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Everything posted by Horcrux

  1. I want to hear you ramble and say more amazing things about me thanks for your kind words
  2. 6D and 2G Vs 1D and 1G JUST saying
  3. Well Rip im new, no TPE for me XD
  4. 0-2....still hope. the Yukon is a cold place. lets get it we are Pirates lets steal this series
  5. again, might sound nuts but i would like to apply. I think i would make an AMAZING GM and bring a different view and attitude to the job. I hope you consider me Thank you @hylandsand @Josh for everything you do for the league
  6. The ideal individual should posses the following traits: 1) Online availability at least 8 hours a day (Please note in application your most active hours) and how often you are on forums/discord. I am on the forums and discord all day, looking to see where I can post or what games i can play. I often just read stuff when i am bored. Its how i learned how some of the league operated. So I have more then 8 hours. I am usually on from 6 am ESt - 11/12 PM Est. every day. 2) Be able to respond to discord pings and be verified via 2fa. already 2FA and Respond anytime someone pings me already. Im a chatty Cathy and love to chill in the Discord. 3) Older than 20 years (or demonstration of maturity and judgement) 30 years old, I know i am old haha 4) Not hold other league jobs or associations (GMing) that may pose a conflict of interest (exceptions apply) not a GM yet but hopefully one day, I am amble to separate one thing form another so my emotions would not be swayed regardless of what other job is held. I can promise you that. Additional things you may add for consideration: - Availability of hours between the times of 1am and 9am MST wanted. already am - Moderation experience and ability I am a mod in a few Discords, some over 100+ members. - Human resource experience and/or sensitivity classes/training taken Had too for my job - Any additional reasons why you would be make an appropriate mod. my goal since I came in was to have fun and better the league. if that means this is how i do it then I would be honored. - Ability to deal with difficult situations I like to think I can. I am usually able to pull myself out of situations to calm down so i can think rationally. I know what you are thinking, this new annoying member trying to get any job she can. I just really like this league. i have not had this much fun in a long time, and I want to help in anyway I can. so if you consider me thank you, if you dont Thank you for trying to make the league a better and safer place.
  7. yes Yes or No?
  8. HMM.....Yes Yes or No?
  9. No Yes or No?
  10. Yes Yes or No?
  11. YES or NO reply with your answer then simply ask yes or no
  12. @thadthrasher who is most likely to sing let it go at the top of their lungs and enjoy it
  13. Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad as a GM you agreed. I was curious to see what most of the VHLM GMs thought about what I had mentioned.
  14. It's all good. Thanks for apologizing haha. Overall great podcast crystal clear sound. One day ill have to count the curse words
  15. Thanks for the kind words. @JardyB10 Just a few things. I'm a female she/her haha. But thanks for the support. Just some ideas I had floating around in my head.
  16. I know this sounds crazy but I would like the job. I think I could do a good job and im a fast learner
  17. well today was fun

  18. all of this. I endorse this. make this happen
  19. to my point. if the league strives for more parity or even rosters maybe that player puts the new team in contention. thats why im trying to say
  20. and even then my math might be off by 1 or 2 players either way per position
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