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Vat last won the day on February 3 2021

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  1. I am tired of the VHL, not in the sense that something/someone is annoying or outright stupid but content wise. I have not had the energy to even watch the scores anymore. I probably have not even watched the scores of games in a month. I have maybe only been watching how many total points my player has once every week or so. It just is not exciting anymore. I do not know if it is because the scores are not as high anymore. It was more to talk about then, even if you momentarily did not like what it did it added something to talk about. Games ending 6-4 were not unusual and teams absolutely running over other teams were not too rare either. Now it is more even. Even if it is more realistic it does not mean it is more entertaining. Just looking at scored ex. 3-2 2-0 is not fun at all. Maybe it is just me but I enjoyed it more with more outrageous scores.
  2. What is your favorite life hack? Hacking life in smart ways 2) Do you have any major VHL regrets? Nope, none at all 3) What one user in the VHL have you never been on a team with but would love to be? Juice, no brainer 4) Are there more wheels or doors on Earth? Wheels, easily 5) What is your favorite geometric shape, and why? Idk, square. Squares are good 6) Is the VHL your primary sim league? If not, what league is? If it is, what other leagues are you active in or have been wanting to try? Yes, not been not wanting to try but instead not having the time to try
  3. Review: I really like how you interpreted the teams PJ Daniels are drafted by and will represent, the chip resembles playing in the Las Vegas Aces and resembles them. One thing I do no like is the text, for me it feels out of place mainly because if it's coloring. If it would have been a color that fit in more I would be happier. The Phoenix logo is also a little blurry in comparison to the chip it is imprinted in, if that logo would have been clearer it would have been better. Another thing that I like is the background. It fits in very well especially with the chips, and the background/shadow of the player is very well made and colored, it fits in nearly perfectly with the background, jersey and theme. Very well done! 8/10
  4. I can not wait until this season is over. Not because I want this stuff to be over with reason that I am unhappy. I want to see how much different things are this season from the last without meta. The comparisons will be absolutely huge, last season there were tons of players who scored 100+ points. And doing it did not make your player special in any way, yes you were a part of one of the better players that season but no one said that you had done something special. This season there will only be a very small handful of players who score that many points making them more special and earn more recognition. The goalies will be way better too as already shown, the GA are dropping like crazy and signing a good goaltender to be able to go that extra mile and win a cup.
  5. What is your goal for the week? To have fun ig, not really anything specific to be honest 2. Do you think its more important to receive individual or team awards? You want to say team awards but individual make you way happier 3. What is your player's number (or the number you usually wear) and how did you choose it? Do not have one, never thought of it like that. If I get asked for render I just say some random number 4. Would you rather wear only white or only black for the rest of your life? Black, fits better to basically any given situation 5. What is your favorite meal you ate over the last week? Tacos? Can never go wrong with tacos 6. What is your greatest critique about the appearance of your country's currency? They're meh, not bad in any way but not something you would like to look at for a while
  6. We are back with yet another interview with Nasherov at the start of the new season How do you feel about the new change in tpe distribution It feels weird, in a good way. No one is sure of what is happening and what not, it is also fun to see which players and teams succeed in this new system, some have been doing very well and have been scoring well, on the other hand some players are a little dry on the sticks, one example is myself. I have not been able to score more than 1 point a game. But at the same time maybe that is not too unusual, maybe in this new Meta that is good, no one knows. Another thing that I have found fun about this new Meta and season are the goalie and overall stat lines. Last season games would end in "unrealistic" ends with too many goals for this to seem like a league that is realistic, this season (from what I have seen from Helsinki games) there are more realistic goals, for example 3-1 which is a perfectly normal game. It is also fun to see just how competitive the standings can get this season. Since there is no defined meta that absolutely bulldozez through teams there are larger chances that teams that do not have the player quality of the best can beat teams that do have that quality. Another aspect of reality added to this league which I find makes this league one itsy bitsy bit better. Which in total makes a difference over time. How do you feel about Nasherov's start to the season? Mixed emotions, on one hand I am starting my worst season probably ever. But on the other hand I might be a top player in this new Meta. We do not know what "good" stats will be and look like, I guess that we can only see with time. Hell maybe I am even a huge flop, no one knows, but as long as I see my team winning I will never complain. My ultimate goal is to win the cup and I can not do that alone, because this is a team sport. If we want to win we will have to play like a team and we can not depend on one single person to score and produce points for us. That is why I believe that we will go far, we have depth in all positions which does not make us weak if one singular person fails, with such depth we can go far into the playoffs. Maybe even so far that we can win the whole thing, we also play best when we need to. Games that are a must for us to win are the most fun to play and the ones we perform the best in too. Alright thank you Nasherov for yet another amazing interview, you sure are good at them. Thank you so much bye bye
  7. Will there be an upset in the league? With no one knowing what is a good build and not there are not impossibilities that an upset will take place, a low tpe team winning games against teams that have wayyy more toe than them. They will probably not win the cup and the playoffs as a whole but they will definitely make an upset, it will be exciting to see which team, if it even happens. Nonetheless I am excited for the wonders that this coming season holds. As I said before I believe that goalies will be goldworth, goalies holding the 0 will definitely not be as rare as before and I think that we will see an insane growth of goalie stats in the coming seasons. I also think that the insane stats of tens of People scoring 100+ points a season will be lessened by a mile due to the new changes and that the goalies will be better.
  8. Nasherov news are back with yet another interview How do you feel about the upcoming season? I am very excited. I really can not wait until the bell rings and the season starts. I have been having a blast with my new teammates and can not bare my excitement to play with them and win a ton of games. I really do believe that we can go far, maybe even the whole way. Even with the new system we have plenty of people who know what they are doing, I believe that we have found the right and will be contenders to win it all this season. I would say that I have found right in the practice. I have been feeling very good and I will try as much as possible to keep that momentum going into the season so that we can get a good start and keep improving from that. I also want to be able to keep consistent the whole season so we do not repeat what happened last season in Calgary. I believe that will not happen but this is hockey, you never know what could or will happen if you let your guard down. Even if I do that I am confident that my teammates will have my back and still get the team some wins. Because we have awesome depth we can stick up to each other. Same as if other line mates do not perform too well, then I will try my best to have their back and take their position until they can play at their full power again. Which position do you think will shine the most during this new era? I believe that the goalie position will shine very brightly during this new era of the VHL, due to the new system the stats will be spread out and there will be no shoot manipulation, thus there will be not close to as many goals as before. The goalies have had no change made to them so the high tpe goalies will be having over 0.900 nights several matches in a row, this is also enforced by that the defenseman will have more SB than usual due to the lesser shooting decisions. I also believe that playmaker builds will shine together with scoring builds, power duos will be made by people to dominate the rink, hell maybe there will even be a new trophy. Named something something for the best voted linemates of the season, in the category 2 players, for example every member gets to vote who the best duo (linemates) of the season were. Based on points scored together, for example if one has really many assists and the other many goals then they most likely will have linked up very nicely and have created a "power duo". But then again it might not even work and I still believe that the goalies will gain from this new system the most. Alright thank you, bye Bye
  9. Helsinki has the 6th overall pick in the upcoming draft, what position needs new blood the most? I don't think we are in dire need of any certain position, but a top tier prospect never does an organisation wrong 2. Thinking back to your own draft year, would you rather get picked in the top-10 or later? Later, always love to be the underdog. You have nothing to lose and ha e basically no expectations set on you compared to top 10 picks 3. Did any Titans player create a surprising build? I am not too into what builds the gang has set up but I've heard some people have leadership 4. Leadership at 1, did Jokinen just earn at least an A to his jersey? Would be rigged if Jokinen did not 5. In general, what do you think about the international tournaments in VHL? Meh. No one really cares about them, would be great if you got tpe for participating so you get rewarded for participating 6. Do you let your agent negotiate all your deals, or will you do everything yourself? I do it all myself, because then I am aware of everything that is said while negotiating
  10. I am excited for the new season as I get to join my old and first club in the VHL to chase a cup. Also because of the new anti-meta system which will cause great confusion this season as no one knows what will do good and what not and maybe because there is a slim and small chance that there will be a new Meta that will dominate the scene, even though I believe that the possibilities of that are close to 0 there is still that 1 or 2 percentages that say there will be a new Meta. Either way I am excited to see how this will change the VHL scene and how top tier players will look in a couple of seasons. I am also excited that I still get to chase the cup with Helsinki and that I am in the world cup with my Nordic brothers, and linemates from Calgary.
  11. Tell me one good reason why Erlantz Jokinen should pass the puck to you? Because I am newly traded here and to be nice to me he should sauce it over to me 2. I just blocked a shot and I'm taking my time getting to the bench, am I faking it or am I really hurt? Really hurt, you aren't the type to fake stuff like that, besides blocking a shot is awesomesauce 3. Who is going to score the most goals for Helsinki next season? The best player of course 4. Who is the toughest and meanest player in the Titans roster? On the outside? Idk, but on the inside everyone is sweet and full of rainbows, I promise 5. I want to score a goal against Booberry in the practice, what is his weakness? Slapshot in the head then you will surely score one. But please be kind and blow on vis forehead to so he does not get hurt 6. If you would have to select a goal song for your player - what would you pick? Many, because I would not want to hear the same song over and over again every night.
  12. Nasherov gets traded back into his new-old shoes in Helsinki. There are mixed emotions between happy and sadness, luckily we have an interview: How do you feel leaving Calgary? Very sad, many close friends were made there and it is a period of my life that I will never forget. The chemistry I had with the players there are unmatched, the memories I made there were also unmatched. I can't forget the night the trade went the other way and I headed to Calgary, I was welcomed with widely open arms and we chatted for hours. We also began trying to win the cup, but no success found ( SMH stupid meta ). We did once reach the semifinals against the eventual champions Vancouver ( All my homies hate Vancouver ). In a game 7 where we fell short, but we were still happy that we were able to get so far. In my eyes we could have fought in the finals and won it, but that's hockey. Things do not always pan out like they are supposed to. In the 2nd year we unfortunately exited in the first round against LA. We were destined to do better. With an even better team than last year we once again could have won the whole thing if we played like we used to in the regular season, but once again, hockey is hockey and things do not always work like they are supposed to. Even though we exited early we still had a blast of a season. We were a squad who still had tons of fun even when we did not perform like we should. And that's why I love Calgary. How do you feel about joining Helsinki? I am thrilled, even though it is sad that I have to leave Calgary. I am excited to join my teammates that were in Helsinki before I left. I have noticed that in games that they have become a lot sharper than when I left them. It gives you a feeling of completion when you get to witness the growth of a player or person that you know. I am thrilled to find out what kind of teammates they have become. I am also confident that they are hungry for a cup win. I will try to help them as much as possible and give them as much advice as they need. I also of course want to win a cup at any cost, it would definitely be nice to end my career with a win of the cup, then I will have won the VHLM cup and VHL cup ( The VHLE didn't exist when I was created ). Now I even have a chance to win the world cup as I am elected to the Nordic team with my old Calgary line-mates. I am happy that I still get to play with them, even though we are on different teams. It would be amazing to win a world cup with them to end my story with Calgary on a pretty note
  13. At least we don't have to deal with the meat bullcrap screwing us over more now since we already got screwed over once. I'm happy that we get to leave this face of the VHL and make it more free for what type of player you want, and still be able to put up numbers even when you do not have the best possible build. It is exciting to see what kind of new build that will emerge from this, they do not have to be game breaking but more game affecting, if you have a scorer then the other team can put a more defense built player up against him to stop him. It will make the VHL more strategical, and have to interview players more thoroughly throughout the draft, to find out what kind of player they want and just not "Will you follow this build plan to score 100+ points every season"
  14. Well we lost and it’s the off-season what are your thoughts? Dammit 2. The Pro-am ran by your handsome GM ricer is starting up are you participating in it? I'm a player 3. If you could add one team to the VHL what would the name be and the location? Idk about names but Rögle 4. The mens NCAA basketball tournament is happening are you watching it? Nope 5. Do you think Calgary got robbed by the meta when we played LA? Hell yes 6. What are your thoughts on dry fruit? Heavily underrated
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