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Everything posted by twists

  1. She'd probably have a better job than I've ever had at the end of one season lmao
  2. Honestly, she'd probably join if I asked her. Idk if I want this to be and "us" thing or just a "me" thing though
  3. I also don't have friends and demand to be given more TPE for my lack of friends!
  4. If 💦💀 someone designs like 👌🏾 a 👏 poster or 🚋💦 something I'll use ❌ the 👧👏 rest of my 👈👩 print 📓 funds 💸 and ➕ put 🏻 it 😉 up all 🍆 around my 🐕 campus 😂😂

    1. Prof. Zach Enron

      Prof. Zach Enron

      im working on one, just like this, it will be enliughnting


  5. 1. Back during covid I found it from a post on /r/hockey 2. As someone who sucks at graphics (think actual mental deficit) and can never find someone to do a podcast with, I've burned out on writing my weekly VHL essay so many times 3. We might win a game or two more 4. I'm thinking about asking my girlfriend to move in with me soon, so thats cool I guess 5. Favorite of all time? Probably Roller Coaster Tycoon, favorite in adult times would be Fallout 3 6. No clue, I will always be at the mercy of STHS, stats are made up and don't matter
  6. recruitmentp
  7. Also, can we just ban media spots? Nobody except maybe 3 people enjoy writing a weekly VHL essay
  8. Hey how does it feel to not be Head of PT?
  9. happy belated birthday! I get not wanting to deal with it, but you simply could have said nothing. A couple members of your team had already made some well thought out posts. I just don’t think it helps a situation to be inflammatory (even if Z can be an ass sometimes lol). I know you’re better than that is all I’m saying
  10. The sure fire way to improve recruitment/marketing Everyone always says that there are no good ideas when it comes to ways to improve our marketing efforts, but that is simply untrue. There is one sure-fire method that everyone has forgotten about, except @BOOM. Where we you when Boom dropped the hottest titties the VHL has ever seen? That single post probably attracted hundreds of new 12 year olds to play in the league. If my business minor in college taught me anything its that sex sells. Imagine a world where we partner with PornHub. We could get the post-video ads and start something like "Did post-nut clarity hit a little too hard? We have a solution for you, join the VHL". Literally would attract more 14 year olds than this league has ever had even during covid. I also advise that any new graphics created must use a naked body. Hockey equipment in sigs is nice, but we're playing virtually, so we don't need that. We should also start allowing NSFW content on discord. In every channel. Think about how good of a first impression it would be to join the VHL discord server and someone FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY getting rizzed up by some hot babe with her tits out. Literally all of the 11 year olds would stay. All I'm saying is if I had a way to look at hot nudes AND play virtual hockey I might just transfer my whole retirement fund to the league.
  11. We all know telling someone to shut the fuck up when they bring up valid points means you've lost the argument before it started
  12. Damn I didn't think defining goals and having to meet them is such a terrible thing, but once again this is the VHL I guess lmao
  13. I will say though, everyone in this damn community is too afraid of hurting each others little feelings to actually improve anything. This has been a common issue since I've been here. If someone sucks at their job, this community lets them waste away at it until they "retire". Plus, once you get into a cushy gig like being on the recruitment team, no one wants to lose that job and they're all going to cover for each other. Wouldn't it be crazy if the more important league jobs (things involving real life) were merit based? Crazy idea I know.
  14. 5 Uncapped 1 MILL PLAYER STORE Doubles Week Tx ID: 843048766R973444W
  15. 1. Yeah I can't really complain, he's just under ppg 2. I just got done pushing DK, now I'm on to SS 3. I'll actually be headed to NYC for Thanksgiving, hitting some Christmas markets and chilling in the big city 4. I know you hate it Steve, but I don't mind. It might also be because I'm rebuilding my own player 5. I bet in 2 years we'll be unbelievable 6. I still want there to be more flexibility in point tasks. If you suck at graphics writing a damn essay every week isn't very appealing
  16. Week 2 claim
  17. Should I donate this season? 🤔

  18. Gotcha, I'm dumb
  19. Top 3 Anti-American Sentiment in Moscow Since being traded to Moscow, there has been some severe anti-American sentiment and we need to talk about it as a community. 1. Vladimir Putin - Pretty much enough said here. When I first moved to Moscow he told me he was going to nuke my family and friends if I didn't perform well. He explicitly said this was because I'm American, and if I was Russian I'd get a free pass. 2. Moscow Fans - Upon entering the stadium for the first time I was greeted to cheers of "Death to America" and "kill the infidel". Luckily Moscow's arena security has kept me pretty safe. Now that I've scored a few goals, those cheers have seemed to calm down. 3. Russian VHL Refs - During games I tend to get called for penalties much more than some of the Russian-born players. If the game is played in Russia, I'm probably going to be in the box for most of it. Personally, I find this very not cool. I've reported this to the VHL Commissioners multiple times only for him to ignore me.
  20. 2 goal game baby!
  21. Did you forget me or is it possible to get 0 now?
  22. 1. I didn't but I bet Spartan and I could get on a podcast and it would get him to do more. Maybe I won't claim welfare this week and we'll see if I can convince @Spartan to do one with me 2. Losing always sucks, but we're progressing as a team and getting our defense better. As long as we're improving I don't hate it as much 3. I mean Spartan still hasn't won a cup with Moscow, so we can be pretty sure his strats aren't it 4. I am a huge credit card nerd. I'm a pro at getting the best cashback for all of my purchases. I probably have around 8 different cards to optimize my free money in cashback form (make sure not to carry a balance tho!) 5. DF! I KNOW THIS ONE 6. Well, I wouldn't go IA for a full season, that would probably help
  23. This mf didn't even mention me smh
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