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Everything posted by Tetricide

  1. Official S85 Team USA Roster Announcement! Forwards: John Webber Jr - @Webberj Tom Creeg - @Creegan610 Robert Overmeyer - @RobBro34 The Mediocre One - @RElblein Rick Grimes - @tinafrombobsburgers Luke Glendenning - @ColeMrtz Daryl Dixon - @Ricer13 Ethan Mann - @Emann2003 Oreo McFleury - @JB123 Defensemen: Reid Johnson - @TopTiddee2 Skor McFleury - @Alex Nicholas Blue - @lidz Reese McFleury - @Spaz Goalies: Jesse Teno - @aimkin Jeremy Swayman - @Agito Congrats to everyone who made it to this season's team USA for the WJC! I'm looking forward to bringing home the W with this elite squad. Please make sure to join the WJC Discord server if you haven't already https://discord.gg/rgQUaTckkX .
  2. I don't appreciate the@MexicanCow123 slander here.
  3. The finals of the Philadelphia Reapers and Las Vegas Aces are upon us! The playoffs for season 85 have been nothing short of exciting, and heart dropping for some. I got a little insight from a few GMs about their playoffs experience and I'll fill in those who missed each series on a quick summary. Miami Marauders In the first round, we saw the Miami Marauders 4-0 sweep Halifax 21st, but were eliminated by the Philadelphia Reapers in game 5 of the second round. Miami's GM @nurxsummarized the elimination as, "@Pifferfishread my lines like an open book. We had the better team, depth-wise." Comparing the lines it's true that Miami has better depth, but it seems Philadelphia had some tricks up their sleeves to ensure they could secure the series in their favor. I'd love to see Miami get some good draft picks next season and hopefully their returning players will help pave the way to a top seed and be a top contender in the playoffs. Halifax 21st Falling 0-4 in their series against Miami, Halifax 21's GM @ShawnGladeshared some interesting insight about what affected his team being eliminated. "I think just losing a few key players before playoffs hurt. Two top scorers due to inactivity and one to a TPE ban really sucked. I also think the sim engine dicked us a bit but it happens. Next season, just try and get a bit more depth. We were weak in that area this season." I would have to agree that the sim engine does some interesting and not so favorable outcomes against teams, but I'm hoping Halifax will pick up the pieces for next season to be stronger next season and maybe wrangle up the knuckleheads a bit better. Saskatoon Wild In round one of the playoffs, the Mexico City Kings swept the Saskatoon Wild in a decisive 4-0 series win. The Wild's GM was not available for an interview, however I think it's safe to say that it wasn't really fair to be put up against a stacked 4th seed that used to be 9th overall in the league. This was certainly true considering the first 2 games the Kings shut out the Wild. I'm not sure if there are any inactives on the team, but they're only losing 3 capped players to the European league next season. I'm sure the leadership in Saskatoon are looking to bring in some promising draftees and perhaps get some trades in their favor to be a raid boss for the upcoming season. San Diego Marlins The San Diego and Las Vegas series was interesting seeing as San Diego won 2 of 3 of their away games and winning the 3rd would've tied up the series at game 6. Unfortunately, even if they did take game 6, their trend of losing home games would have sealed the deal of them still being out of the series in game 7. @jacobcarson877 the GM of the Marlins had this to say about it and how they plan on being the team to beat next season, "First off, I think it’s fair to say that Vegas came into the series the stronger team. Much higher top-end TPE players, and superior positional depth. I think it was their series to lose, but what brought us the success we had was some experimentation throughout the lineup and some dominant performances by our goaltender, Lachlan Summers. We knew we had to take advantage of some of their few weaknesses, and that is what got us a couple of wins in the series. Next season we should line up a much stronger team right out of the gate, with six top-15 picks and some returning players to form our offensive core. We also have four 4th round picks that I’m really hoping can provide some of that depth we were missing this season. Continuing to win battles on the waiver wire and encouraging growth will be huge for us to separate ourselves from the other potential powerhouses next season." Ottawa Lynx The Ottawa and Philadelphia series was the most awe-inspiring of round 1 where Ottawa took the first 3 games and it was looking like they were the team to join Miami and Mexico City in the full sweep. However, Philadelphia had other plans and made Ottawa fully aware in game 4 that they aren't here to just give a series away. Not only did Philadelphia put a boot in their ass with a commanding 7 goals over Ottawa's 3, but they completed a boot-in-the-ass field goal with a reverse series sweep to bring them to round 2. "We did start off pretty strong in that series. I think a lot of our issues were on the defensive side of things. Only having 2 defenders against a forward heavy team like Philly I got put into the GM spot with no chance to try and help the defense, so we just had to roll with it and unfortunately we didn't succeed," was what Ottawa's GM @Moonsaid about their series loss. When asked about how they plan on being the next Founder's Cup winner, "I think going into next season we need to make sure we are solid on the defensive side of things as I think we've all seen defense win championships in this league." Philadelphia Reapers Round two was equally, if not more, exciting as the first. Philadelphia defeated Miami in their series 4-1 where one of the games Philly took was in overtime. Philly had an impressive 6 game win streak before Miami took their one game win. When asked about his experience so far in the playoffs and how he feels his odds are against either Mexico City or Las Vegas, GM @Lemorse7responded, "That first series was stressful, but when you have the momentum and come back from a 3-0 and win the series 4-3 we didn’t have the same break to relaxe and heal some injury. I think that’s why we won versus Miami. We still had the momentum and the energy from winning the Ottawa series while they had a huge break and something that can be a double edge sword. We beat each team in the regular season, but that doesn’t mean anything because playoff games and regular season games are two very different style of games. We are just ready for any opponent and ready to play!" Mexico City Kings I had a chance to ask the Kings about how important it is to win against the Aces. At the time of asking, the series was tied 3-3. "The Aces have really had our number in recent times. I think for us to win against the Aces would be absolutely massive for not just myself, but for the team as well. We’ve got an amazing group of players on our team this season and I don’t want to let them down," was Mexico City's GM @badcolethetitanresponse to the team's recent past against Vegas and how important it is to win this series. When asked about how he thinks the Kings will fare against the Reapers, "I think if we can beat our demons in the Aces, we should do fairly well against the Reapers, but they’re a tough team and no pushover either. I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen and I think we’ve got a great chance of winning it all!" Unfortunately, in the sims, the Aces took advantage of all the Kings penalties and were able to take both games 6 and 7. There will be several players moving to the European league next season, but Cole has shown that he can make a team work in his favor to get pretty far in both the regular season and playoffs. I wish him the best of luck next season and hope he brings that coveted Cup home! Las Vegas Aces Ladies and gentlemen, the Las Vegas frickin' Aces. The back-to-back Founder's Cup champions. Led by none other than @Shindigshimself, the Aces were the powerhouse team this season. Out of the 72 games played in the regular season, they won 54 of them with only 4 overtime losses. They're officially going to the finals against the Philadelphia Reapers, and looking at the record the Aces has against them (8-3-) I think it's a pretty safe bet on the Aces. I was practically playing phone tag with him, so I couldn't get an interview in time before publishing this article. I'll just say that should the Aces win the Founder's Cup a 3rd time, they'll be the first and somehow deserve it. Shindigs everlasting legacy of the VHLM before he steps down as the GM at the end of it. Either way, I wish both teams the best of luck! You're both there representing the best of both conferences and I'm predicting the Aces will win it in 6 games. Thanks to all the GMs I was able to reach out to for their time and responses. Thanks to all the GMs and players who have helped me as a new player get to where I am now, and I'll see y'all next season in Oslo! 1526 words, using for PT weeks ending on 10/23 and 10/30.
  4. 1. Mexico City is on a roll. Do the fans expect another sweep? I don't think it's impossible, but it certainly won't be easy. 2. How badly do you hope that Las Vegas advances so we can go up against them in the next round? A rematch would be epic. We didn't have a good record against them this season, but that was before we added some talent to our pool. 3. How many hockey games do you expect to attend as a spectator this year, whether it be NHL, AHL, OHL, CHL, EHL, Ligue Magnus, Alps Hockey League, Bantom, Bumblebee, … the list goes on? Probably none. I would love to go to a playoff game though. 4. Which Mexico City player will be the team MVP at the end of the playoffs? Swayman. 5. GM Cole is in the running for GM of the year. Describe Cole’s performance in 5 words or less. That man is the goat. 6. Would you accept 10,000 pesos (we are Mexico City) to not eat tacos of any type for one year? It would be hard, but yeah I'd take it.
  5. Thunder, this is my favorite presser, by far. 1. What a week! What has been your first impression of the changes made by GM Cole this past week that has bumped us into 2nd in the division? Cole sees the trends that happens in the daily sims and fine-tunes the lines so that we get that next W. I told you he knows what he's doin. Started from the bottom of the standings, now we're up here! 2. Not since the Hanson Brothers, has there been a family to make such an impact. Which McFleury has been the most influential in the Kings’ success? The McFleury's have started a crucial dynasty in the VHL. You'd be crazy not to top 10 draft any of them. Skor's my top pick. 3. If you were a McFleury, what would your first name be? Oreo! That one already exists, but I'd still be Oreo because that one's my favorite McFlurry. 4. If all roads lead to Vegas, what is your player going to do while on the road at Vegas? Y'all know Kauppi's a gamblin' man. What better place than Paradise? 5. Playoffs are right upon us. Are you hyped or is this just another day for you? There is no better hockey time than playoffs! HYPED! 6. You can’t be pretty in the face, skinny in the waist going to fast food restaurants. What is your favorite fast food meal? Depends on if I'm in a beef or chicken mood... Beef - Wendy's Baconator, sans mayo Chicken - Popeye's chicken sandwich
  6. Idk if I'll make it my new sig, but I've gotta get back into making stuff like this. Rendering the player image was the worst part. No more white uniforms! I've also been thinking of making a gallery of rendered player images for those who don't want to go thru the trouble of doing so. Trust me...it saves you so much time and headaches..
  7. 1. Recent trades have made an immediate success. What are our chances of advancing deep into the playoffs now? We have a full roster now with what looks like the Hanson brothers from Slap Shot. I think we can get pretty close to a top 3 spot by the end of the season, and depending on how our lines play I think we have a real chance of taking the Cup home. 2. Have you ever suffered a concussion playing sports? Can't say I have. 3. Jeremy Swayman has faced almost 1400 shots so far this season and he’s still standing. How resilient is he and how much of an impact is he having on Mexico City’s success? Swayman is an absolute madman. I don't know how he does it. He's definitely a major contributing factor to our recent rise in the rankings. 4. Have you welcomed our new players, The Mediocre One and Ross Glagau? Do you think they miss their old team and they are happy with the trade? I have! I'm not sure if they miss their old team, but I think they love the new locker room! 5. If you could have one super power, what would it be? Easy...teleportation. 6. What is your favorite cookie? The old Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies.
  8. Transaction ID: 6BW19445P39739341 Free Week Doubles Week - Claimed October 5 5 TPE uncapped - Claimed October 4
  9. I didn't mean it as if we didn't! We certainly did. I more-so meant the length at which it was. I'm definitely looking forward to my player's debut in Prague!
  10. HAH, PSYCHE! I'm here to talk about how incredible it has been having @badcolethetitan as my GM and some experiences I've had with other GMs in the league as well. Once he entered the Kings Discord as the new GM, Cole had made it a point to have an active locker room to ensure a positive and welcoming atmosphere. That is exactly what I felt the moment I joined the Discord and I'd like to believe that the newer players that join us feel the same way. Last season, I wasn't so sure who I was being traded to and how it was going to be, but I'm glad it was the Kings. Being completely new to sports simulation leagues it's a little intimidating at first, but I'm no stranger when it comes to questions and Cole has been helpful every step of the way. I'm still learning new things here and there to this day as we've crossed over the half-way mark of this season. Cole always knows what to say to help hype up the locker room before and after sims. He He's definitely one of the good ones here and I'm lucky to have him as my GM and helps instill the want to become a VHLM GM myself in the future. As far as other GMs go, the first I actually interacted with was @Shindigs and it was a really great introduction on how a good interview will go. We kept in communication up until a bit after the VHLM draft when my player was drafted to Saskatoon before he got the chance to. We haven't talked since after the draft and I hope he doesn't think I resent him not being able to draft my player sooner because I don't! When it came to the VHL draft, it was the interview with @Spartan that made me realize that GMs are not just looking at the player but the people behind the user name, how they contribute positively to the community, and how they're improving as they progress through the seasons. I was sad my player didn't get drafted by Moscow, but instead by Prague which is currently being run by @Acydburn. Even though we didn't really talk in the interview prior to the draft, Acyd has definitely reached out since then with some pointers I wasn't aware of and helped push me to do more point tasks for the week to try to maximize my potential. My experiences with the GMs up til now has been nothing but positive and a hell of a learning experience. By nature, I'm someone who likes to train and help other people, and I feel like I'm kinda doing that a little bit in the locker room at times. One day I'll be ready to take on an AGM spot once I feel like the time is right, but right now I feel like there is still so much to learn about the league and forum. Luckily, I have some GMs I can ask to help move me in the right direction. 513 words, using for PT for week ending 10/2.
  11. Mighty generous of you. Thanks @Shindigs ! Good luck, everyone
  12. 1. Have you pre-ordered NHL 23? If not, do you plan on getting it when it comes out? Nah, I don't play these kinds of games. I thought about it a couple years ago, but I don't own a console..so..there goes that. 2. How many different video games did you play last week? Teamfight Tactics. Hardspace: Shipbreaker. Risk of Rain 2. Tower Unite. 3. Sticking with the video game theme, what is your all time favorite video game? Halo: Combat Evolved 4. If your player was sponsored, what would it be and why? It would be from the local casino because that's where he can be found in his off time. 5. Which teammate do you consider to have the best player graphic? Swayman's is pretty epic IMO. 6. Have you ever eaten a kronut? No, but I had to Google this and it looks amazing. I'd eat it.
  13. I think I'm gonna start using this in future posts.
  14. Bobbus Dingus appears first -- quiet, nervous, and might be pissing himself again. An unusual first for Bob, especially since this is his show and he's always talking. Someone off-camera clears their throat deliberately so the camera is focused on them. It's Nikolas Kauppi with a shit-eating grin on his face. What's up, hockey world! Bob freezes up completely knowing Kauppi intentionally changed the intro line to try to piss him off. My name is Nikolas Kauppi, the captain of the Mexico City Kings. Welcome to an episode of Between the Periods with... Bob has a look of horror on his face as if everything he's worked for up to this point is about to be set on fire. ...Nikolas Kauppi featuring my very special friend Bobbus Dingus! Bob here is a somewhat established figure here in the VHLM community, primarily with our fans here in Mexico City. Always has something cheeky to say and always ever in a chipper mood! How are you today, friend? It took a moment, but Bob was able to force an awkwardly fake smile on his face before answering. I...I'm doing quite well. Th...thanks, Nikolas! Thank you for br-- Oh, I'm glad to hear it! Now, not too many people know about your personal life. Bob's entire face goes white. But, luckily for our audience, we're best of friends! Why don't you tell everyone about the hockey team you're on? Come on, Niko. You know I'm not on-- Everyone knows you're not in the VHL, but what about the league you are in? OK, fine. Yes, I'm in a beer league. I play goalie, and I might not be that great but I-- Yeah, with a .570 save percentage and 10 goals allowed average per game. No wonder you didn't cut it.. Anyway, your team stands at the bottom of the standings-- Right, not too much different than your team. There used to be a pencil Nikolas was fiddling with, but it snapped in half at that remark. ...how do you think your team could rise in the standings? I don't think any of us expect to. We're just there to play the sport we love to watch and have fun. We don't really care too much about winning. This past week, 2 of our defensemen put out a statement about trade rumors and that they're here to stay in Mexico City. What are your thoughts on this news? I was overwhelmed with relief when Quinn stated they're here to stay! By far-and-wide my favorite defenseman on the Kings. That Womp guy though...I don't know how the league lets guys like that in. Absolute brute. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me get this straight... You don't like Womp? The guy I kinda look up to who just so happens to be on my team? Niko...This guy doesn't add any value to the team. It's like playing tennis with a teammate and your teammate is a dog that just chases the damn tennis ball. He's not helping you score. Nikolas stares off, contemplating his next move for the next several seconds before speaking at the camera. Okay, well, I think that's gonna do it for today's episode of Between the Periods. I'll see you on the next, but you might not see Bob! Alright, turn off the camera. Come here, Bob. BOB, DON'T RUN IT'LL JUST DELAY THE INEVITABLE! The camera slowly fades off as furniture can be heard possibly being thrown and broken and the terrified screams of Bobbus Dingus echoing in the background. 588 words, using for PT for week ending 9/25.
  15. 1. One third into the season and we are holding up in last place. Are you disappointed in your player? What changes are you planning on making to your build if any? It's certainly been a tough road for the team up to this point, but we haven't really had a chance to play other teams so I think we still have a chance to climb back up towards the top. There's definitely been some sims that don't really make sense how it plays out, but for the most part I'm actually excited at the production he's added. I'm capped, so I can't make any changes. 2. How much of an impact do you see the teams’ struggle will affect your value to the E and VHL? My player has been drafted already, but I don't think there will be any negative effects. I'm personally open to play for any team. 3. Womp Womp Womp… continues to dominate on defense. What do you think his diet consists of to be such a destroyer? He's been an absolute beast. He definitely makes egg shakes and drinks them between periods. Protein, protein, protein, baby. 4. Nanashi Mumei and Quinn Saint-Willes are on the Defensive Leaderboard. How quickly will they move up the leaderboard and represent Mexico City as top defenseman? I took a look at everyone's stats the other day when making my media spot. I think they're gonna shoot up higher in the rankings in these upcoming games since it's not the same 3 teams anymore. 5. What VHLM team will fall victim to Mississauga? (Better not be Mexico City!) I hope it's Vegas every time. 6. What is your favorite candy? Twizzlers for the gummy-sweet type candy and chocolate covered almonds for chocolates!
  16. Hello, world! Welcome to another episode of Between the Periods with your host Bobbus Dingus featuring my friend Nikolas Kauppi, the newest captain of the Mexico City Kings! Congratulations on that! Nikolas, the Kings had a great start and after some line changes things seemed to fall off. I also noticed the Kings have been playing teams like Las Vegas, Miami, and San Diego a lot, which most of those games have been very close! How's the morale of the locker room and how do you guys plan on making a stride back to the top of the standings? Uh.... First of all, thanks, Bob. It's definitely an honor to wear the C on the ice representing Mexico City. Second, yeah the beginning of this season has been super weird with the game schedule and it's almost like we're playing playoff series games. I don't know who made that schedule, but it just makes me more hopeful for what we're gonna face after the next 3 games. As far as the locker room morale, none of us are happy about the loss streaks, especially when we're so damn close to securing the dub. We're still got our chin ups though, hopes are still just as high on getting back up to where we belong in the standings. I think we've got a couple different line changes to make and I think we've got the rest of the season in the bag. Cole knows what he's doing. You're 50 shots from your record last season and you're only 24 games in. As of the end of the games for this week, your record stands at 16 goals and 11 assists that puts you at 27 total points so far. That's just over a point per game average! What's helped put you where you are now and what's your points goal for the end of the season? Bob, it offends me that you didn't ask me about any hat tricks that I've scored so far this season. Nikolas turns away from Bob to look stoically into the camera. I've scored 2...not 1, but 2...hat tricks so far this season. One of those games I scored 4 total goals and the other teams we have yet to really face off against better keep that five-hole shut. Nikolas puts his attention back to Bob, whose face is paused with shock. Anyway, Bob, yeah I couldn't have done any of this without my stellar and bad ass teammates. As far as my goal for the end of the season, I wanna hit 100 points. It might be a high bar, but it's what I need to push myself and my teammates to get to the top. I hope they've got some high bars for themselves as well. Bob blinks away, adjusts his glasses, and clears his throat before moving to the next question. I..uh..right. Nikolas, before the season started you said that if Jeremy Swayman ever allowed a goal he owes you a hot dog. Swayman is currently standing at a 2.62 goals allowed average and it begs the question how are the hot dogs tasting? Nikolas quickly moves out of his seat and puts himself inches from Bob face. He speaks in a very low, but also very serious tone. Bob, if you disrespect any of my teammates, especially a fellow captain, like you've just done again I'm going to tie you up to a goal post without any pads and let my teammates use you for target practice. Bob nods quickly in agreement and Nikolas keeps staring for a few more seconds before he calmly sits back in his seat, adjusts his tie, and starts again with a smile. You know, Bob, as much as I hate seeing a puck sneak past my boy Swayman the hot dogs we get are absolutely delicious. I only get 1 though even if he owes me 1 for every goal that gets by. Calories in, calories out. Can't just go crazy on whatever food I wanna eat. Bob has been spacing out. Nikolas notices this and also notices Bob definitely pissed his pants. Nikolas tries to hide his smile with a finger over his lips, but he just can't help himself. He takes this awkward moment of silence to turn back to the camera to do his best Bob impression. Thanks for the interview, Bob! It's always a pleasure coming on your show Between the Periods with Bobbus Dingus featuring ME! Nikolas Kauppi! Thanks, everyone, for tuning into today's episode and we'll see you on the next! Nikolas pulls off his lapel microphone, stands up and walks out. Bob is still spacing out. Nikolas turns around and laughs loudly seeing he hasn't moved. He can be heard laughing and screaming I can't believe he pissed himself! 800 words, using for PT for week ending September 18.
  17. 1. The first week has passed and it looks like we have some improvement. What do you recommend? At this point, I think our GM has our lines the way we need them. Our new players just need some time to adjust to the environment a little more and I think we can really dial in that talent. 2. Are you happy with your player’s performance thus far? Most definitely! Kauppi's already scored a hat trick within the first week. It's really looking good so far. 3. Our tough guy has been intimidating this season. What impact does Womp Womp Womp .. have against the opponents and will Womp Womp Womp .. be the hit leader again next week? Womp Womp Womp Womp Womp Jr. is definitely the force to be reckoned with right now in the league. He's already been ejected and partially responsible for another player's ejection. I gotta be honest...it's pretty inspiring. 4. Nikolas Kauppi leads the team in points and is at an amazing 15.22% shot percentage. Can Nikolas continue that pace? What do you want to say to Nikolas? I'm hoping I can and I wish I had started off like this last season, but it's just been lessons learned up to this point and a journey. 5. How have you been doing with the Trivia questions thus far? I've answered all of them correctly so far. An easy 2 TPE. 6. What is your favorite holiday? It's a tie between Thanksgiving and Christmas for me. Personally, they are almost the same thing in the sense that you get to show/tell how thankful you are of the people you surround yourself with.
  18. That's the farm sim, silly. Not the regular game sim.
  19. Idk how the quality looks after making it the lowest so I can afford to upload it here, but here's Mexico City King's new captain in card form!
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