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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. 3 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

    Catch Ponyta with greatballs 

    Fight Charmander with Umbreon with Dark Pulse 

    Fight Ponyta with Wartortle with Waterpulse  finish with Charmeleon flamethrower if needed 


    Buy Evolution Ice stone and give it to Eevee 

    Ponyta lv 21

    Charmander lv 22

    Ponyta lv 21


    You catch ponyta on the first try!

    Umbreon and Wartortle have no troubles. Umbreon gains 2 level, and Wartortle gains 5!


    You gain $261


    You evolve eevee into Glaceon!


    glaceon GIF

  2. 4 hours ago, Doomsday said:


    Alakazam wastes all three with Psychic


    Action 2: Explore Safari Zone

    Eevee gains 3 levels

    You gain $325


    You find..

    Abra lv 18 (don't hurt me brother!)

    Jynx lv 18

    Lapras lv 16

  3. 8 hours ago, Berocka said:

    Catch the other Onix


    Rhydon uses Megahorn against Gastly and Onix if I don't catch it

    Gastly lv 19

    Onix lv 16

    Onix lv 20 - caught


    You catch the other Onix on your 2nd throw. You've caught 4 fully evolved Rock Pokemon!


    Rhyhon smokes gastly and gains 1 level. You gain $106

  4. 32 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Buy Thunderstone and evolve Pikachu to Raichu.

    A4: Challenge Bruno:


    Exeggcute lv 24 Mega Drains until death.

    Raichu lv 28 Thunders until death

    Gyarados lv 25 hurricanes until death

    Exeggute drains Onix and ends the battle at full HP!

    Poliwrath then begins punching and spewing water at Exeggcute, but not of his attacks are very effective! Poliwrath wins but with only 30 HP left.

    Raichu quickly ends him.

    Lastly Machamp takes out Raichu and face Gyarados. Machamp can't withstand the Hurricanes!


    You've defeated Bruno!

    Exeggute, Raichu, and Gyarados all gain 5 levels!

  5. 52 minutes ago, Berocka said:

    Action 2 Cinnebar


    Attack fire pokemon first, lowest to highest level then anything else


    Rhyhorn -> Rock Slide

    if Rhyhorn faints Golem -> Earth Quake

    if Golem faints Charmeleon -> Flamethrower


    SHOP -> Buy 4 Great Balls


    Action 3: Mt Moon


    Throw Great Balls at Onix if it shows up start at highest level if there is 2. I will make my decision on further moves after this. Thank you


    At Cinnabar you find

    Growlithe lv 22

    Ponyta lv 15

    Charmander lv 21


    A fairly strong group, but certainly no match for your Rhyhorn!

    Rhyhorn gains 3 levels. Rhyhorn evolves into Rhydon!

    man yo GIF


    You gain $390


    At Mt Moon you find..

    Gastly lv 19

    Onix lv 16

    Onix lv 20


    How'd you do that?


    You catch the Onix on the first throw.

  6. 59 minutes ago, rory said:

    Action 3: Challenge Lorelei


    Ponyta lv 34 flamethrowers

    Gengar lv 30 shadowballs Jynx, lightnings Lapras

    Venusaur lv 38 solarbeams 

    Ponyta melts Glaceon easily but falls to Jynx

    Gengar and Jynx have a heated battle, but Gengar prevails barely

    Lapras takes out Gengar, but can't withstand the solar beams!


    You've defeated Lorelei!


    Ponyta gains 2 levels

    Gengar gains 5 levels

    Venusaur gains 5 levels

  7. 1 hour ago, omgitshim said:


    Action 2: Challenge Agatha


    Poliwrath Dynamic Punches Umbreon.

    Poliwrath then Hydro Pumps Arbok.

    Poliwrath then tries to Hydro Pump Gengar. When that fails Gyarados uses Dragon Rush.

    Venusaur can throw Solar Beams if necessary. 

    You approach Agatha confidently. She sees you immediately. "Oh great, not this little bit-"


    You cut her off as you summon Poliwrath!


    Umbreon and Arbok both proceed to feel your Poliwrath. Gengar fights back but Gyarados finishes him off.


    You've defeated Agatha!


    Poliwrath gains 5 levels

    Gyarados gains 5 levels.

  8. 1 hour ago, Ricer13 said:

    Use great balls to catch lv 23 charmander


    use wartortle to battle lv 14 charmander and geodude 

    Charmander lv 14

    Charmander lv 23

    Geodude lv 20


    You catch Charmander on the first try!


    Wartortle easily beats the other two and gains 3 levels.

    You gain $240

  9. 2 hours ago, dlamb said:

    Action 1: explore mt. moon

    ivysaur razor leafs everything


    EXP share on Gastly

    Onix lv 22

    Geodude lv 13

    Geodude lv 15


    Razor Leaf destroys them all at 4x effectiveness!

    Gastly gains 7 levels.

    Gastly evolves into Haunter!

    Laugh Laughing GIF


    You gain $355

  10. 1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

    Action 1: Work


    Shop for 3 greatballs, 3 Pokeballs 


    Action 2: Explore more of Cinnabon

    You earn $850! Hard days work!


    At Cinnabon you find..

    Machop lv 13

    Geodude lv 17

    Gastly lv 20

  11. 53 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

    Action 1: Visit Cinnabar Island (buy pass if needed) 

    You buy a pass and head to Cinnabar Island. The captain looks at you confused, and wonders how you were able to ride the boat yesterday without a ticket...


    You find


    Charmander lv 14

    Charmander lv 23

    Geodude lv 20

  12. 56 minutes ago, Berocka said:

    Challenge electrabuzz


    Golem - earthquake

    Rhyhorn - rock slide

    Charmeleon - flamethrower


    Levels to rhyhorn 

    Golem solos the Electabuzz with 2 Earthquakes! 5 levels to Rhyhorn.


    You gain $500. You have almost $5000.

  13. 51 minutes ago, Enorama said:

    Action 1: Explore Mt. Moon

    Kill everything with my new Ivysaur.

    If anything is still standing, sub in the Eevee to finish.

    At Mt Moon you find

    Geodude lv 19

    Onix lv 14

    Machop lv 16


    Ivysaur defeats all 3 and gains 9 levels!

    You gain $346

  14. 50 minutes ago, rory said:

    Action 1: Attack Electabuzz


    Ivysaur razor leafs

    Ponyta flame throwers

    Gengar shadow ballz


    3 levels on Gengar, 2 on ponyta


    Action 2: Fight Lance!!

    EXP share Ivysaur


    Gengar thunders Gyrados

    we leave.

    It takes all 3 Pokemon, but you defeat Electabuzz! And apparently Electric is weak against Grass for some reason!


    Gengar gains 3 levels, Ponyta 2, and you get $500.


    You face Lance again! Gengar Thunders Gyarados easily.

    Ivysaur gains 5 levels.


    Ivysaur Evolves into Venusaur!

    Cartoon Pokemon GIF by Kennymays


    Gonna use this gif every time

  15. Team Rocket is on the loose again, determined not to come away empty handed tonight!


    Jesse @Enorama 

    Eevee lv 26

    Arbok lv 23

    Gyarados lv 29


    Gary Oak @Lemorse7

    Ivysaur lv 16 (the target)

    Umbreon lv 27

    Growlithe lv 15 (Jenny)


    Eevee hits Ivysaur with a series of tackles. The attack is relatively weak. Ivysaur responds with Razor Leaf. Despite the level difference, Ivysaur wins! Though with only 1.6 HP remaining. Arbok easily finishes it off.

    Umbreon is next. Fun fact: Umbreon has the highest HP modifier in the game thanks to its high def/sp def in the games.

    Umbreon attacks with Dark Pulse and Arbok retaliates with Sludge Bomb. Both Pokemon do about 42 damage per hit, but Umbreon wins with 96 HP remaining!

    Next up is Gyarados. Turns out it doesn't matter how tanky you are when you are being blasted by Hyper Beams! Gyarados wins on the second hit.

    Next up is Officer Jenny's Pokemon. But wait.. Officer Jenny is AFK! Gyarados wrecks the lv 15 Growlithe.


    Jesse has STOLEN Ivysaur! But Team Rocket isn't done yet...


    James @Ricer13

    Gyarados lv 27

    Meowth lv 25

    Wartortle lv 24


    Professor Oak @JardyB10

    Eevee lv 17 (the target)

    Gyarados lv 23

    Growlithe lv 15 (Jenny)


    Is this some sort of Team Rocket vendetta against the Oak family? The Professor studies his opponent and quickly feeds his Gyarados a Rare Candy.


    James' Gyarados opens things up by Hyper Beaming the living daylights of Eevee. One hit KO!

    Next Oak sends out his own OP water dragon thingy. They go back and forth trading Hyper Beams!

    Oak's strikes first doing 74.5 damage. James' responds with an 87.5 damage hit!

    Oak's Gyarados winds up to send another hyper beam.. but first! It eats a Sitrus berry and regains 60 HP!

    Then it blasts James' Gyarados into oblivion. Thanks to the berry, it still has 99 HP left!

    Next Meowth takes a swipe. It weakens the Gyarados, but Gyarados still stands to deliver another One hit KO Hyper Beam! Gyarados has 85.5 HP remaining.

    James sends out his last Pokemon!

    Wartortle uses.. Water Pulse! It isn't very effective.. Gyarados launches another Hyper Beam..  It does 74.5 damage! Wartortle again uses Water Pulse. Finally another Hyper Beam ends the fight!


    Professor Oak has PROTECTED his Eevee!


    In the distance, a thunderstorm can be seen! And in the center of it... a level 40 Electabuzz! Except this isn't a normal Electabuzz. This Electabuzz will use Body Slam against any ground type Pokemon. All others it will use Thunder per normal.

    Same rules as yesterday: 5/4/3 levels and $500/$600/$700 if you defeat it solo or as a team.



    Day 4 begins!

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