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Status Updates posted by twists

  1. Imagine not going inactive

    1. Viper


      activity is overrated

  2. Can't wait to say I love you to all you little gremlins live on stream!

  3. If 💦💀 someone designs like 👌🏾 a 👏 poster or 🚋💦 something I'll use ❌ the 👧👏 rest of my 👈👩 print 📓 funds 💸 and ➕ put 🏻 it 😉 up all 🍆 around my 🐕 campus 😂😂

    1. Prof. Zach Enron

      Prof. Zach Enron

      im working on one, just like this, it will be enliughnting


  4. Should I donate this season? 🤔

  5. Am I back?

    1. rory


      So back or just normal back?

    2. twists


      triple back

  6. Imagine not having THE Eric Queefson on your team

  7. It is apparently physically impossible for me to remember to do fantasy zone

    1. Subject056


      I feel this, someone has to tell me about it everytime lol

    2. N0HBDY


      Even being on the ping list I feel this

  8. I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the Beketov system or the harse mod abuse from fresco. 

    1. Masu Chan

      Masu Chan

      Me-sa gonna assume this is a joke. 

    2. twists


      I just made a copypasta out of the other guy's lol

  9. Hey can you make another graphic with some nice titties in it?

  10. He told a user to fuck off because they asked him about a SIM. Even if Beketov is friends with Dill, no commissioner should be telling a user to fuck off in public, especially when they ask about something like the SIM. It's not a good look (unprofessional), and if you didn't know Beketov, you might not want to message him about something in the future. Before you go and tell me it's not a big deal, Commissioners should be held to a higher standard, as they represent this league.

    1. Josh


      Fuck off

    2. twists


      He told a user to fuck off because they asked him about a SIM. Even if Josh is friends with Twists, no commissioner should be telling a user to fuck off in public, especially when they ask about something like the SIM. It's not a good look (unprofessional), and if you didn't know Josh, you might not want to message him about something in the future. Before you go and tell me it's not a big deal, Commissioners should be held to a higher standard, as they represent this league.

  11. Guys its almost time to release the baddies (inactives) 😰

  12. You should not draft me in the upcoming draft. Definitely don't do it. I want to be the first VHLMer that never got drafted

    1. jacobcarson877


      I am very sorry to say you would not be the first undrafted player in any league to play in that league.

  13. Gib me more TPE

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