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Everything posted by v.2

  1. Transaction ID: 636930479H917870E $10
  2. v.2

    Games: 379-393

  3. v.2

    STO/VAS; S86

    E fans goin crazy for this one I bet
  4. 1. I think he will, Papa shows no signs of really slowing down and continues to max earn toward the end of his career. He can totally do it. 2. Wow I completely missed this trade somehow??? I had to go check it out. Huge boost for the Menace to have Pearce back in the mix, sucks things couldn't work out for him in Vancouver. This totally boosts Moscow to finish 2nd overall, just behind the Wranglers. 3. I think France will win, and it'll be a Brazil VS France final. I've watched a little bit but not a lot, been betting on it quite a bit though. Wouldn't mind seeing a Messi/Ronaldo matchup like everyone else though. However, France seems too deep. 4. Football, as a Running Back. 5. No favourite, it kinda changes. I avoid pop for the most part but do enjoy them all. Coke Zero is my mature answer lol, but I'm a sucker for Pineapple Crush. 6. Back to prehistoric times, just to see wtf actually goin on.
  6. Amazing work once again! Hope to see most of these implemented.
  7. Great work! Really digging this one
  8. v.2


    Coming out of his cage, he was feeling just fine....! Or was he? Mac Atlas arrived on earth on an asteroid crashing into the middle of the Mountain West Subregion of the Western United States of America, or more commonly known as... Wyoming. A Titan from an alternate reality, Mac immediately assumed peak physical human form and has begun integration into society in his randomly chosen home of earth. While initial reports claimed that nobody had any idea on the backstory of Mac Atlas, recent findings have begun to shed light on the avant-garde aliens past life before hockey, and earth. So no, Atlas wasn't "feeling fine" when crashing to earth. In fact he had difficulty breathing and adapting to the oxygen levels on a new planet. Luckily in the butt fuck midonedle of Wyoming pollution wasn't as severe, so his lungs were able to grow and adapt without much of a toxic hindrance. Atlas is a genius, far smarter than any other measly organism on earth, however his abstract understanding of existence was put to the test in his first month. On his home star (yes he was born out of a literal luminous spheroid of plasma, not a planet), Atlas was a dominant energy source, mutually thriving off the light and gravity connecting his body, mind and spirit to the blessing of existence. In human terms, yes he could be considered a fucking god. With zero concept of sport, and no true mission other than to dominate the universe in some aspect, Atlas was sent by an even higher energy (the human mind will never ever comprehend it) to a random location... Which happened to be planet "Earth". Riding along on an astroid, the speed increased 1000000x per minute, making Atlas' journey to his new home extremely short. What would take a human launched rocket 100000000000000000000000 years to complete, Atlas was able to do in 77 minutes. As you could imagine, at that speed the landing was rough. Atlas was literally obliterated into vapour as soon as he touched down in the crispy mountains. Luckily, his energy and determination helped him quickly rebound and regain form. The journey on earth has begun. Fast forward to his first month on earth, surviving off the land and essentially living primal for the first month (wild animals were heavily on the menu, eaten raw) Mac Atlas had adopted a new lifestyle and burgeoned into a full scale functioning human being. Able to maintain his super insane strength and brain power, he became hyper fixated on his next task. Become a successful ice hockey player. Mac Atlas quickly up and moved to Miami. He walked there on foot and became lean as fuck, the journey didn't take him too long because he's an alien beast and if anything it conditioned him perfectly for the game of hockey. Once in Miami, he signed to the Marauders in the Victory Hockey League Minors. This was nothing more than another form of conditioning for Atlas, who used his time on the Marauders to basically just get a feel for the speed of the game and understand the rules. A tame 11 pts in 14 games was a decent little taste of the sport, and enough of a disappointment to kick Atlas into the next gear for the VHLM draft. Of course, the first overall selection of the Season 86 VHLM draft was Mac Atlas. He was selected by the Ottawa Lynx. Atlas spent the rest of the summer in Miami, working out every single day at the world famous 5th St. Gym, a boxing gym. He also maintained his crazy diet, similar to Joe Rogan's, eating very rare, borderline raw gamey meat and micro nutrient dense packed veg. The move to Canada came as the start of S86 approached, Atlas was Ottawa bound. The colder temperatures in Canada required little to no adjustment, as Atlas is unfazed by weak human issues. Atlas stepped into a leadership role with the club immediately, despite being considered young (nobody actually knew he was more than 100000000000000000000000 years old in human years). The Ottawa Lynx sit comfortably in 2nd place in the standings right now, and Mac Atlas has posted an outstanding 77 points in 44 games thus far in his first "real" complete VHLM season. The end goal for Atlas is to dominate in the VHL, of which scouts have already begun to reach out to his agent. His camp has made it loud and clear that he has absolutely zero intention of playing in the horrendous VHLE. With the current career trajectory that he has been on, Atlas seems beyond poised to become on of the best Centers that the VHL will ever witness. Mac Atlas is ready for the VHL, and intends to play 9 full seasons with a team, being a franchise player and leading them to the promise land. THE FUTURE IS ATLAS. 816 words
  9. Position changes should just be banned tbh
  10. v.2

    Games: 191-200

    Jimi Jaks 7pt sim
  12. @CrookedAnt
  13. Maybe you could GM an NA team for a bit
  14. Fax. Sova went 7th to Malmo and won a cup 2 seasons in.
  15. What about those that plan to never touch the E
  16. v.2

    Games: 61-80

  17. @Jack kidd
  18. Please continue these.
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