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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. @Updater or whomever. I'm missing the Experience Points I purchased through the Player Store. As you can see, I have 49 Experience. Apparently I've made three end of season Experience claims three times over Bjork's career. This adds up to 49. However, I also made two 10 Experience purchases that were not accounted for: I hold everyone involved personally responsible for Bjork's lack of success in his career, but will forgive you if this is rectified at your soonest convenience. THANK YOU.
  2. I don't think I received anything on the portal, but I accept!
  3. Happy Cologne kept the curse intact, sad I wasn't there to help with it. All is right in the world.
  4. Hang in there, Stockholm!
  5. Damn, wish we could score on CLARK
  6. That's right, get with reality and have your pronouns stick to like 8ish characters max or whatever.
  7. And Rome has been sub .500 since I joined! :]
  8. This is always nice though.
  9. This is exactly what I expected.
  10. JardyB10

    ROM/BRA; S91

    Inadvisable to bring my luck back. Wait for the Watchmen to go on a tear now, haha.
  11. Just a quick lil line brawl to start the second period.
  12. As the objectively worst VHL member, it seems I have no other choice but to accept this offer from Bratwurst slaver.
  13. @Zetterberg @Sjin @Baby Boomer @rory This is a difficult decision! Except with Vasteras, because fuck them. But out of character, I respect how the team is shaping up. On one hand, Rome has been great since my draft, and I think Bjork would be a valuable asset there this season. On the other hand, it’s been three seasons and the allure of something new is alluring due to the new-ness. On one hand, Bratislava also seems like it would be a good fit, and they have a strong team in every position. On the other hand, signing there makes the team a bit large, and I like to shoot for balance and parity. Also rory is a butthead. On one hand, going to back to Cologne is very appealing narratively, as it’s still the only place I’ve won a Ren Cup, and they look very well positioned to reach the finals again this season. On the other hand, the team is pretty stacked, and as I mentioned in the last paragraph, I do value balance and parity. On one hand, Stockholm is in Sweden and is not Vasteras, which somewhat of a homecoming for Bjork. He would also be a great asset there and really help the team out. On the other hand, I haven’t received an offer from them, so fuck me and them I guess! Ultimately that makes all things pretty equal, so I’ve decided to let me gut do a bit of decision making for once, which is currently full of whipped cream and syrup and making all sorts of strange sounds…
  14. Quality win with quality folks Boy howdy we done it again!
  15. Cologne had the better Clark, it is what it is. Congrats choo choos!
  16. Goodness gracious, I misread the tag at first and thought you were retiring Poopy’s number for some insane reason . The reality was much more well deserved.
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