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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Hi @Spaceium, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament (long for JST). We are looking for a back up goalie and you are just the player to fit that bill. We have a mix of experienced players as well as newly-created ones like yourself. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. If you want to join us, please quote this message and add #jointheBrigade. Whatever team you choose we all will do our outmost that you have a good time and to teach the ropes. Wishing you a long and prosperous career with your player, Daniel Janser
  2. I called one member (who shall remain unnamed) out on that, as I was confused by the announcement and the ensuing cheering in the respective LR. And since I am not a native speaker, I asked whether I missed something and whether 're-signing' should not be written with a hyphen. I mean obviously if you talk, different syllables are stressed, but one cannot see that in written text.... so yes please, to avoid confusion (and the spread of rumours), pay attention to that little difference (which actually means a big difference as to meaning of the sentence)...
  3. Hi I'll Change this later, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament. We would like you to join us in this upcoming tournament as waiver player. If you are so inclined, please quote this message with #JointheBrigade Thanks and good luck with your player, Daniel Janser
  4. yeah the delivery times are atrocious... both times I had to wait for about forty weeks, will never order again
  5. tagging my Bro who certainly loves to read that @Morcar80.
  6. Cadmael is a beast for sure. Always has been.
  7. His and mine both... I was on a 85 point season trajectory but had to deliberately slow down production to achieve the perfect score
  8. I am not sure whether dedicated TPE earners would appreciate to be called 'infirmed' for their VHL-obsession... I am aware that this is a typo and no Freudian Mishap, so please take it in the spirit as it was given, for pure amusement of involuntary typo who changes the meaning of the sentence significantly...
  9. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Since a lot of games were played during our little Holiday break we will speed run the results and throw in some analysis instead of our usual detailed match reports. We will also not include the links to all the games as we normally do as this would add twenty entries and do nothing for the readers' convenience. Instead we link the site where the matches can be looked up. The Hounds played eleven games with the following results: 1. 6-5 loss against the Marlins. Marcel had 1g, 1a, +0 and 3sb 2. 6-3 loss against the Wild. Marcel recorded 0g, 1a, +0, 1 hits and 1sb 3. 3-1 win against the Kings. Marcel was noted with 0g, 0a, +1 and 1sb 4. 3-2 win against the Bulls. Marcel achieved 1g, 1a, +1, 2 hits, 3sb and the first star 5. 6-3 win against the Lynx. Marcel logged 0g, 1a, +2 and 1sb 6. 7-5 loss against the Aces. Marcel had 0g, 2a, +1, 2 PIM (Interference, lead to a goal against) and 1sb to his name 7. 7-4 win against the Reapers. Marcel was reported with 0g, 0a and -1 8. 6-3 loss against the Bulls. Marcel recorded 0g, 0a, -2, 1 hit and 4sb 9. 3-2 loss against the Bulls. Marcel was noted with 0g, 1a and +1 10. 1-0 win against the Bulls. Marcel had 0g, 0a, +0, 1 hit and 3sb 11. 5-1 win against the Kings. Marcel logged 0g, 0a, +1 and 2sb Marcel @Morcar80 finished the regular season with the following stats (in bracket last season's figures for comparison (up/even/down to previous season)) 73gp (72gp), 10g (14g), 50a (40a), 60pts (54pts), -21 (-8), 30 PIM (52 PIM), 63 hits (75 hits), 129sb (137sb), 1gwg (1gwg), 6ppg (6ppg) Let's analyze some of these figures: Plus minus statistics: While it looks like there was a significant regression in his play, during his time with the Hounds he was +6. The first half of the season with a non-competitive Halifax hurt his numbers tremendously and none of the 21st's skater has a positive number in this rating Goals scored: Marcel focussed on the defensive side of his play and somewhat neglected his shot and therefore there is a drop in goals scored. However, we note that he had the same amount of game winners and power play goals as last season. The young Swiss is definitely paid for his body and not his hands, so any goal from him has to be considered icing on the top of the cake. Penalty Minutes: We see a significant drop in the penalties taken, as Marcel was working on his discipline and had a drop in his physical play as well. He learned how to check with his brain rather than with his body, i.e. to prevent dangerous plays with good positioning instead of stopping them with bodywork. Together with San Diego's Mathias @Underclass_Hero, he is rated the player with the best defensive mindset and is even considered on par with his fellow Reaper Ixazaluoh @Vice, who was one of the best (maybe even the best) Defender in the VHLE this past season. The Vasteras Eagles are certainly looking forward to get him on the roster next season as currently they have only one player matching Marcel's defensive work, but the Rotkreuz native has clearly more potential, being drafted four seasons later than Jockesson @ThomasSyster. The Red Wolves played games with the below final scores: 1. 4-3 win against the Watchmen. Daniel had 0g, 1a, +1, 1 hit and 1sb 2. 5-3 win against the Storm. Daniel was reported with 0g, 1a, +1 and 1 hit 3. 3-2 OT win against the Express. Daniel logged 0g, 0a, -1 and 1 hit 4. 5-2 win against the Rush. Daniel had 1g, 0a, +2, 3 hits and a third star award to his name 5. 3-1 win against the Watchmen. Daniel was noted with 0g, 0a, +0 and 4 hits 6. 5-3 win against the Vikings. Daniel recorded 0g, 0a and +0 7. 7-4 loss against the Gladiators. Daniel had 0g, 0a and +0 8. 6-0 win against the Vikings. Daniel posted a 0g, 0a, 2 PIM (Hooking, no powerplay as Janser dragged his opponent into the sin bin as well), 2 hits and 1sb record 9. 6-3 win against the Vikings. Daniel was reported with 0g, 0a and 1 hit 10. 5-3 loss against the Gladiators. Daniel logged 0g, 0a and -2 Daniel's final stats look as follows (in bracket last season's figures for comparison (up/even/down to previous season)): 72gp (72gp), 27g (40g), 42a (40a), 69pts (80pts), -15 (-10), 93 PIM (52 PIM), 215 hits (152 hits), 33sb (26sb), 4gwg (6gwg), 5ppg (14ppg), 0shg (1shg) Here as well a brief analysis. The stats are somewhat deceiving, as Daniel had to adapt to the higher skill level in the VHLE compared to the VHLM, and have to be taken with a pinch of salt. Goal scoring: A clear regression compared to the VHLM season, which is to be expected when playing in a league with a higher skill level. However, that is not the whole story. Daniel beefed up for a more physical play and did not improve his offensive skills which stayed on the same (high) level. Also, for most of the season he played in a Center position, which was new to him. Plus/minus rating: Similar to Marcel's season, Daniel played 52 games in an Oslo team which was not very competitive. With the Red Wolves he was on +1 record, with mostly third line duties. Physical play: We see an increase in hits, PIM and shots blocked, indicating that the young Swiss has focussed on and embraced the defensive part of his two-way play. He prepared in the offseason with pumping iron and even underwent a special training camp for checking, with fellow Wrangler Phil the Rock Johnson @Philas a tutor. He even dropped the gloves at one occasion and drew the fight. We will revert with news as soon as the playoffs start. https://vhlforum.com/topic/113607-oslist-s81/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113629-a-tale-of-two-brothers-goodbyes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113687-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-good-start/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113721-a-tale-of-two-brothers-final-quarter/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113795-a-tale-of-two-brothers-inconsistent-performances/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/113906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-stretch/ Games: 310-319 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 320-331 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 332-340 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 350-360 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 249-256 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 257-264 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 265-273 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 274-280 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) Games: 281-288 - S81 Games - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com)
  10. Review: Very nice and simplistic. Black and White are a perfect match for the Vancouver logo. Font is stylish yet legible and I like the blening of the black into the white. Only point of critique is that I have no clue what that thingy on the left hand side is and I cannot stand that (my best guess is a rim of a 1930s car, but that does not make sense to me). 9/10
  11. Review: There are many things right with this. I like the concept and the font is cool yet legible. It is a little bland in terms of colours, but this is a matter of taste. What I see as weird is the name of the player: I might be wrong, but the angle looks off and it appears as if there is not enough Jersey left for the remainder of the name (but this is more a gut feeling rather than empiric data). 8.5/10
  12. 1. Rather chilled, fine dining with the family, but nothing out of the ordinary. 2. I hope we do not repeat the regular season experience where we lost ten or so in a row after a winning streak. But I think we will carry on, I cannot see a reason why not. @Vatseems to be on a mission. 3. If you want to win the cup you need to beat all the other teams. It doesn't matter who we will play. 'My' IRL Club had their nemesis as the first opponent in the playoffs and it was the hardest series of them all. Once we beat them, it was a downhill race for us. 4. 69 points total, do I need to say more? 5. I do not put expectations on other players, (though I am disappointed that @Phil got soft and did not reach 400 hits) 6. Everything to be honest... well except that @WranglersSuck dragged me into an other forum based league... damn you Ricer! 7. Getting that STHS luck. 8. I did not look into this, but I would assume that the increase of meta players may contribute to that. 9. I think we need help/replacement in the forward as well as in the defence department, with some players approaching retirement age. And I am the only prospect skater who is not a multi or a rather slow earner. 10. No, I have not (or not sufficiently to make a statement). 11. not much; watched 'Dinner for one' and fired some fireworks, my wife had to work that night, so not too much going on... 12. to have no resolution. Since I did not take one, it is mission accomplished already and I can rest on my laurels for the remainder of the year.
  13. I guess Fishy's approach is way more healthy than getting hammered like I used to do when I was in adolescence... not very successful either as my mom considered it as part of growing up and my dad just said 'Well, you will be the one to do all the puking and suffering through headaches, good luck with that'... so yeah, good job @fishy for not being as stupid as I was (or maybe still am, who knows)...
  14. We watch 'Dinner for One' every NYE but that is about it. I think Swiss television broadcasts the President's New Year's speech, but I have never listened to/watched it, as I do not give a (enter profanity of your choice). We rather watch the fireworks outside and have some smores on the open fire...
  15. Was a great effort by them, well done... told you, you will pick up points given time
  16. Sure it is 'easier' to get high percentage if you face more shots, as the percentage is more refined with increasing sample size... The challenge one faces with STHS shot stats (and I am leaning out of the window here, so please correct me if I am wrong), is that there is no seperation of high danger shots and Hail Mary attempts.... i.e. it records only quantity and not quality... this is the same in the NHL afaik. However, there we have the visual and can see when a goal keeper is dragging his kicking and screaming team mates to a win, when he just saves anything there is to save and a lot he had no right to clear... either live in the stadium, in the telly or in Highlight reels... The point I was trying to make, was that Scoop apparently used the argument 'saving rate went up , because better defence' and in the next sentence 'saving rate went up, because of worse defence'... Lets take an example from real live: The Buffalo Sabres were a... how do I put this politely... non-competitive team in the nineties, losing more games then they won... they had one of the worst defence in the league, yet Hasek won all of his 5 Vezina's playing for them... so clearly hockey experts value a good performance behind a sloppy defence more than a good performance behind an all star defence.
  17. Indeed, if I understand it correctly, scoop seems to make the argument that one goalie should be dismissed, because his saving rate went up, playing behind a more competitive defence and in the next sentence he argues an other goalie should be dismissed, improving his save rating, due to having played behind a sieve of a defence and therefore facing more shots... My opinion is the same as Shindigs' it is easier to save a high percentage with a low shot count than with a high shot count... After all in what match is one rather bound to have a shutout? In a game facing one single shot or one where one has to clear 100 shots? I am aware that this is an extreme example, but I think it helps to elaborate my point (and is not any the worse for it)...
  18. blablabla BigAL has no time/energy/motivation left to be a blue anymore and is stepping down accordingly...
  19. She probably could comment on paint dry on the wall and she would get the rates tbh.
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