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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Alan Rickman...favorite actor.
  2. Congratulations Seth.....I'll see you soon.
  3. We're aiming for a June wedding.
  4. I'm sure the timezone will be ridiculous, but if I'm online........
  5. Will this not be on FirstRowSports?
  6. Not much these days.
  7. Nice, although I now have a spreadsheet migraine. Where's the aspirin formula?
  8. BOOM

    NYA/VAS ; S36

    Yeah devise....you big dick!
  9. Yo Joey, what's up bro?
  10. I removed the first pic which I think was the issue here. Blame me.
  11. Good god these 590's escalate quickly.
  12. That's definitely one word for it.
  13. Sorry, I had kesleritis this morning. It's my birthday, I'm allowed an error or two!
  14. .......at a truck. Mom grants request.
  15. PM sent Sterling
  16. A Laichly story Rift.....Pajodcast. I Laich Big Butts I Laich to move it, move it Rogan Raich(The Asian cast) Rift Laich's Boys Pajodcast
  17. If you do get moved, best of luck wherever Osborne ends up.
  18. Well played Choo-Choo's.
  19. Fair enough. Just wondered what the suggested path would be. Thanks Higgy.
  20. Sometimes people should just be applauded for their creativity/concept.
  21. Yeah, +1 for animal cruelty!
  22. Nice game Odin you fucktard...1 shot. Well played Helsinki.
  23. Good game Dynamo...thanks Meute.
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