final VP count. The VP tracker on the spreadsheet has been updated for this.


    Day 4 highlights:

    - We are now over halfway through the week!

    - Sabrina and Brock caught their 4th type fully evolved Pokemon. Koga is close behind

    - Prof Oak managed to catch two new Pokemon and evolve one all in one encounter

    - 7 trainers defeated Electabuzz

    - More trainers take on the Elite 4.


    Rivals face off tonight!

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