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Everything posted by twists

  1. This makes Philly better so I am here for it
  2. You just know it would always be your player getting injured
  3. Congrats @Subject056 super well deserved! Glad that you're getting to eat at the grown ups table now. You're unironically one of the nicest people I talk to in discord, so you're super easy to root for!
  4. Oh shit I made it! Nice!
  5. Adding injuries to the VHL Preface: There is absolutely no way adding injuries to our sim league would be fun, enjoyable, or even tolerable, but I'm going to write a media spot about this pretending it would be awesome. Making sim leagues more realistic always adds lots of enjoyment to the league. As a result, I propose adding injuries to the VHL. Adding injuries will enhance the league in ways people would never have expected. Does it look like Seattle is by far the favorite to win it all this year? WRONG, their top line just died. Are you in a playoff match up where you're totally out skilled? Injure the other team! Naturally, we'd have to add suspensions to the league as well. Can't have no repercussions! To make it extra authentic I propose we use a wheel to determine suspension/fine and then length/amount. It'll feel just like the NHL. Is your player the hottest player in the VHL right now? Well, they might take a fall the first day of the season and they'll never be the same! Depending on injury severity, there should definitely be TPE loss. Now you might be thinking, twists won't players be more prone to going inactive if their player is injured? You'd be wrong! We could add a new earning method called "injury rehab". You'd have to do two PTs a week to only earn 2 TPE for that week! After all, rehabbing an injury is hard work, and a very slow process. We could even incorporate substance abuse issues into the VHL. Not only would your player have a chance to get injured, you could also be sent to the VHL's player assistance program. While your player is in the player assistance program you would be forced to make video podcasts of you meditating and/or talking about life in a philosophical way. Once you return your player's chance at having another substance abuse problem would double! Every subsequent time you return to the player assistance program you would have to double the time your earning is restricted. Depending on how widely loved injuries are (I bet they'll be a hit), we could consider adding traumatic brain injuries which have a 0.001% chance of killing your player on the spot! You'd be forced to recreate and your player would be manually removed from the current season. This would add a much needed difficulty boost to GMing in the VHL. It's too easy as it is, and this could throw a fun wrench in things. These proposed changes could initially be implemented just in the VHL, but I think it would benefit the E and the M as well. Implementation of all of these new systems would be a cakewalk for @Josh. I would know, I'm a developer too! Honestly development is just really easy and I can't believe Josh takes as long as he does on things. Postface: I can't believe no one has "added injuries" as an April fools joke. If done right, you'd have VHL users screeching into the next week. Also, absolutely do no search "injury oof" on Google looking for a funny injury picture. It's just all gore. 532 words
  6. Son of a bitch lol
  7. So obviously the idea is super cool and fun, but it definitely requires A LOT of backend work. We used to make player cards way back when for graphic PTs and that just kinda fell off. The unfortunate reality is that we'd all think it was cool for a week and then completely forget about it. Then Josh would just be extra grumpy he had to work on it lol.
  8. 4. Seems like Halifax, which is funny considering nurx's player is definitely my player's rival 5. Oilers, as a wings fan a lot of us support them because we've shared GM's (plus watching McDavis is fun) 6. The wings, we have like a 1% chance, but a man can dream
  9. @Kelmp JOIN PHILLY! We need some d-men to round out the squad. @Pifferfish can provide more info if you're interested.
  10. Eric Queefson House Reveal Philadelphia, PA - Eric Queefson has recently bought a new house in the Philadelphia area. He's been wanting to do a house reveal, and WXYZ news got a first look. Upon entering, Queefson showcased the 20 square feet at his disposal, slaps roof of mud hut "you can fit so many activities in it" said Queefson. When asked why he had no door he responded, "I have an open door policy around Philly. That way the criminals don't have to go through the trouble of breaking down my door". It is well known in Philadelphia that this property is one of the most expensive, coveted, and beautiful properties. When asked what he thought about the city, Queefson responded, "Some people think Philadelphia is a third world country, but I would dare them to consider that it is actually a fourth world country". The interview was then interrupted by an Eagles fan covered in grease trying to climb the nearby lamppost. He kept screaming, "YOU DON'T WANT NUN UF THIS".
  11. Whos this Vincent lame? jk luv u
  12. Everyone has been awesome this year!
  13. Hey can you make another graphic with some nice titties in it?

  14. Drama in the VHL I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point. 546 words
  15. 1. Doing pretty good, Hoping Eric Queefson kills it this year in Philly. 2. Lots of Easter shenanigans with the family, then had a lady over Sunday night 3. I have two hockey games this week and yoga in between them. My weekdays are pretty hectic. Monday is my only nothing day. 4. I have high hopes, but I gotta start putting more pucks in the net. 5. My goal is to bet the best D-man in the M this year, but I don't know how possible that will be 6. I like to knock my tasks out on Mondays, so thats the best day for me.
  16. Damn we're unstoppable at the moment
  17. Is your wife single?
  18. This whole thread is cringe
  19. IA Player Position Switch. Reasoning: I should have just won the waiver on Bezos, but @leandrofg oofed me. @thadthrasher, @Enorama.
  20. @Mods please ban @leandrofg he is obviously hacking my waiver claims
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