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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. 10 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

    Great balls then Pokeballs against Growlithe. If balls run out, Geodude throws rocks at it. Geodude will also throw rocks at the Ponyta to death.


    The Gastly I want to see some Gastly on Gastly Lick action 👅👅👅🥵


    And that’ll be my day, thank you for your service!

    You catch Growlithe on the 3rd throw!


    Geodude and Gastly have an exceptionally good time with their partners and gain 1 level each.

    You gain $271

  2. 18 minutes ago, dlamb said:

    Gyarados dragon rush on lv 16 drat + pikachu

    throw all my great balls at the lv 22 drat, if no catch, dragon rush

    exp share on gastly

    Dratini lv 22  - you catch on the first throw!

    Dratini lv 16

    Pikachu lv 19


    Pikachu does a fair amount of damage with thubdershock, but Gyarados beats em both. 2 levels to Gastly. $463 earned.

  3. 1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Buy 3 great balls

    Action 5: fishing


    Catch the highest dratini first , then squirtle if they appear

    Otherwise pikachu attacks the rest, with thunderbolt or if bellsprout appears, then gyarados with hurricane

    Fishing You find

    Squirtle lv 18

    Magikarp lv 17

    Magikarp lv 18


    You catch squirtle on the 3rd greatball

    Pikachu shocks the magikarp and gains 4 levels

    You gain $161

  4. 1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Action 4 explore mount moon


    Exeggcute attacks all with mega drain

    If he faints gyarados hydro pumps

    On Mt Moon, you find a handful of low level Geodudes and Onix. 


    Exeggcute defeats them all and gains 3 levels. You gain $345

  5. 1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Catch geodude lvl 18, poke ball then great balls.


    Xp share unequip

    Exeggcute mega drains onix and geodude

    Geodude lv 18

    Onix lv 14

    Geodude lv 14


    Takes 1 pokeball and 1 greatball to catch geodude


    Exeggcute executes them both. Gains 6 levels.

    You gain $251

  6. 2 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    That stinky tumour.


     Let’s buy three more Pokeballs, an S.S. Ticket, and use my final action to explore the tasty tasty land of Cinnabon.

    You find..


    Ponyta lv 15

    Gastly lv 15

    Growlithe lv 21

  7. 5 hours ago, Enorama said:

    Action 4: Explore Saffron City

    Use all pokeballs required to catch a Gastly if one is encountered.

    EXP share on Eevee, use Gyrados to kill everything else.

    You encounter a lv 12 Gastly! You catch on the 3rd throw.


    Gyrados wrecks the meowth and eevee. It gains 2 levels. You gain $197

  8. 6 hours ago, Berocka said:

    Action 3&4 


    Explore the island


    Rhyhorn attacks first - rock slide 

    Then charmeleon of rhyhorn faints - flamethrower 

    Then golem if they both faint - earthquake 

    You encounter a Geodude, Machop, Growlithe, and then 2 Ponytas and another Growlithe. 


    Rhyhorn beats all 3, and then all 3 again!


    Rhyhorn gains 6 levels. You gain $344 and $361

  9. 7 hours ago, Doomsday said:


    Alakazam: 27 -> 30

    Exeggutor: 23 -> 25


    Action 4: Sabrina opens the door to Bruno's room with her mind, and ignores his cantankerous tirade.


    Exeggutor holds the Sitrus Berry

    Alakazam holds the Oran Berry


    Exeggutor vs Onix: Solar Beam

    Exeggutor vs Poliwrath: Solar Beam

    Exeggutor vs Machamp: Psychic

    Alakazam vs Machamp: Psychic

    If needed, Poliwag will bravely be murdered after an attack. 

    You walk in to find Bruno weeping. "Oh no.. Not another one... Please I can't..."


    Without a word, Exeggutor uses Solar Beam on Onix. 336 Damage and a one hit KO!

    Poliwrath uses Hydro Pump. Exeggutor munches the Sitrus Berry to fully heal, then unleashes another devastating Solar Beam!


    Machamp comes out punching dynamically. It's not very effective. Exeggutor gets a Psychic attack off before fainting.

    Next Alakazam uses psychic. 167 Damage finishes Machamp off!


    You walk away having defeated Bruno. He appears to be unconscious on the floor.


    Exeggutor gains 10 levels

    Alakazam gains 5 levels


  10. 10 hours ago, rory said:

    Action 4: I beat up on poor old Bruno


    EXP share on Ponyta after Onix dies


    Ivysaur razor leafs until dead

    Gengar thunders 👻



    "Another victim here to witness my raw power?! Prepare yourself...


    You challenge Bruno!


    Ivysaur one-shots Onix and 2 shots Poliwrath

    Machamp Punches and Skull Bashes Gengar, but it has no effect!


    You have defeated Bruno! You hear crying as you walk away.


    Ivysaur gains 3 levels

    Ponyta gains 10 levels

  11. 12 hours ago, dlamb said:

    Pikachu egg should be hatched, yeah?


    Anyways, purchase a safari zone pass and start exploring that place! I heard the warden's gold teeth are there or something... gross. (Action 3)

    What's this?

    GIF by LookHUMAN


    You Pikachu hatches!


    In the Safari Zone you find...

    Dratini lv 22 

    Dratini lv 16

    Pikachu lv 19


    Quite the find!

  12. 12 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    Hum dee dum!


    With no Exp. Share equipped, Geodude will throw rocks at the pesky stray cat, preferably until it dies. Should he fall somehow, Meowth will finish the job.


    Meanwhile, Oak proclaims that he's "actually much better at catching Pokemon" when he's stoned, and starts throwing Great Balls at the Gastly, switching to Pokeballs should he run out. If all balls are sucked and the gas still hasn't fled, Meowth will use Pursuit on it to death.


    Afterward, he'll use any remaining Pokeballs (not Great though) to catch the floating tumour. If his balls have been completely sucked, the floating rock will begin the battle for floating object supremacy. Meowth will cover if it falls, then Eevee if circumstance somehow sees both of them knocked out.





    After all the excitement in Saffron City, Oak contacts the Pewter City gym leader, Brock "The Rock" @Berocka .


    "Excuse me young man, may I interest you in an exchange of services? I have a very strong and handsome Machoke you could spend an evening with. In exchange, I'd like to study your Graveler to help better understand how my floating rock came to develop legs."


    (Trade Offer:


    Berocka receives:



    Jardy receives:



    Followed up by a Part 2 of the trade:


    Berocka receives:



    Jardy receives:


    Meowth lv 18

    Koffing lv 12 -3rd try!

    Gastly lv 22 -you catch on the first try!


    Geodude beats meowth! Geodude gains 3 levels. 


    You earn $146

  13. 17 hours ago, omgitshim said:


    One down, three to go. Speaking of...


    Action 4: Challenge Lorelei!


    Poliwrath Dynamic Punches Glaceon.

    Switch to Gyarados for Jynx, using Hyper Beam.

    Switch back to Poliwrath for Lapras using more Dynamic Punches. If that fails, have Venusaur Solar Beam. And if necessary, Gyarados can Hyper Beam at the end.


    "I heard crying in the next room. I assume that means you defeated Bruno.. you'll find I am not so easily defeated."


    Poliwrath Dynamic Punches Glaceon in the face. Super effective! Next OP Gyarados hits Jynx with Hyper Beam. Jynx goes down! Lastly Lapras. Lapras defeats Poliwrath! It does not stand up to Venusaur's solarbeam though!


    Poliwrath gains 2 levels

    Gyarados gains 4 levels

    Venusaur gains 5 levels


    You've defeated Lorelei!



  14. 2 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Poke ball then great ball on koffing.

    Machop low kicks meowth , then eevee while abra holds the xp share



    Eevee lv 21

    Koffing lv 20 - 1 throw! Greatball has a 100% success rate with koffing.

    Meowth lv 12


    Machop kicks the snot out of meowth and eevee! 

    Abra gains 5 levels.

    Abra Evolves into Kadabra!

    pokemon hgss GIF


    You gain $206

  15. 2 hours ago, Berocka said:

    Rhyhorn rock slide in reverse order of Pokemon

    Graveler uses rock slide if rhyhorn faints

    Charmeleon uses scratch if everyone faints

    Ponyta lv 17

    Ponyta lv 22

    Charmander lv 22

    Rhyhorn Rock Slides through all three of them! Rhyhorn gains 5 levels. You gain $407

  16. 2 hours ago, rory said:

    Action 2: I challenge Lance.


    EXP share on ivysaur


    Gengar thunders Gyrados


    we turn 180 degrees and leave (f you must then you can sacrifice ponyta and ekans to Lance too)


    Action 3: Solo challenge dragonaire


    Gengar shadow balls

    Ivysaur body slams


    4 levels on Ivysaur (to level 30 I believe), 1 on bellsprout

    Gengar Thunders Gyarados for a sexy 334.8 damage.

    Lance sends out Charizard, but wait-- where'd you go?


    Ivysaur gains 5 levels.


    Gengar and Ivysaur tag team Dragonair!

    4 levels to Ivysaur  and 1 to Bellsprout.


    Bellsprout Evolves into Weepinbell!

    youtube animation GIF by Channel Frederator


    You also get $500.

  17. 2 hours ago, Enorama said:


    Action 2: Challenge Dragonair

    Gyarados Dragon Rush should OHKO, right? Worst case, swap into Arbok to finish.

    Give all levels to my Eevee


    Action 3: Work

    The OP Gyarados OHKOs it and Eevee gains 5 levels. You gain $500 


    At work, you gain another $628. You have $1761


  18. 1 hour ago, omgitshim said:


    Buy a Water Stone and evolve Poliwhirl.


    Action 3: Challenge Bruno


    Poliwrath starts by using Hydro Pump on the Onix.

    Poliwrath continues by using Dynamic Punch on his Poliwrath. When mine faints, have Ivysaur come in and Razor Leaf.

    Ivysaur continues by using Body Slam on the Machamp. When it faints, send Gyarados to Hurricane it away.


    Poliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath!

    Animation 3D GIF by bryson mcbee


    "You again! PUNY man. Have you come again to witness what true might is? Have you no shame in your defeat?"


    Red vs Bruno. Round 2. Fight!

    Bruno's Onix slams into Poliwrath, but Poliwrath's hydro pump takes him out easily!

    Poliwrath then begins trading punches with Bruno's lv 40 Poliwrath. But the more experienced Poliwrath is victorious!

    Next Ivysaur whirls up a tempest of sharp leaves. 2 hits and Poliwrath is done!


    "Now the REAL fight begins" Bruno declares. Machamp easily handles Ivysaur.


    You send out Gyarados. Gyarados uses Hurricane. 178 damage! Machamp is looking much weaker. He counters with a Dynamic Punch. Hurricane again though takes him out!


    You have defeated Bruno!


    Poliwrath gains 4 levels

    Ivysaur gains 5 levels

    Gyarados gains 5 levels


    Ivysaur evolves into Venusaur!


    Cartoon Pokemon GIF by Kennymays

  19. 26 minutes ago, rory said:

    All my balls on Electabuzz


    EXP share ivysaur


    Gengar shadowballs all


    Buy thunder TM, add to Gengar

    You catch Electabuzz in 2 throws. Only a 15% chance per throw!


    Gengar defeats the other 2, and Ivysaur gains 2 levels.


    You gain $508. 


    You teach Gengar Thunder! That makes me happy.


    pokemon f GIF

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