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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Welcome to Rome Mr. Calaway. We like to entertain folks at the Colosseum and go to extra time. Enjoy!
  2. Hm, not really, I don’t recall this logo even.
  3. This is fantastic! I don’t recall that original Yukon logo at all, but I’m willing to take your word for it. For some reason I want to say that Syracuse Wolfpack logo was one of Saskatoon’s logos, but I could be mistaken. The Buffalo Jr. Bears used the Hershey Bears logo. I can picture the Bulls logo but can’t find it.
  4. We Istanbooped them.
  5. 1. Just had our first regulation loss in 15 games. Can we keep up a pace like that or are we due for a bit of a slump? I think we can more or less keep up the pace we're at, we've been consistently picking up points each game, and that's what we're all about! 2. Matthew McCagg currently has a 0.932 sv %, 4th best in the league. How crucial has his play been for our success? Any successful team needs their goaltender to play at least adequately, and McCagg has been doing more than enough to keep us winning games! 3. Will BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson end the season as the top goal scorer in the league? Almost certainly not, but that would be pretty cool. 4. If we had a theme song, what would it be? I suppose the theme song to 2000's Gladiator 5. Would you rather give up using a phone or tablet forever or give up having any seasonings in food? Giving up the phone sounds peaceful, and I love salt. No contest. 6. The Anaheim Ducks have an 18.5% chance for the first overall pick in the entry draft. Who do you hope wins the draft lottery? The Edmonton Oilers.
  6. Mods, ban him please, I’m being gaslit
  7. JardyB10

    ROM/VAS; S88

    We're going to have to immediately pressure wash the Vasteras stank off of them. Otherwise, a very welcome addition!
  8. Hello VHL, it's me: @JardyB10, your favourite inactive user. My journey to make BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson a lifetime VHLE legend has been going not atrociously so far, and I am a mere 20 TPE away from maxing his TPE. If I'm able to max earn and participate in Theme Week next week, I'll have reached 399 TPE by the end of that week. Here's some thoughts on all that jazz in no particular structured manner: - It's a strange thing limiting a player build to 399 TPE. Thus far I've just been trying to make as efficient use of the TPE as possible, though as a result I'm facing the possibility that I won't have a single attribute above 75 as a result. I'm going to bank the last ~35 TPE I earn and choose my final build with that I suppose. Then in future seasons, I'll see how it works out and reroll if needed. - Speaking of re-rolling, it's time for me to air out a gripe with the @Commissioner team. Re-rolling costs money, and given that I have no use for buying TPE or Depreciation Fighters, it gives me the opportunity to spend all my money on re-rolls and Experience. However, as I'm sure no one has really noticed, I never accepted my contract the Prague Phantoms. This is because that stinker ACYDBURN refused to give me a maximum contract of $3,000,000, even though there's literally no reason for him not to. He claims this is because VHLE/M players will make $1.5M regardless of their contract. This may or may not be true, though BACK IN MY DAY it definitely was not. Moreover, there's this quote from the rule book. What's the purpose of this if E/M players are making a standardized amount? I understand they make the standardized amount if they DON'T otherwise have a contract, i.e. if they're undrafted or a new create. But to me, it looks like Prague is allowed to pay me $3M here, which I would enjoy! Granted, there's THIS quote from the VHLE rule book: But to me that reads as VHLE contracts. I feel like my VHL contract money should override my VHLE contract. And if it doesn't, remove the former quote from the Rule Book then, because it's obviously pointless in that case. - Speaking of rule book inconsistencies between leagues, I'm officially unclear on if 399 TPE or 400 TPE is the maximum to play in the VHLE. If we ask the VHL rule book, it's clearly 400 TPE/A: But if we ask the VHLE rule book, the ceiling is mostly seemingly 399 TPE: The language of the bolded spots indicate that if you are AT 400 TPE, you will move up, and if depreciating you must be BELOW 400 TPA to re-enter the VHLE. The underlined, unbolded bit is actually more loose in its definition, but overall I'd say the wording here indicates 399 TPE is the maximum to remain eligible in the VHLE. In sum, this is some rule book remediation that would make @MubbleFubbles proud. Also I should tag the @VHLE Commissioner as well. Anyway, in summary, I demand to be paid more, or for the rule book(s) to be clarified. I'm fortunate in that @Acydburn is responsible for making either or both of these happen. - I could muse more, but I'm sure I have tons of words. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  9. The "blue" was to openly backhand Ahma for his love of "real purple."
  10. 1. Where do you think the team can look to improve so far? What have been the big problems from what you can tell? You know, I'm not exactly sure. We're scoring reasonably well, we have the 3rd least penalties in the league, our defence is playing well. Perhaps a couple of our top players could be playing a more responsible two-way game, or MAYBE some extra depth could help. It's just a matter of winning those all too common tight decisions! 2. What do you think the teams biggest strength is? I think our strength is our relative lack of weaknesses. We're just solid overall! 3. We've currently made it to 4th in the league, 2 points behind Cologne and 6 behind Geneva. Will we be able to catch up with them? Geneva has been looking stronger and stronger as the season progresses. We're certainly competitive with them though and I see no reason we can't catch up. 4. How has your player been performing? Is it to your liking? Pretty good! I'm surprised to see he's (currently) 2nd in the league in goals despite not even being in the Top 10 in points. If he finishes the season as a Top 5 goal scorer, I'll be quite pleased. 5. Who do you think is going to win the Stanley Cup? I have no idea, but I'm really rooting for the Edmonton Oilers. 6. Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or in a broken elevator? Definitely a broken elevator, on a ski lift you could be dealing with some nasty cold winds.
  11. I'm not convinced the Three Stars really considers shootout, so I'm guessing because he had 3 Hits and 3 SB, because it do like Hits. That said, Charles Williams had 3 & 4 respectively, but also took a penalty. Who knows!
  12. Nice double shutouts.
  13. 1. After 10 games played so far, how do you feel about the teams' performance? I'm a little bit disappointed with the losing record, but I'm confident we'll be able to turn it around, as we seem to be scoring at a reasonable rate. 2. Who would you say are the favorites for the VHLE championship this year? Us, of course. But if I had to be unbiased, Stockholm seems like a clear favourite so far in the first 10 games. Yes, they have benefitted from playing Bratislava the most, but still, they have a lot of good players. 3. BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, Francesco Mancini, & Bobby Bob, are 4th, 6th, and 7th respectively in goals scored in the VHLE so far, do you think they'll be able to keep up the pace? I do! I hope Bjork can increase the pace in fact, and I think with Bob's playmaking touch that shouldn't be too much of a problem. 4. Do you have any goals for your player this season? I'd like to finish in the Top 10 for points and finally settle in as a LEAGUE GREAT. 5. Would you rather the gold ring go to the overall best Gladiators player each week, or the 5 best Gladiators players each week? (check #gold-ring & #team-announcements for context) Let's split the difference and do the THREE best players each week! 6. If money were no object, where on Earth would you travel to and/or live? I've always wanted to visit Australia and New Zealand. And most of Europe. I suppose if money was no object I would take a couple years off and literally travel the whole world.
  14. Let’s Bjork things up in the Vatican this season gang!
  15. Maybe you worked with @Tate on Godzilla! He was an assistant director maybe.
  16. Already too late, also I want to actually be good in the E. Also technically it would make my life easier if I got called up, I could just soft retire from earning TPE on the spot as opposed to 399 TPE!
  17. @VHL GM It’s that time of year again… scouting season! I’ve been getting a few messages from GMs gauging my interest in their teams, and I ultimately figured I’d make this post instead. No doubt many of you look upon my Bjorking player as a prospective high pick in the upcoming draft. I’m here to tell you to definitely not do this. As some of you perhaps know by now, BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson will be spending his entire career in the VHLE. That means once I hit 399 or 400 TPE or whatever, I’m retiring from earning points and will coast for the remaining 8-9 seasons of my career, preferably becoming an inactive legend in the process. So do NOT waste your top picks on me, though I do highly encourage you to select me in the dregs of the draft and paying me as much as allowable and inviting me to lurk in your locker room. Thank you, and good luck in the draft, and congratulations to the Calgary Wranglers for being the most dope franchise ever and finally proving it this past season.
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