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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Hi @denns, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade, one of the five teams in the Junior Showcase Tournament. This is an off-season tournament for undrafted players just like yourself. It gives you a stage to demonstrate your skills and get the attention of GM's of the VHLM, the entry level league. We have a mix of experienced veterans who created new players and players who are completely new to the game. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We can help you jumpstart your hockey career and show you the ropes. If you want to join us, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade Regardless which team you will pick, I wish you best of luck, much success but most of all a plethora of fun with Juan Sano III Cheers, Daniel Janser PS: You know you want to, Asylum forever
  2. But did you participate in the VHLE and VHL fantasy as well?
  3. Indeed it should. Sorry for your lost (ie untapped) uncapped TPE)...
  4. no it isn't. Everyone can participate in EVERY Fantasy on a weekly basis...
  5. But as undrafted you do not have access to training camp, do you? Would make sense, as you cannot train with a team you do not have...
  6. Hi @hunter_stl, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament. The JST is an offseason event, where young, undrafted players like yourself get a stage to demonstrate their skills and to attract the attention of the GM's in the VHL. My AGM @Banackock and me would like to have you in our roster. Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We have a locker room with veterans who created new players as well as players entirely new to the VHL. We endeavour to give you a jumpstart for your career and teach you the ropes. If you are willing to join our team, just quote this message and add #jointhebrigade and I will send you the link to our discord. Whatever team you choose or whether or not you choose to participate at all, I wish you best of luck, much success and most importantly a plethora of fun with Sebastian Kopecky. Cheers, Daniel Janser
  7. Hi @Johneyjoey, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament. The JST is an offseason event, where young, undrafted players like yourself get a stage to demonstrate their skills and to attract the attention of the GM's in the VHL. My AGM @Banackock and me would like to have you in our roster. Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We have a locker room with veterans who created new players as well as players entirely new to the VHL. We endeavour to give you a jumpstart for your career and teach you the ropes. If you are willing to join our team, just quote this message and add #jointhebrigade and I will send you the link to our discord. Whatever team you choose or whether or not you choose to participate at all, I wish you best of luck, much success and most importantly a plethora of fun with Cooper Sharpe. Cheers, Daniel Janser PS: Are you by any chance a fervent reader of Bernard Cromwell novels? That would be something we have in common.
  8. Hi @Sam_19, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament. The JST is an offseason event, where young, undrafted players like yourself get a stage to demonstrate their skills and to attract the attention of the GM's in the VHL. My AGM @Banackock and me would like to have you in our roster. Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We have a locker room with veterans who created new players as well as players entirely new to the VHL. We endeavour to give you a jumpstart for your career and teach you the ropes. If you are willing to join our team, just quote this message and add #jointhebrigade and I will send you the link to our discord. Whatever team you choose or whether or not you choose to participate at all, I wish you best of luck, much success and most importantly a plethora of fun with zack martinez. Cheers, Daniel Janser
  9. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Things came to a dramatic end for Marcel's Hounds as they lost their game against the Marlins, while Daniel's Red Wolves forced Rome to a game 7 showdown. Kindly find our summaries of the matches as per below. Mississauga lost their game 6-5 after having looked like the certain winner after a 4-1 first period. Ivanovitch in power play, Lamb, Hextall and Janser were established a seemingly comfortable lead before the first intermission. Marcel's goal was a beautiful slapshot from the high slot after a D-to-D play with Teekirque, who received the puck from Lamb. The second period was lost 1-0, which was not ideal, yet the chances of taking this win home were still intact. And then the fateful third period happened, which ruined it all. San Diego was on the board early, but Janser with an attempt from the blue line in a one man advantage, steered the Hounds back on course. What followed then can only be described as the Ontarians going into headless chicken mode, as in the last fifteen minutes, they squandered a very winnable two goal lead away. Mathias with a power play goal sealed the deal for the Marlins and sent the Hounds into early summer camp. The three stars were Mathias (3g/0a), Janser (2g/0a) and Xavier (1g/2a). Arpa (.829) as well as Utonium (.833) resembled more sieves than netminders and neither impressed any of the numerous scouts in the ranks. The Hounds' power play was above average (2/7) the box play (4/6) not so much, yet not catastrophic. The game was lost when the Hounds did not follow up in the second with an other goal or two to break the Marlins' morale for good, but instead through passive play and in an attempt to hold on to the deceiving three goal lead, gave the Californian a second wind, which they used to their advantage. Marcel was reported with 2g, 0a, +0 and 4sb Daniel's Red Wolves won in a hard fought contest 6-5. The Gladiators won the first period 2-1. Hogan kept his colours in the race with his even strength goal half-way through the period. The second period was a feast for the crowd (though not for the coaches), which witnessed a six goal period with the score being 4-2 for Istanbul. Li, Bonaparte in power play, Wilson and Hogan on a one man advantage scored for the Wolves. Daniel set a mark after Rome's second goal in said period. Kman lost the draw against Rike and Janser played the man instead of the puck, which the refs did not appreciate and sent him to the sin bin with a minor for Roughing.The last period ended in a 1-1 tie. Power with his first goal in these playoffs secured the win for the Redshirts, when Marner served a minor for High Sticking. Li (1g/2a), Hogan (2g/1a) and Power (1g/1a) were named three stars of the night. Also in this game, the goaltending was anything but all-star worthy with Menace (.865) having a slight edge over Spinelli (.842). Istanbul's special teams were very efficient on power play (3/6) and a tad too lackadaisical in the penalty kill (5/7). Daniel had 0g, 0a, -1, 2 PIM (Roughing, no effect on the score) and 2 hits to his name. The Jansers playoff stats are as follows (Marcel's are final, therefore we compare it with last season's (in black)): Marcel: 6gp (5gp), 5g (0g), 3a (1a), 8pts (1pt), +1 (-2), 2 PIM (2 PIM), 3 hits (3 hits), 16sb (7sb), 0gwg (0gwg), 2ppg (0ppg), 0shg (0shg) Daniel: 6gp, 0g, 0a, 0pts, -2, 14 PIM, 7 hits, 2sb, 0gwg, 0ppg, 0shg Since Marcel's season is now over, let's have a look at some of his figures for his playoff run: Production: What giant's step the young Swiss has made in regards of playoff production! At the time this article is written, Marcel ranks fifth in playoff goals, sixth in points for defensemen and eighth in the league for power play goals . Despite having focused on his defensive play as well as discipline, Marcel took a quantum leap in the offensive category. Eight points in six games would not be shabby for a forward let alone a defensive-first defenseman. Bodywork: Marcel had no need to unleash big hits as he anticipated plays before they happened and was rarely out of position. This combined with his cool, prevented him mostly from visits in the sin bin. One minor in six games for a player in his position and his amount of minutes played in the playoffs is nothing short of remarkable. He blocked more than double the shots than in last years playoffs as well and is second only to Kovalchuk in that category. All in all, we think the bitter end in the series cannot be pinned on Janser. Some voices (chief amongst them himself) are disappointed about his performance, which we think does not do him justice. Vasteras will be looking forward to welcome him in their locker room, as they had only four able defencemen this last season and only star defender Jockesson can match the Rotkreuz native's defensive play. We will revert with updates as soon as same are available. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-stretch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114044-a-tale-of-two-brothers-it-is-playoff-time/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114148-a-tale-of-two-brothers-first-round-of-playoffs https://vhlforum.com/topic/114186-a-tale-of-two-brothers-facing-elimination/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114201-a-tale-of-two-brothers-still-kicking/ GM 22: Mississauga Hounds vs. San Diego Marlins (vhlportal.com) GM 12: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com)
  10. Hi there The Cheese, Welcome to the VHL. I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament, where young, undrafted players just like you get a stage to demonstrate their skills and attract the interest of GM/franchises for the upcoming draft. We have a locker room with a mix of seasoned veterans who started a new player and people who are completely new to the VHL. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right and therefore we can provide all the assistance you need to get your career started. If you want to join us quote this message and add #jointheBrigade. Regardless of which Team you wish to join (or whether you join at all), I wish you luck, much success and of course a plethora of fun with your player Nick Gratton. Cheers, Daniel Janser PS: If it helps to make a decision: I am Swiss, a people which is renowned of cherish cheese
  11. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Our intrepid hockey exports played one game apiece. Please find without further ado the summary of same here below. Marcel's Hounds performed well and took a 6-3 win in the fifth match in the series. Mississauga took an early lead in the first, winning the period 2-0. Bridgers and Lamb found the back of the net for the Ontarian team. The second period had 'Marlins' written all over it, as they drew before the second intermission. The Hounds answered with three consecutive goals by Lamb, Bushtit and Ivanovitch (PPG) to make the score 5-2. The Marlins pulled one goal back, but Janser doused any spark of hope the San Diego might have had with the final goal of the game. Lamb (2g/2a), Bushtit (1g/1a) and Bridgers (1g/1a) were named three stars of the night. Arpa (.906) had Utonium's (.860)number all night. The Hounds had a decent penalty kill (3/4) however the power play could do with some extra training (1/9). Marcel had 1g, 1a, +2, 2 PIM (High Sticking, inconsequential to the score), 1 hit and 2sb to his name. The Red Wolves also had a rebound in a 9-5 win. The first period was a thriller with a total of six goals, four of them for Istanbul and a brace for Rome. Tsarov, Wilson, Heavems and Zabastovka were successful for the Turks, the latter two in power play. In the second period Istanbul had three goals against Rome's two, with Hogan in power play, Wilson and Hogan, who profited again from a one man advantage, scoring for the Wolves. Li and Kman scored for the Turkish team, the latter taking advantage of the continued lack of discipline on Rome's side. In this game, the Byzantine Cataphracts taught the Roman Legions a lesson in efficiency as well as discipline. The three stars of the game were Wilson (2g/1a), Zabastovka (1g/2a) and Cheese (1g/1a). As the Romans outshot their Eastern rivals of old, Menace (.906) beat both Spinelli (.774) and Olson (.778). Obviously, the change in net mid-game did not have the expected effect of waking the Italian team up. The Istanbul power play was other-worldly (5/6) and their penalty kill almost perfect (5/6). Daniel was reported with 0g, 0a, -1, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score board) and 2 hits. The brothers' stats summarized read as follows: Marcel: 5gp, 3g, 3a, 6pts, +1, 2 PIM, 3 hits, 12sb, 0 gwg, 1ppg, 0 shg Daniel: 5gp, 0g, 0a, 0pts, -1, 12 PIM, 5 hits, 2sb, 0gwg, 0ppg, 0shg We cannot help but note that Marcel is hot when it counts and has more than one point per game in the playoffs, he hardly takes penalties and puts his body on the line to help his netminder. He is in the top ten of the defenders in scoring and also in respect of shots blocked. Daniel's playoff run on the other hand is rather underwhelming and he would be the first to say so himself. While Istanbul players reign supreme in some of the most important offensive charts, he is not amongst them. The only category he is to be found among the top of the league is in penalty minutes served, and this does not help his team at all. Maybe he is already too excited about his foreseeable call-up to Calgary and their success in the VHL playoffs, however he needs to focus on the present and give his all for the team he is playing for right now. Please do not miss our next update, when further game results are available. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113795-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inconsistent-performances/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-stretch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114044-a-tale-of-two-brothers-it-is-playoff-time/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114148-a-tale-of-two-brothers-first-round-of-playoffs/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114186-a-tale-of-two-brothers-facing-elimination/ GM 18: San Diego Marlins vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 10: Rome Gladiators vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com)
  12. 'Suck' in this context stands for 'Superkalifragilisticexpialidocious'
  13. Press Conference for week ending 09.01.2022 (gee, already?) 1. We got a second breath in the playoffs against the Marlins, what do you think are our chances to go into the next round. 2. In line with the above; what do you think we need to change to kick San Diego out of the race? 3. What in your opinion did we right in the last match and need to hold on to, to proceed? 4. With the regular season finished and Draft approaching, let us know how you experienced your time with the Hounds. 5. We implemented the 'Bone of Destiny' for this season. What are your thoughts about it? 6. What could N0HBDY and I do, to make the Hounds an even better experience for you/new players?
  14. Hi Eagle_3450, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament which is about to begin soon. We would like you to join us for this event which is held for all the undrafted players like yourself. Our team is a good mix of veterans and first generation players. My AGM @Banackock is a very experienced GM of a VHL team the Seattle Bears and we both are happy to assist you in growing your player to become a VHL star. If you would like to join our team, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade and I will send you an invitation to our discord. Whichever team you choose to play for, I wish you best of luck for your VHL career. Cheers, Daniel Janser
  15. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Jansers are both facing elimination in the first round of the playoffs with their respective teams, despite having the home ice advantage. Marcel's Hounds could rebound in game three with a 5-3 win against the Marlins. Teekirque brought an early lead for the Ontario team on a power play goal, but the Marlins could equalize before the first horn. The second period belonged to Mississauga with Bushtit's and Brillant's goals against the Marlin's single one. The third period was a carbon copy of the second one with a score of 2-1. Nine and Lamb scored for the Hounds. Molotov, Teekirque and Lamb were named three stars of the night, with one goal and one assist each. The goaltenders competed on a rather mediocre level where Arpa (.885) kept the upper hand against Utonium (.828). The Hounds' penalty kill was okay (4/5) and the power play had also room for improvement (1/6). Marcel had 0g, 1a, +1, 2 hits and 4sb The fourth match in the series ended with a 3-1 for the Californians. They took a 1-0 lead in the first , and extended same in the second on a power play. Lamb was able to close the gap, before the Marlins scored an other goal on a penalty for the final score. The three stars went to Utonium (28 saves), Young (1g/0a) and Skates (0g/2a). The goalies were much more awake this time around and Utonium (.966) showed Arpa (.919) who is boss. The Mississaugan special teams had a night best forgotten with a zero power play (0/6) and an abysmal penalty kill (1/3). This is again a match which was unnecessarily lost by the special teams, as the even strength score was 1-1. Marcel posted a 0g, 0a, -1 and 3sb record. Daniel's Red Wolves lost game three with a final score of 5-1. The Gladiators scored already before the first minute in the match was over and had three consecutive goals in the second, before Bonaparte scored the consolation goal for Istanbul. Dixon (2g/1a), Mashford (1g/1a) and Marner (2g/0a) were awarded the three stars of the night. Menace (.909) and Spinelli (.969) did their level best to contain the offensive madness which befell their teams, as they had to turn away an aggregate of 87 shots. The Reds box play was solid (5/6) their power play was not (0/1). Daniel had 0g, 0a, +0 and 2 PIM to his name. The fourth game was a close one and resulted in a 4-3 OT win for Rome. The Italians won the first period 3-1, with Tsarov scoring the only goal for the Wolves in power play. In the second and third period it was Li and Heavems with one goal each, who kept Istanbul alive. As the regulation came to an end and no winner could be found, the teams went into the sudden death. As often is the case, Fortuna turned out to be a capricious mistress and decided against the Wolves and for the Gladiators with a cheap, yet valid goal. Jugs, Li and Dugan were named the three stars of the game. Menace (.931) and Spinelli (.935) did anything in their power to give their team a chance to win and both of them performed on an all-star level. Istanbul's box play was solid (7/9) yet their power play was rather lack luster (1/6). Daniel was noted with 0g, 0a, +0, 2 PIM (Roughing, no effect on the score), 1 hits and 1sb The Swiss Hitmen show the following stats in the playoffs thus far: Marcel: 4gp, 2g, 2a, 4pts, -1, 0 PIM, 2 hits, 10sb, 0gwg, 1ppg Daniel: 4gp, 0g, 0a, 0pts, +0, 10 PIM, 3 hits, 2sb, 0gwg, 0ppg We will revert with updates, as soon as same emerge. Until then stay tuned. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113721-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-quarter/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113795-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inconsistent-performances/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-stretch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114044-a-tale-of-two-brothers-it-is-playoff-time/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114148-a-tale-of-two-brothers-first-round-of-playoffs/ GM 10: Mississauga Hounds vs. San Diego Marlins (vhlportal.com) GM 14: Mississauga Hounds vs. San Diego Marlins (vhlportal.com) GM 6: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com) GM 8: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com)
  16. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The two young Swiss have both reached the playoffs with their respective teams. Marcel's Hounds struggle against San Diego and trail 2-0 in the series, Daniel's Red Wolves are 1-1 with one OT loss against Rome. Mississauga's first playoff game in S81 was lost 7-5. It all started good, though, with Teekirque @Mongoose87 (Lamb, Arpa) opening the score with a power play goal, only 36 seconds into the playoffs. Unfortunately, the Marlins answered with three straight goals, before Janser @Morcar80 (Lamb, Bushtit) with a slap shot from the blue line during a man advantage and Lamb @dlamb (Bridgers, Teekirque) equalized the score for the first intermission. The second period went to the Californian team with 2-1. Cobberson @David Cobberson(TenIQIsGod, Marino) scored the only goal for his colours. The third period was a copy/paste of the second and Janser (McMuffin) was responsible for Mississauga's sole marker in that period, with a deflection in front of the net. The three stars went to Eklund @Ekky (1g/3a), Lamb (1g/2a) and Young @Laflamme (1g/2a). The goaltending was nothing to write home about with the edge with Utonium @fishy (.898) having the edge over Arpa (.851). The Hounds had an abysmal penalty kill (6/9) but a decent power play (2/6). It appears both teams neglected their defensive duties when at a man disadvantage. Marcel was recorded with 2g, 0a and -1 The second game was lost 5-3. This time, the SoCal team was first on the board with a power play goal, but before the first intermission Lamb (Bridgers, Janser) scored during DeGroot's @rory tripping penalty to even the score one each. In the second, Teekirque (Nine, Bridgers) scored the only goal of the period and short handed to boot. Unfortunately, the Marlins came into the third hot as hell and scored four consecutive goals, three of them on a man advantage. With 2:11 minutes on the clock McMuffin @Ente2997 (Bob, Nine) with his power play goal saved some of the Hounds' dignity that was left, by ending the game on a positive note. Matthias @Underclass_Hero (1g/2a), Great @Jake Sumner(1g/1a) (one of the brothers' fellow Calgary prospect) and Xavier @Johnny_HX (1g/2a) were named three stars of the night. Again, the goaltending face off was held on a rather mediocre level, with Arpa (.881) only marginally inferior to Utonium (.893). Even more than in the previous match, the defence of either team neglected their defensive chores and let their goaltenders do the heavy lifting. The Hounds sported a 4/8 in box play which is just not good enough for a team with ambitions for the second round of the playoffs (despite their SHG). Their power play was more impressive (2/5). Or should we say the Marlins' box play was similarly inefficient as the Hounds'. Marcel had 0g, 1a, +0 and 3sb to his name. an all too common sight in this series sofar: Arpa beaten once again. Daniel's Red Wolves celebrated a 5-3 win over Rome in the first match up of the series. The first period saw a brace for each team. Bonaparte @CptSquall (Zabastovka, Waffles) on a power play and Hogan @FonziGG (Power, Heavems) on even strength found the twine for Istanbul. In the second period, both teams slowed down and focussed on their defensive play. Therefore, only Tsarov @PadStack (Bonaparte, Zabastovka) was able to score and bring the Wolves in front. In the third period, Heavems @RstortonYT (Li, Hogan) extended the lead to two goals, before Rome closed the gap again. In the dying minute and in an act of desperation, Rome pulled their netminder to play 6 vs 5, but Tsarov (Zabastovka, Wilson) had different plans and crushed what little hope the Italian team may have had with an empty netter. The three stars were Tsarov (2g/0a), Zabastovka @DarkSpyro (0g/3a) and Hogan (1g/1a). In an epic goaltending battle, Menace (.927) had Olson's (.907) number. Istanbul's power play was okay (1/4) the box play has room for improvement (2/7). Daniel was noted with 0g, 0a, +0, 2 PIM (Tripping, lead to a goal against) and 1 hit The second game was lost 7-6 in sudden death. The first period was a rollercoaster with three goals for each team. Tsarov (Waffles, Zabastovka), Li @Ryan Li (Heavems, Kman) and Hogan (Heavems, Li) found the back of the net for the Red Wolves. In the second period, Istanbul had the upper hand in shots and on the score board, with three of their goals against Rome's two. Li (Heavems, Hogan), Heavems (Hogan, Kman) and Wilson @LeBron Jamezz (Waffles, Zabastovka) succeeded for the Turks. Rome was able to equalize though with the only goal in the third, which meant the teams had to go into over time, which the Italians took for them. Heavems (1g/3a), Li (2g/1a) and Hogan (1g/2a) were awarded the three stars. Menace (.881) was again the better man in net than Olson (.857), but Rome's five!!! power play goals, meant that this game was unwinnable for him. As already indicated, Istanbul's box play was nothing short of catastrophic (5/11) and the power play (0/1) was not able to offset this huge disadvantage. The even strength score was 6-1, but was thrown away by too many unnecessary penalties on which the Wolves rolled out the red carpet for the Gladiators. Daniel had 0g, 0a, +0, 4 PIM (Hooking and Roughing, with the former leading to a goal against), 1 hit and 1sb The Jansers' stats in the playoffs sofar: Marcel: 2gp, 2g, 1a, 3pts, -1, 0 PIM, 0 hits, 3sb, 1ppg Daniel: 2gp, 0g, 0a, 0pts, +0, 6 PIM, 2 hits, 1sb, 0ppg We will update our valued readers on the progress of the playoffs in due course. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113629-a-tale-of-two-brothers-goodbyes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113687-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-good-start/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113721-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-quarter/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113795-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inconsistent-performances/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-stretch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114044-a-tale-of-two-brothers-it-is-playoff-time/ GM 2: San Diego Marlins vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 6: San Diego Marlins vs. Mississauga Hounds (vhlportal.com) GM 2: Rome Gladiators vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com) GM 4: Rome Gladiators vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com)
  17. I would also like to include that Wesley is allowed to do it on her behalf, so he learns the VHL ways in time
  18. Hi Thad, Congrats to the bundle of joy that is named Wesley. Best wishes to you and @LuluSalesAway as well as young Wesley. Embrace the new experience. Cheers, Daniel
  19. Hi Waffle, I am GM of the Brigade and @Banackock is my AGM. There will be a tournament for all undrafted players in due course and we would like to have you in our roster. We have experienced players in our locker room who can help you to learn the ropes and assist you in any way to enjoy the VHL. If you want to join the Brigade in this upcoming tournament, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade. Whichever team you pick, I wish you success and more importantly fun in the VHL, Daniel Janser PS: Love your players' name, I guess his jersey number is 4?
  20. Well there are certainly some oddities with the English language... but as I am a native German speaker, it is bearable (the languages share common 'heritage' to a certain extent)... And I learned French as well which is more of a nightmare and more worthy of such a thread... but yeah some things are there that I'll never understand...
  21. In my humble and entirely unbiased opinio, nothing is wrong with this noble steed...
  22. Hi xNJDevilsFanx, First of all, Welcome to the VHL. At the moment, all the teams are in the playoffs and cannot hire new man power, unfortunately. However, dispair not, a Tournament tailored for newcreates just like you will be held soon and I as the GM of the Brigade, one of the participating teams, would be excited to have you in our roster. We have some experienced players in the locker room who will gladly help you to get to know the league and its mechanics (and of course I am here to help you, too). If you are willing to joins, please quote this message and add #jointheBrigade and I will send you a link for our discord server. I am sure, you will get notifications from the other GM's as well and whatever team you choose, I wish you best of luck for your player's career. Daniel Janser PS: I am native German speaker just in case this tips the scale in my favour
  23. Hi @GoaltenderLeo, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament (long for JST). We are looking for a back up goalie and found your new created player. We have a mix of experienced players as well as newly-created ones like yourself. If you want to join us, please quote this message and add #jointheBrigade. Whatever team you choose we all will do our outmost that you have a good time and to teach the ropes. Wishing you a long and prosperous career with your player, Daniel Janser
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