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Everything posted by JCarson

  1. Without even reading this article I know a few things just by looking at who the author is 1) it will be long 2) there will be stats 3) it will be done well. Okay now that i have gone and read the article I am more convinced of my 3 notes above. You can tell that the author knew the material, did their research and was passionate about the topic. The fact that it was their own player may help in that but as noted this is only 1 of a number of similar articles. I look forward to the next installment, who knows who that will be. This article deserves a 10/10.
  2. I have always loved some friendly rivalry and that happens best when looking at people who are playing for the same purpose. How will these 2 defenders end up at season end. Will they continue to push their team and themselves individually to glory. The other side is that they drop off and the team struggles over the long stretch of remaining games. We will only see. It would be interesting to see this analysis done at the half way mark, at the 3/4 mark at at season end to see how things change. Keep up the great articles. I give you a 10/10 on this one.
  3. We had the opportunity to sit with Felicia Hardy to discuss the recent VSN article discussing player Fantasy Value. To summarize the VSN author noted the following: #28 D Felicia Hardy @JCarson 16 GP | 1 G | 13 A | -4 | 37 H | 23 SB 2.48 Fantasy Points per Game Felicia Hardy is a player I drafted myself with delight as I expected another rather good season. The playmaking style of this defender just hasn't quite translated to high fantasy scoring as goals are way more valuable than assists here, a fact I sadly overlooked in my decision making process. More concerning, however, is the plus-minus. For a team I expected to be contending, having their top defender be a minus player is strange. That is something I knocked Hardy for during their rookie season while discussing their case for ROTY. Also, Felicia lacks the hitting I expected as it seems Grimgor is content to be the main source of punishment for the Dynamo in S97. Felicia Hardy had the following to say: Typically, I don’t pay much attention to the media when it comes to my game. To be honest most media outlets write their articles to sell their chosen publication and aren’t much concerned with the truth. The VSN generally has a more balanced reporting of the VHL however I have seen them be wrong on a few occasions and I expect that this is one place where they looked at the numbers and missed the reality of the situation behind the numbers. The beginning of the season was tough for me, I took an odd hit in game 2 of the season and cracked a rib. It wasn’t so severe that I couldn’t play but it did cramp my normal playing style which held me back. When they put out this article, I was just starting to feel myself again. Since this article was put out my numbers have jumped significantly. Currently I am sitting as follows: 25 Games played, 2 Goal, 26 Assists, +6, 71 Hits. 35 SB. That means I have doubled my production (taking second overall in league assists) improved my +/- by 10 and kept up with my hits and blocks All I can say is that I am feeling great on the ice at his point in time, I am healthy, training is going well, and I expect that the numbers will keep going. Hopefully by season end I will be one of the top defenders in the league and the VSN will be writing an article about how wrong they are about me and my fantasy value.
  4. 1. I don't have a New Years resolution 2. I am feeling okay but would like to have increased production 3. yes I think I should be in contention for some of the defense award and potentially most assists 4. I think we have enough name issues, don't need any other naming variations 5. No, I think grading only causes a delay in getting TPE approved, and brings in favoretism. 6. Not sure I would put money on any team but Winnipeg is doing quite well. 7. Road trip no question, I hate flying, only do it when required 8. I like both, TV shows fit into a smaller time requirement so probably win out. Don't often get lumps of 2-3 hours at a time to watch.
  5. Code Name: Ice Games. Peter Elliott Nes, reporting this week. It has been a busy week. The case for this week seems like a cut and dry case but as I have investigated it appears that a larger conspiracy exists within the VHL. Reports from many of player and coaches are suggesting that the ice conditions in Los Angeles are worse than normal. We all know that the warmer the ice is kept the more difficult it is to skate, and the puck slides slower. In many southern locations with warmer climates, it takes considerable refrigeration methods to ensure the ice meets the VHL standards. On more than one occasion mechanical issues have resulted in less-than-ideal ice conditions. As I investigated the ice conditions in LA over this season it has been noted that there is a seeming inconsistency in the ice, particularly there is an ice quality difference targeted at the nets where the ice is very soft to center ice where things seem to be normal. This may explain why the low goal totals in LA by all teams this season. But the question is why this is happening. To figure that out I had to do some in depth investigation at the LA Arena. Camping out within the facility, I was able to notice that during the overnights, where you would expect the Arena to be quiet, that there was a regular hum of activity. The head ice maker at the facility was caught on his cell phone saying the following “The refrigeration system has been set according to your specifications. The adjustments you have requested should reduce goals on pucks that go along the ice. If we can prove this works, we can then manage the statistics of the team overall, and potentially others. ..... Yes, when those people betting on your app learn that goals are reduced in LA we can readjust the ice conditions and allow more goals to again pad your profits. We stay in control; you we keep making profits” Being able to record the conversation I had enough evidence to go to the league and the authorities to get a warrant to do a search of the Ice Makers phone to reference what phone number he was speaking with during the conversation. It is my pleasure to report that the number in question belongs to the President of Operations for the online sports betting app for MGM casinos. As of this publication the police in Las Vegas are raiding the MGM casino’s offices and online gaming hub. Arrests will be made for sports gambling tampering. Ice conditions in the Las Angeles Arena will be returned to normal. The Head Ice Maker has been relieved of his duties and will be charged for his part in the tampering. We will see how this will impact the LA Stars going forward. As things go back to normal, we should see goals increase in the stadium and potentially LA win a few more games. This is P.E. Nes, Private Dick, reporting that this case is closed.
  6. Hoping that documentation helps.
  7. This is a great article. Having the ability to look at how a team, and the players have behaved and progressed over a multi year period is a unique perspective. TH=he fact that a player chooses to stay on a team that is not competing each and every season yet speaks positively of their time is truly amazing. You can see in the writing that this player is enjoying their time in the VHL and in the community at large. I give this article a 10 out of 10. Keep enjoying the VHL and the experience as a whole.
  8. Whatever the reason behind the trend this is an interesting review of a player and an aspect of their backstory. I expect the less linked to actual hockey nations the more the trends are just outliers and not statistically relevant. Regardless of whether the analysis is statistically relevant or not it was relevant to this player. Good for you in pursuing aspects of the VHL that interest you. Keep up the great work, I like the article so will give it a 9 out of 10.
  9. From the Offices of Peter Elliott Nes, Private Investigator. Since I announced my presence in the VHL franchise I have received a constant barrage of comments and tips regarding potential violations throughout the league. Most of the contacts have come in through the anonymous tip line that I had the league set up but some have come directly from individuals I have come in direct contact with. These tips range from minor offenses like teams booking travel inside of the Christmas shutdown period to some conspiracies that belong on the X-Files. I am not here to replace the leagues efforts to monitor and police their own rules so many of the minor infractions have been turned over to the league or player union representative to review and follow up with as necessary. Those tips that have larger implications or I have determined that I expect it is beyond the leagues ability to investigate, those are the ones I will be following up on. The first case I have chosen is a unique situation. I am going to investigate a situation where there is an accusation of player physical manipulation. Claims of player physical manipulation typically revolve around the claims of drug use, mainly performance enhancing drugs like the use of steroids or other banned substances. Some are claims of long-term use during training to build muscle or maintain a lean body structure, other claims are the use of drugs just prior to an event with the hope of gaining additional capabilities. Typically, I do a lot of investigating when it comes to sporting events like the Olympics in relation to athlete physical manipulation. One high profile case I recently was involved in was the 2016 investigation into doping and manipulation of testing results by the Russians. As a result of my investigation the World Anti-Doping Agency put in a multi-year ban on Russia being represented at major worldwide sporting events. I have received several serious accusations of doping during the offseason, and I may investigate some of those players but there is one unique situation that goes well beyond doping. The case I am investigating involves the genetic manipulation of unborn children to create superior athletes from birth. Not only superior from a perspective of physically stronger, faster and smarter but potentially manipulated such that they possess unique abilities. As this case involves activities that took place many years ago during the birthing process of a current player my investigations have taken me outside of the current arenas of the VHL and have taken me to the medical centers and science research centers around the world. I have spent much of the last week discussing medical procedures, unethical research methods and even took in a lecture on theoretical physics regarding dark matter. Unfortunately, having only one week to investigate such a drastic claim as child fetus development manipulation and human mutation with the goal of the creation of super-human abilities is not anywhere near long enough. For that reason, this investigation will continue as time permits and clues are uncovered. Until then this case will remain open under the code name: Sepulchre. Stay tuned for more on this case and others. P.E.Nes, Private Dick.
  10. So normally about this time of season I do an article or media spot discussing what type of series I am going to do my writing for the season about. This season I decided to get ahead of that and introduce my fictitious character, the mysterious Private investigator, Peter Elliott Nes. The plan is to build a storyline throughout the season of Mr. P.E. Nes Private Dick, investigating various individuals, teams or situations throughout the league to determine if there is or was foul play involved. It is not meant to be serious so please if you get named or even accused of something please take it lighthearted. Hopefully you will find in the writing that the situations and accusations are more comical and whimsical in nature than being serious or accusatory. This is meant to be a silly experiment in storytelling for everyone to enjoy with a twist of sarcasm and absurdity. I hope you enjoy the second installment; I am yet to write it and as such have not fully decided where I want to start. I expect it will start close to home with a look at Davos but I have a few other options as well. Hope everyone enjoys.
  11. 1. Right now I am sitting at about 7 on an excitement scale 2. In the conference our biggest rival will be Moscow, in the league it will be Vancouver 3. Training is going into Defense to begin with, then I will switch to puck handling and passing (I know everyone hates passing) 4. Key to success will be our offense 5. In the VHL no, not really, it has had many large impacts to the VHLM 6. Pass interceptions and zone clearing would be great stats to see form defensive standpoint 7. That is a long story, I thought I did but it didn't work but I got in from the backup list, I should do okay, we are not done picking yet. 8. I am a rabbit
  12. This is a unique article. With 5 years of history to look at and 3 players to review it provides a lot to work with. Take into account the comparison of the goalie position over time, pre-hybrid era hybrid era and post VHLE era. It will be interesting to see if this gets updated once the last players career has finished to see if any consistency and differences exist. Keep up the great work. I give this article a 9 out of 10 as it was very informative and easy to read.
  13. I always love to read the stories behind players. This is a fun read that shows a level of both storytelling and emotional development of the player. Looking forward to seeing how this develops over time. Will it be captions of the players life off ice or will it be a sequence of events. The combination of languages makes it a unique and realistic story given the geographical diversity of the players in the VHL. I give this article a 9 out of 10. Keep it up.
  14. I am happy to introduce myself, my name is Peter Elliott Nes. I am a Private Investigator specializing in professional sports investigations. Professional Sports as you know, are significant businesses. The better a team does the more the ownership of the individual team’s profit. With millions of dollars in the balance the ability to compete is of utmost importance. That mindset has also moved down to an individual player perspective as well. Production on the ice, from game to game, has become extremely important when it comes to future employment contracts. It is vital component to earning a larger piece of a team's salary budget. As more and more professional sports leagues around the world are playing with a salary cap, it is becoming more and more enticing for teams and players to try and skirt the rules to profit more. That is typically where my services are employed. I have been involved in several high-profile cases, investigating the likes of teams burying high salary non-productive players in LTIR. I have also been instrumental in investigating several player substance abuse concerns, whether the use of illegal drugs or performance enhancing. All I can say, at this point in time, is that I have been asked to come investigate the VHL and VHLM to determine if there are any infractions against the rules that would allow a team to benefit today or in future seasons. The VHL and VHLM are big businesses with many millions of dollars exchanging hands each season. I wish I could disclose more details regarding my investigation but right now I do not want to disclose too much that any offending party might be persuaded to change their behavior before I have gathered the proof needed to prove wrongdoing. Each week it is my hope to provide an update of my investigation so far. Offering further details regarding my work and the nature of the ongoing investigation, any clues found, and hopefully any scandals uncovered. I promise that I will leave no stone unturned, no lead unfollowed and no perpetrator unprosecuted. During this week I will be meeting with the VHL administration to discuss the information I have currently, the accusations that have been made and how I expect to go about my investigation. I expect from my prior experiences in other leagues that the VHL administration will provide me with any requested information, and access to league facilities I will need to compete a full review. It is always in the best interest of the leagues to co-operate, fans don’t take it lightly to find out that a league is hiding illegal activities, especially with the large amount of funds fans spend to attend games and to purchase merchandise. Until my next update, wrongdoers beware as I am on the case. P.E. Nes, Private Dick.
  15. The night before a season begins is always filled with a variety of emotions. You would think that a player would get used to the emotions as they got farther in their career but in talking with veteran players it is something that very few get over. Fear – it may be the most basic of the emotions. Will this year be my best? Will I be able to improve over prior seasons or is my best behind me? Can I live up to the expectations of the coach, of the team, of the fans or of myself? Anticipation – the next season comes, we are prepared, I am ready. We will do this. Season 97 brings a chance for HC Davos Dynamo to improve on the last years success. We will push for a championship; we expect to return to the championship and succeed. Excitement – A new season brings new opportunities, new challenges, new achievements. I am ready to bring more, I’ve trained for this, I have put everything into this. Season 97 will be better, the goals set higher. This is the year to shine. Emotions come and emotions go, and it should be expected that the night before the season begins that they will be a swirl within the mind of a player. What I do know is that when I step on the ice tomorrow my mind will be at peace, it will be me the ice and the puck. Let the season begin, I am ready, Tomorrow night it all begins.
  16. 1. Spartan retires from GMing at the end of the season 2. Goal is to Train hard and have another improved season 3. Stockholm because I player there 4. My favorite part of the offseason is it ending 5. Growing up a Toronto fan I would say Doug Gilmour 6. Rangers are now in a full rebuild 7. To get as much relaxation as possible 8 I'm reading the Wheel of time series currently and am enjoying it.
  17. Always the Bridesmaid, never the Bride. The last 4 seasons for Felicia Hardy have been filled with success after success. Championships, personal bests, and offensive production competing with the top players in the league are just some of the successes that Felicia has experienced. That said there is one thing that has eluded them so far. One measure of success that has been out of their reach, the goal is to hopefully rectified that this next season. To look back we will start with Felicia’s VHLM season which they split between Mexico City and Saskatoon. Winning the Championship was a big highlight but putting in a point per game season with 18 goals and 54 assists was a highlight as Felici spent most of the season focusing on the defensive side of the game. Felicia’s VHLE season in Stockholm was not as strong as their VHLM season, but they were still able to put up 62 points, 21 goals and 41 assists. Felicia felt much stronger on the defensive side of things. Unfortunately, Stockholm missed the playoffs, and so Felicia didn’t get to learn from that experience. The last 2 seasons in the VHL have been a constant progression forward with Felicia having 65 points, 11 goals and 54 assists in her rooking season, to place second in rookie points. Felicia’s second season the HC Davos Dynamo went to the finals in the championships which is always great. Felicia had an 82-point season with 9 goals and 73 assists. The interesting thing about the first 2 seasons in Davos is that Felicia has played much of their time on the second line, which makes the production numbers much more impressive. It did however limit their experience against the top players in the league. Looking forward Felicia’s goal is to finally break out and take the position as the top defender for the HC Davos Dynamo, solidifying themselves as a key contributor for the team. It really isn’t the placement in the eyes of the team that matter most but how that influences the rest of the league. By moving up in the team depth charts that should also establish Felicia as a top defender in the league, putting up both offensive and defensive numbers close to the league’s top players. There is always a nagging doubt of confidence when as a player you are relegated to the second position. That doubt of not being good enough. This season Felicia plans on breaking free of that stigma to finally be seen as the bride, a bridesmaid no more.
  18. Exam
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