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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Yeah, and I'm all about developing characters, I think it's essential to the show and all that. The frustrating part though is looking at a show like Game of Thrones, which ALSO has a billion characters in it, and they manage to both develop characters AND make nearly episode exciting, rather than spending 45 minutes telling us that Beth misses her family and REALLY wants to be a normal girl her age, and Daryl really does have dem feels. They could probably condense all that shit into one scene, and then fast travel to wherever the producers are taking the show next. It's still a good show and all, I just almost find it baffling that they toss the mind-blowingest most exciting episode in the dead middle of the season (which came right after the swiftest redemption to bad guy arc I've ever seen), and then spend the next 4-5 episodes drraaaagggggging their feet to the next plot point, all the while just throwing little snippets of what that might be (HEROES ON A CURE MISSION?? DARYL JOINS A BIKER GANG?? KIDNAPPING MORTICIANS?? TERMINUS?? ARE WE GOING TO FOLLOW UP ON ANY OF THESE THINGS THIS SEASON? KEEP WATCHING TO FIND OUT!!). Although I get the feeling the reason they're doing that is because they're ready to do a LOST type timeline mindfuck. Namely because in that second episode, Beth is attacked by the same zombie/guy who died after Tyrese hammer-timed his family LATER that episode. And it's all good. I just think it's taking an obnoxious amount of time.
  2. Brovy just lights up the faceoff circle. I'm embarrassed I only managed a even rating though. :\
  3. Kendrick is a god among mortals, in case anyone was ever in doubt of that.
  4. Games are uploaded, but I have to run to hockey right now. If someone wants to post them, feel free. Otherwise I'll do so when I get back in a couple hours.
  5. I don't mean to sound like a dink, but I don't believe any of these are actually errors, haha. Not that it matters. Now excuse me while I return to my hole.
  6. They pretty much HAVE to end the season with half the cast getting brutally slaughtered to save face.
  7. What? I'm happy because I'm done all my homework for the week, and am embarking on a three day bender tomorrow! I'm sad because my local midget team just lost the gold medal game to Hague, those Mennonite fucks. Like in the last eight minutes, too. It was 3-3, and then BAM, 6-3.
  8. I was actually thinking something like this, yeah. Or 15. Or neither, and just do a better salary cap. VHL teams rarely have more than 11 players on the roster. I find it ridiculous that last season, Bratislava managed to rock ~18, with most of the best draftees AND some of the best inactives. I understand you can't compare the VHL and VHLM side by side, since the VHL doesn't have to rely on inactives as much, it's just that the spread is so extreme. It would be like if Davos added Taylor, Osborne, Webber, Gallo, and another 200-300 TPE inactive this off-season. I guess it's not terrible how it is now, I just find it ridiculous that a GM can build a super team so easily, while other teams can barely get players, full stop.
  9. As for the rest of this thread, I the misinformation being thrown around in the first five pages was really annoying. I didn't know the exact situation, but I figured it was as easily resolvable as it turned out to be, and it probably would have saved a lot of frustration if y'all just waited for someone who actually knows what their talking about to appear (i.e. Jason, Higgins, Victor, me (haha waiting on me, great idea)). As has already been clarified, I don't know of anyone who bended the hard cap rule since it's been implemented. It's not nearly as complicated as everyone's made it out to be. I vaguely recall Fong doing some sketchy shit, but I doubt we would have let him walk away with that unresolved. I didn't recall Molholt having to give up the TPE he bought from Player Store, but he definitely shouldn't have. I know he gave up TC and at least a portion of his pre-season predictions. I *DO* recall wanting to make PS purchases only available in off-season after that incident though, I can't remember if we followed through with that. All in all, no one should be upset. We're not out to fuck people over, there's just relatively simple hard cap rules. And it was easily solved. I suppose we should put them somewhere less hidden and re-word it to make it more obvious maybe, but I'm pretty sure it's relatively straightforward.
  10. I'm neutral to it. On one hand, it might indeed level the VHLM playing field for noobs vs. recreates, which makes everyone feel good inside when comparing themselves to the veterans and vice versa. On the other hand, know who I feel is even more dominant in the VHLM than recreated VHLM rookies? 1st gens going in for a second post-draft tour of duty. For example, yes, Brookside definitely lit up Olynick last season because of his carryover advantage. But now Brookside is in the VHL, and Olynick is the best goalie in the VHLM. So now if we had a brand new goalie create for this season, they see Olynick in the same league as them, and they think, "Well fuck, how am I supposed to compete with that?" It's an endless cycle, no matter how you look at it.
  11. I find it incredibly impressive that Osborne managed to lead the game in +/-.
  12. Starting to wish I had picked Brookside for the Stolzy though....
  13. REALLY liking my prediction of Spud for the Beketov so far.
  14. Only three games in and I already scored a goal! This is magical.
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