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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. If you become a 2-way superstar, I taught you everything you know If you don't, you ignored my advice
  2. I'm still updating every couple of days.
  3. Okay.
  4. Can it be used to notify of new Zimmers posts? That would be handy.
  5. User Name: Boom Cup Winner: Boston EASTERN CONFERENCE (1) Boston vs (4) Detroit Winner: Boston # of Games: 6 (2) New York vs (3) Philadelphia Winner: Philadelphia # of Games: 7 (1) Pittsburgh vs (4) Columbus Winner: Pittsburgh # of Games: 5 (2) Tampa Bay vs (3) Montreal Winner: Montreal # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (1) Anaheim vs (4) Dallas Winner: Anaheim # of Games: 7 (2) San Jose vs (3) Los Angeles Winner: San Jose # of Games: 5 (1) Colorado vs (4) Minnesota Winner: Colorado # of Games: 5 (2) St. Louis vs (3) Chiacgo Winner: Chicago # of Games: 6
  6. Reign Dynamo Americans Meute
  7. Yep, Temp Team was my 2nd team that was needed to fill the league. Fucking won, how ironic. Thanks for the lists Kendrick.
  8. Wow, I missed your sweet voice.
  9. I won't get mad....I'll get even.
  10. Yes, but I a film fan so wanted to spread the word.
  11. What about my time?
  12. Looks interesting...will grab it later. Thanks Mike.
  13. We should have a community account for a dating site and see what we can do to commemorate Stafford's efforts. Who's game?
  14. BOOM


    Looking forward to it!
  15. Name on other Forum: UZI® Name of Forum: USFL Direct Link: http://theusfl.jcink.net/index.php?showtopic=545&st=0&#
  16. BOOM


  17. Woohoo...thanks Bou!
  18. Now you're a father, you think you can do whatever the hell you want! #parentalsupremacy
  19. Shot % Murder....oh well.
  20. Thanks
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