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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. I've also been slacking with extra TPE. Not that I don't care, but I just have slipping time and activity. I missed VHFL this season, which is too bad, because that's 1-6 TPE I missed out on! Though I guess I'm capping at 400 anyway... I've been on a Berocka marathon to catch up for the biggest MegaBite of your life!
  2. Express Press Conference (Week Ending February 5th) Answering three questions gets you 1 Capped TPE Answering six questions gets you 2 Capped TPE 1. We are now a week into the season. How do you feel about the team? Even better than I did going into the season! We've been winning plenty, and outshooting our opponents almost every game, so that's a great sign! Of course we can always end up getting swept in the playoffs, but regular season should be a good time. 2. What about the VHLE. Are there any clear favorites already? I suppose the favourites aren't CLEAR, and I'm biased, but I think Cologne is doing the best! And we have the power of double Cobbersons, so we're unstoppable. @David Cobberson @Hendrix Cobberson 3. Do you have a favorite player in the VHL? I like Saku Kotkakoivu, the player concept is cool, @DollarAndADream is cool, and he's been an unreal and consistent player his whole career. 4. What's your pregame routine? I eat spaghetti and throw the leftovers at the crowd of transients I have chained up in my basement. 5. The Super Bowl is set. Who's winning, the Eagles or the Chiefs? Damn, that was quick. I suppose the Eagles, because I don't know what I'm talking about? 6. If you decide to describe yourself as indecisive, are you decisive or indecisive? I mean even indecisive people have to make decisions. It's not that we DON'T EVER make decisions, it's that every decision takes forever and is much hemming and hawwing. Also, as a Libra, the stars determined that I'm indecisive as fuck, and they happen to be correct in that. So *I* didn't even decide, the constellations did.
  3. No better time to party than a Monday!
  4. Thanks @scoop for taking that penalty 9 seconds after our PP goal! It allowed old Bjorkbjorkbjorkbjork to get the GWG!
  5. I did a podcast for EFL Media Week a season or two ago where I was in fact walking dogs. It was much easier, because I brought them to the off-leash park and walked in the bush trail, which was rather isolated. Of course this didn’t stop me from constantly getting distracted. “My dog is going apeshit over a stick and is rolling in the snow and she’s so fucking adorable. Anyway, football is a sport.” Anyway, for apps you can literally use anything. Anchor.fm is great for uploading it, as it will upload automatically to Anchor itself, Spotify, Apple, and probably other platforms too if you want it to. You can also record directly on/to Anchor, so that’s handy. I personally use an Apple app called “AVR X” to record off my phone. For Nodesodes, there’s no reason for me to do this, since I do not ever edit them. But for Hecking Podcasts, I’ll upload the tracks onto Dropbox to quickly/easily get them to my computer, and then use Audacity to edit in music and whatever else I feel like editing, which is generally not a lot. My #1 general podcasting tip (for solo podcasting anyway), is frequent and shameless pausing of recording. I may sound seamless oftentimes, so you’ll often hear something like, ”Jake Thunder seems to be having a great season, he’s leading the league in defenceman points and SB and fights, and has already set personal bests in all those categories so far this season.” But in reality that sentence actually sounds like, “Jake Thunder seems to be having a great season… [PAUSE as I spend a few minutes quietly scanning the league leaderboards. UNPAUSE] he’s leading the league in defenceman points and SB and fights… [PAUSE as I spend a couple minutes clicking on the player page and scanning his past season performances. UNPAUSE], and has already set personal bests in all those categories so far this season.” Tip #2 is to sound confident in things that you don’t know for sure. “Oh man, Brian Payne got four hooking penalties in the first 10 minutes of the game, that’s gotta be a record!” It sounds good, and better yet, maybe someone corrects you, and that’s interaction with your Point Task, baby!
  6. I have been dishonest with a traditionally red fruit. (Apple lied) If I don’t get the job I will know that the league is ageist.
  7. Should have named him Pete imo, the first overall draft pick of the Blue Bombers.
  8. That Wiley almost got a bit too Wiley again. #FuckVasteras
  9. https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-45-Welcome-ScottyP-e1u50qm In today’s episode, I welcome @ScottyP three days ago and demonstrate how easy and sloppy earning TPE is. Mostly, I’m just managing my cat though. @Thunder @Scurvy
  10. The Cobbersons are clobbering, son. Also trains > longships, dwi
  11. @BOOM I guess it was your birthday too. Which I suppose was a couple days ago now in Downunderland. Hope you’re fucking happy. You’re both very old now.
  12. I agree with this statement except the part about your friends being good. The upcoming season (i.e. the one starting today), you'll be in the VHLM (the Minors). Next season will depend on how much TPE you earn, but the VHLE (Europe) seems most likely. For reference, players with 30-199 TPE in the off-season will play in the VHLM. Players with 200-399 TPE will play in the VHLE (though I think at 350+ they have the option of going to the bigs). Finally, any player above 400 TPE will be in the VHL! Don't worry too much about any of those numbers for now though. Same! I'm a frequent podcaster, and I enjoy the medium because they REALLY can be pointless. My format is often 1-5 minutes talking about what I am currently doing in that very moment, then 10-55 minutes of stream of conscience ranting about whatever I happen to be looking at or thinking about. It's cool. Though certainly can also be achieved in writing if you're a COWARD @Thunder. Anyway, hope you enjoy the VHL! It can be a real groovy experience, and earning TPE can come naturally at a certain point. In fact, observe as I seamlessly transition this normal reply I wasn't intending to make for TPE into a review for 1 TPE: I always thoroughly enjoy reading Media Spots in this format; that is, a genuine human reaction/first impressions of the league. It's valuable to veteran and rookie members alike, as it gives the former a reminder of what being a new member is like, and shows the latter that they are not alone in the ubiquitous "I just joined this sim league and there it is overwhelming" experience. In the future, you may be able to write Media from a more roleplaying perspective, or a statistical analysis perspective. Or whatever you want really. Back in the day, it was literally valued to add colours and formatting and photos to Media Spots, which can make the article more aesthetically pleasing to look at. This isn't required though, and I encourage members to do whatever is easiest and most comfortable for them. Hence why I earn TPE while driving. Anyway, 10/10, welcome to the league. EDIT: I originally opened this article just to say "Rip is Ready... and I hope he's ready to rip."
  13. Express Press Conference (Week Ending January 29th) 1. What are your expectations for the team entering the season ? I haven't looked at all the teams for a week or so now and I know there's been some changes, but I think we should be a slam dunk playoff squad this season. Ren Cup Finals or bust. 2. What are your expectations for your player this season ? I'll be pleased with a mediocre season. I think Bjork is starting the season with the lowest TPE on a team with 7 forward, i.e. the worst forward with the least ice time. But he'll work his way up the depth chart by playoffs. 3- Who do you think will win the VHL Oh that's as up in the air as it's ever been. I'll go with my perennial hope in the Calgary Wranglers. 4- What’s your favorite sport team ?( All sports ) I suppose the Calgary Wranglers . But for real, it would have to be the Edmonton Oilers. 5-Is there anyone particular that’s been helpful to you since you arrived in the VHL that you’d like to thank/acknowledge? I can't remember anymore. @Victor was always good shit. @Spartan is a modern day saint. Everyone else is dogshit. 6- do you have any question ideas for next week Press conference ? First of all, I fully encourage you to submit any and all answers to this question as next week's press conference. Second of all, "If you could re-locate one VHLE team to Gothenburg, which would it be?"
  14. This is wholesome as fuck. "My son, if you tell me where I can find the answers for my trivia questions you can stay up an hour past your curfew."
  15. If you listened to this podcast then you should know that you don't need to be "interesting enough." I've also fallen off the podcast wagon lately. My work is slow which means I drive less which means I have less time to listen to and/or record podcasts. I was welfare last week even!
  16. I accept both of these kind offers. Choo Choo motherfuckers! Go Team Podcast!
  17. . Season is about to start, what are you most excited about? - I’m excited to join a new team and experience the VHLE as a player for the first time ever! 2. What is your favourite thing to check out on the forums? - I sometimes check games, but when I’m less inactive I like to listen to all the podcasts. 3. How many sim leagues have you been a part of? Which is your favourite? - I’m presently in EFL, and was briefly in SHL. I was part of 2-4 other defunct ones. The VHL will always be my favourite, though I enjoyed the SSN too. 4. Do you plan on playing in the VHLE? - Yes, for my entire career as a matter of fact! 5. Do you want to stick with your draft teams or do you want to move around to lots of other teams? - Depends. If my draft team seems to be set up well long term, I would like to stick with them. But sometimes you just gotta jump around! 6. What is your favourite board game? Good question. I like Catan, and Clue when it’s wearing skates. The Game of Thrones board game is fun too.
  18. https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-45-Dashing-Through-the-Snow-e1ts797 It’s a podcast about potential VHLE destinations!
  19. I’ll have you know I was too inactive to re-create on Monday of the trade deadline and did it last minute on Sunday. Then I didn’t get accepted onto a team in time for the last sim of the season. So I only spent playoffs in the VHLM
  20. I will in fact be bravely spending my entire career in the VHLE.
  21. I never once realized that different characters had different stamina usage . Other than Mr. Clanky, of course.
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