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  1. Like
    nurx got a reaction from vincentlg2007 for a status update, A PSA to everyone in the league for both life and the league. Someone being friendly   
    A PSA to everyone in the league for both life and the league. Someone being friendly to you doesn't mean they want to be your friend. 
  2. Fire
    nurx got a reaction from rory for a status update, A PSA to everyone in the league for both life and the league. Someone being friendly   
    A PSA to everyone in the league for both life and the league. Someone being friendly to you doesn't mean they want to be your friend. 
  3. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Masu Chan for a status update, A PSA to everyone in the league for both life and the league. Someone being friendly   
    A PSA to everyone in the league for both life and the league. Someone being friendly to you doesn't mean they want to be your friend. 
  4. Hmmm
    nurx got a reaction from rory for a status update, just a reminder dont scout Pope Francis I will request a trade if you scout me and dr   
    just a reminder dont scout Pope Francis I will request a trade if you scout me and draft me. I want to have no idea who is looking in my general direction
  5. Hmmm
    nurx got a reaction from jacobcarson877 for a status update, just a reminder dont scout Pope Francis I will request a trade if you scout me and dr   
    just a reminder dont scout Pope Francis I will request a trade if you scout me and draft me. I want to have no idea who is looking in my general direction
  6. Hmmm
    nurx got a reaction from Alex for a status update, just a reminder dont scout Pope Francis I will request a trade if you scout me and dr   
    just a reminder dont scout Pope Francis I will request a trade if you scout me and draft me. I want to have no idea who is looking in my general direction
  7. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Viper for a status update, sometimes ill think "oh ill make sense of a certain aspect of STHS and try and improv   
    sometimes ill think "oh ill make sense of a certain aspect of STHS and try and improve Miami" then i realize that the stats the team stats section of STHS gives isn't even correct
  8. Haha
    nurx got a reaction from rory for a status update, expand the E   
    expand the E
  9. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Keno for a status update, every day you find out something and today during my research for the guided tour I f   
    every day you find out something and today during my research for the guided tour I found out Tennessee has more caves than any other state in the country. 10,000 caves with one that is allegedly haunted???
  10. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Garsh for a status update, people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you m   
    people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you make fun of things i control but please stop going after my voice.
  11. Like
    nurx got a reaction from jacobcarson877 for a status update, people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you m   
    people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you make fun of things i control but please stop going after my voice.
  12. Like
    nurx got a reaction from rory for a status update, people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you m   
    people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you make fun of things i control but please stop going after my voice.
  13. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Dil for a status update, people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you m   
    people really only go after one thing and only one thing. I dont really care if you make fun of things i control but please stop going after my voice.
  14. Like
    nurx reacted to Berocka for a status update, Like this status to be in a VHL song   
    Like this status to be in a VHL song
  15. Fire
    nurx reacted to kirbithan for a status update, The last edition of VHLM Illustrated is officially live! So proud to be apart of such   
    The last edition of VHLM Illustrated is officially live! So proud to be apart of such an amazing team and can’t wait to produce more content about the VHLM and now the E in our new rebrand! 😎
  16. Haha
    nurx got a reaction from leandrofg for a status update, why all you mods looking at my account.... I don't talk to cops... come back with a w   
    why all you mods looking at my account.... I don't talk to cops... come back with a warrant!
  17. Fire
    nurx got a reaction from rory for a status update, why all you mods looking at my account.... I don't talk to cops... come back with a w   
    why all you mods looking at my account.... I don't talk to cops... come back with a warrant!
  18. Like
    nurx got a reaction from jacobcarson877 for a status update, @Squids McKenzie confirmed best member ever! Joined yesterday and won their first day   
    @Squids McKenzieconfirmed best member ever! Joined yesterday and won their first day ever. Winning 100% of days is a huge success!
  19. Like
    nurx got a reaction from kirbithan for a status update, @Squids McKenzie confirmed best member ever! Joined yesterday and won their first day   
    @Squids McKenzieconfirmed best member ever! Joined yesterday and won their first day ever. Winning 100% of days is a huge success!
  20. Like
    nurx got a reaction from Squids McKenzie for a status update, @Squids McKenzie confirmed best member ever! Joined yesterday and won their first day   
    @Squids McKenzieconfirmed best member ever! Joined yesterday and won their first day ever. Winning 100% of days is a huge success!
  21. Love
    nurx got a reaction from Ledge for a status update, my next player is just going to hate hockey. any traditional rule in hockey he breaks   
    my next player is just going to hate hockey. any traditional rule in hockey he breaks. Therefore if you try to scout him with a draft interview and draft him I'll request a trade out of the team.
  22. Like
    nurx got a reaction from JardyB10 for a status update, I work the last music festival of the season here. Smaller events from here on out to   
    I work the last music festival of the season here. Smaller events from here on out to close out the season. I am officially becoming not busy!
  23. Cheers
    nurx got a reaction from diacope for a status update, Vote VHLM predictions https://forms.gle/tLfimPLLRzMxgj5h9   
    Vote VHLM predictions
  24. Fire
    nurx got a reaction from JeffD for a status update, Only two teama had their playoffs change today. VHL: The New York Americans have been   
    Only two teama had their playoffs change today. 
    VHL: The New York Americans have been eliminated from playoff contention.
    The Chicago Phoenix have clinched a wild card berth.
  25. Like
    nurx reacted to rory for a status update, JEFFREY PINES MEMEORIAL DRAFT LOTTERY TOURNAMENT MVP WINNER: Congratulations! Well ea   
    Congratulations! Well earned!
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