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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Seems I published this trade tree too early, as of course the two notorious trade addicts GM Ricer and Alex were involved in a threeway deal which shipped the S86 CGY 1st Round pick to Davos *sigh* I may or may not update the trade tree at a later stage.
  2. Janser and his evil (or good? The jury is still out) twin scored a combined 98 goals and 105 apples for 203 points... there must be some kind of record in there
  3. A few seasons later... Chicago got: Bo-Ingvar Johansson (which is a win anyway, no matter how you put it), who dressed in 277 games for the Phoenix, adding 54 goals and 285 assists to their tally (and my guess is that Bo will retire as a Phoenix). and Izak Bobs, who has not played a game in the VHL yet (and probably never will, as they are M.I.A. since July 31st, 2022) Toronto got: Tyler Busser, who played 72 games with 17 goals and 27 assists to their name and retired after S85 and Cole Caufield Jr, who played so far 134 games, getting 18 goals and 20 Assists in the process. The reason I looked back to this trade was, that I really thought Bo was drafted by Chicago but was proven wrong. He was drafted by Toronto, and Chicago apparently wanted to re-unite the Clue Crew. Considering how the trade panned out so far for the Franchises involved, this seems to be a rather smart move by the Phoenix' management.
  4. sounds like my story. Upto and including my VHLE season I was a Left Wing. But in a very anemic Oslo team, I was the player with the highest FO rating so I played center. And since CGY needed a center going forward (pun not intended) at the time, I became a center.
  5. It is football which for some bizarre reason is called soccer in the United States (and I believe in Down Under as well). Because the sport is actually played with a ball (a sphere) and predominantly the ball is moved around with the feet.
  6. @Shindigs will confirm that it was the best decision in your career to not dress for Vasteras.
  7. great now you only need to GM the winning team and then the history will show that N0hbdy won nothing in SXY
  8. True. And you have a talented bunch over there not going to lie. I think the stats are little padded by the fact that for the majority of the season you had a 5 forward and 3 defender roster. Still, a good performance all around.
  9. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Wranglers and by inclusion the Jansers have played a dozen games since our last edition, too many to summarize and it would be old news to say the least. Suffice to say that Calgary is still the team with the best record (38-11-9) in the league. Daniel is on track to break his last year's personal record and Marcel has already surpassed last season's production. Here are their stats for this campaign so far: Marcel: 58gp, 3g, 40a, 43pts, +13, 78 PIM, 97 hits, 99sb, 2ppg Daniel: 58gp, 40g, 53a, 93pts, +30, 98 PIM, 231 hits, 30sb, 7gwg, 6ppg, 62.41FO%, 13 First Star awards The Swiss Center's figures puts him fifth in goals scored (Leader is Baby Bob with 46, with 13 of them in power play), 7th in assists (this category is lead by Chicago star defender Bo Johansson with 76 apples to his name). In the points race he is at number 2, sitting five points behind Baby Bob). He is still the best player at the draw, winning 62.41% of the pucks for his team (next best is Taylor Mourning with 61.07%, but the Right Wing has almost stepped up to the hash mark 2000 times less often than Calgary's Captain). Dan also remains a force on the physical side of the game with 231 hits initiated (6th of the league) and 259 hits suffered against (good for the 3rd place). He is one of only three players who exceed 200 hits for and 200 hits against, and the one with the highest total hit count. The other two players are Perry Laperriere and Igor Molotov, both also having lower scoring numbers then the 'Swiss Army Knife'. Our reporter Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) met with Daniel (DJ) for an interview. Let's see what the Rotkreuz native had to say. JLL: 'Hi Daniel, thanks for agreeing to meet us. Three quarter of the regular season are played and Calgary looks like a valid contender for the Continental Cup. What is your take on the chances to win it all?' DJ: 'Hi Jean-Luc, anytime, my friend. Well, we are doing well, but we always find areas where we want to get better. You can't buy anything in the playoffs with your regular season accolades, as we know from bitter experience. It is the worst kept secret in the Province of Alberta, that this team and management thinks, that is high time that the cup comes back to Calgary. Our chances are intact and we believe in ourselves. We think that we have a better than even chance to beat any team in a best of seven series.' JLL: 'That is a bold claim. Are you too cocky?' DJ: 'No, I would not say so. We are one of the better teams for a couple of years now and you need to believe in yourself if you want to win it all. We are not saying, it will be easy. All the other teams play to win as well and none of them are pushovers. We still need to give our all, if we want to succeed.' JLL: 'Where do you see your strengths and your weaknesses?' DJ: 'We have arguably one of the best forward group in the league with Wolanin, Gonçalves and Vladovechsenkchushkin. It is not all about scoring though. We are well aware that our defence is heavily relying on AirRig to get the job done, so we front row player know we have to pitch in on the defensive side of the game as well. We adopted a play style which I first saw in Switzerland, when Arno Del Curto was coach of the HC Davos (not to be mistaken with the Dynamo) declared that the forwards are the first defenders. That is what we try to do to take off the pressure on our relatively inexperienced backs. We cannot rely on Dahl to win games for us, as his development sadly stalled. Don't get me wrong he is solid and in some nights he is a wall. He just is not consistent enough for us to rely on him to win our battles. Most of the times we have to outscore our opponents we cannot hunker down in our own zone, weathering the storm and hope for the lucky punch.' JLL: 'You have been a professional hockey player for a while now. Is there a plan for the time after icehockey?' DJ: 'Well, as long as my body and our management allow it, I will continue to play the sport I love so much. But it is a fast activity on a slippery surface and things can change rapidly. I took up again my studies as an aeronautical engineer at the beginning of this season and am making good progress in that endeavour. My contract does not allow me to take up flying but this is also something I would like to pursue.' JLL: 'That was all the questions I had, thanks for your time and good luck for your studies.' DJ: 'My pleasure and thanks, Jean-Luc.' https://vhlforum.com/topic/130178-a-tale-of-two-brothers-moving-on-quickly/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130233-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quarter-and-diming/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130353-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-captains-disclaimer/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130505-a-tale-of-two-brothers-halftime-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130553-a-tale-of-two-brothers-another-brick-in-the-wall/
  10. More time for streaming WoT then for the time being, until you will get a well deserved spot in the VHL. Au revoir as the Italian say . uz drīzu redzēšanos
  11. Arguably the best goalie tandem the VHLE has ever seen
  12. Thanks for the smooth talks, as always a bliss doing trades with you. Thanks @Jubis for your time with the Red Wolves and good luck for Rask's career
  13. Tony Montana's little friend was a M4/M16 derivative... not an AK of any description... cool reference regardless...
  14. Well it could also be Chris Uriah Nesbitt Third
  15. there is a good point there. It appears to me that the logic is 'Oh money depreciates over time (i.e. inflation)? So I will be richer if I do not earn money at all, ever?' (of course exaggerated for comedic effect, but a long these lines).
  16. Yeah I am relying on @Ricer13 to put me on the pastures so I can Wrangle out my days in peace
  17. what can I say, the TPE kind of burned in my pocket... but should have probably saved them... ah spilled milk, will just save for the remainder and hope to be still a useful player in my autumnal days of my career
  18. Yeah maffs are too difficult for me (and I do not care that much to be completely frank) but I really should refrain to push my player further and save TPE for bad times (i.e. next season when I will be hit for the first time with depreciation). Albeit the first one will follow the present %-age so it could be worse...
  19. a bold statement when it takes 2,5 Tre Kronors to make up one Canadian Dollar
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