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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Just doing these for the new members, until they can get better ones. Welcome to the VHL Nuka and Apollo.
  2. PM sent to Chris, because Devise doesn't like naked ladies.
  3. Oh. I'll try to do one in a little while.
  4. God, I'm only halfway through this...
  5. How many lists do you have so far?
  6. Hell, I'd play for the Troopers!
  7. I still don't know what this was.
  8. BOOM


    Welcome to the VHL. Look around and I'll be sending you a PM soon that will explain how things work. By the way, how did you find us?
  9. Hell of a player!
  10. My mistake. I thought that "McCarther" guy was you. Minor navigational error
  11. I am offended. I have absolutely no idea why you guys think I am obsessed with boobs! It's not as if I dedicate long hours of my time here in the VHL with them or anything. I try to contribute in various ways all over the place and to think it's all I do is very upsetting. What is wrong with you? Anyway, I have important work to be doing and cannot waste any more time in this thread. Yours sincerely, Boom
  12. P47? I thought the Thunderbolt wasn't tapered. Maybe it's just my eyes. Still, must be a fun flight.
  13. All the best.
  14. Oh poop.
  15. LR disharmony?
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