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Everything posted by twists

  1. A new homie has appeared!
  2. This is facts, also Houston would love to have you we'll do our best to draft ya!
  3. Oooh I like the country a lot. Plus, my sig would be team agnostic which is really handy. Name: Youre Not Fucking Retiring Render: Nikolaj Ehlers Team: Greenland (get fancy with it, doesn't necessarily have to be the flag)
  4. Team Europe Aims to Medal in the WJC The World Junior Cup starts this week, and Team Europe is being managed by yours truly. It's going to be a tough battle as most users choose the USA or Canada as their player's nationality. The TPA limit is 400, but depending on how many Europe based players there are I might end up selecting Youre Not Fucking Retiring to the team. It would be a blast to be both the GM and have a player on the team. While writing this I just realized I'm not sure if Greenland is a part of Europe. Politically it is, but geographically it isn't. I am actually unsure if a Greenland player would count for Europe or World. As always with these competitions my goal is to medal. I've never GM'd one of the "main" teams (USA or Canada), so it's always tough to ask for more than a bronze. I always have hope my team can do better than that, but I have to be realistic. Here's to a good competition this offseason!
  5. I apply
  6. HOUSTON BULLS PRESSER! Hello and welcome to this weeks Houston Bulls Presser! Getting to the end here folks! Please answer each question to your best ability. Answer three questions for 1 capped TPE or six questions for 2 capped TPE! For the Week Ending August 4th, here are your questions! 1. The VHLM draft is coming on Sunday! Are you excited? 2. How do you think the team will do this upcoming season? 3. I'm the GM for Team Europe in the WJC, will I be seeing your player there? 4. What is your favorite place in the world? 5. What team do you root for in the NHL and why? 6. Do you play any sports IRL? To claim TPE: Go to the portal > Manage Player > Claim Capped > Type > Press Conference Thank you to everyone who participates in these pressers, I (may) read all of your answers! (I know twists will.) Let's Go Bulls!
  7. Since I recreated, do I still get the 3 for my player playing in the VHLM? Or is that a no-go since my retired player played in the VHL?
  8. Wooooo lets go team Europe!
  9. I have a player in the M so I apply
  10. weirdo
  11. @diacope 2 are you ugly? At least I'm not hiding my face

  12. Diacope IS forum content

  13. 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week $1,000,000 Transaction ID: 3CS75199AP639591V
  14. Why didn't you get diacope back on the meds
  15. I think its impossible to top the time you called Beaviss at work
  16. you will wait with everyone else
  17. I think this is something that I fought with a lot the past year or two. It felt like a job at times, then I felt like I HAD to do stuff and burned out. I can also confirm that the second half of my last players career was welfare based, and he still did alright. I actively dislike the VHL since you're here smh Says the guy who's always moderating lol. What in the tarnation
  18. Rating my Top 10 Greatest Banned Members Part 1 Now that @frescoelmo has his first official ban as head mod, I figured we could take a trip down memory lane and rank the top 10 greatest banned members to ever exist in the VHL. This is going to be an ongoing series and will require some research to make sure I have all my facts right. I will do my best to not name names unless permission is explicitly granted, just in case there is some open wounds still. #10: Diacope This may be recency bias talking, but I think they deserve the tenth spot for sure. I missed out when they were known as 16z, but caught the tail end of their "return" from being banned indefinitely the first time. We probably should have seen this coming, as they weren't behaving differently than when they were initially banned, but the VHL seems to believe in multiple chances. It started with some generic schizoposting in random forum threads, but inevitably turned into personal attacks on members of the VHL. The first time I noticed this user lose their shit, was when asking someone for a forum signature. The person politely asked for what render they would prefer, then they lashed out because he didn't magically know what they wanted. Naturally, it devolved into name calling and other things, but I'll spare you the details. To some extent I feel bad for this user. They are obviously dealing with some serious mental illness that is not being treated, but that doesn't excuse them for being an asshole. Its unfortunate, since they were once a great GM and active user, but life comes at you fast I guess. #9: DougF What do all online communities have in common, especially if there are minors involved? Well, the answer is they attract pedophiles. DougF was the VHL's pedophile. He tried soliciting illegal photos from underage VHL members. I believe he even sent explicit photos to some members as well. While this is REALLY bad, and I'm not trying to diminish the severity of his actions, he didn't do much else. Hell, he didn't even create any forum content for us to enjoy. As a result? He gets ranked number 9. I believe he was reported to the Canadian(?) police, and I know @Dil sent him a photo of his house after doxxing him, but I don't know about anything else that happened. He did try to return on different multi accounts after being banned. Thankfully, he wasn't very intelligent as his first multi was named DougForsyth. I am sure that must have been very difficult for the mods to figure out. His second multi was named Brickwall. Luckily both of these accounts were found out in under a month after his initial banning. Hopefully the dude ended up in jail instead of hurting any more children. I'm looking forward to writing more of these over the course of the next month, so be sure to check back in next week!
  19. twists

    HOU/OTT; S95

    @Grape great trade talks and it was amazing to deal with you as a person. Truly the finest GM the M has, and I can't wait for you to fleece me again
  20. Most likely to have aids
  21. Don't make it racist like @OrbitingDeath
  22. Warsaw Predators Press Conference Week Ending July 28th Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE. 1. Spartan finally broke the curse of Moscow by winning the cup, how do you think we did against them in our series? 2. This is unfortunately my last week as Warsaw AGM, are you happy or sad to see me go? 3. I'll be taking over GM duties for Houston in the M, what are some suggestions you have for me? 4. What are your goals for the offseason? 5. Should @MexicanCow123 sign somewhere in the EU, possibly a country that Germany invaded? 6. How weird would a VHL meetup be?
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