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Everything posted by twists

  1. Damn, @animal74 is an animal. I also love the random red row lol
  2. Guys idk how to GM

    1. Banackock


      Step one: Stay active ✅ 

    2. Mysterious_Fish


      @Banackock that step is already too hard for him

  3. congrats me bitch
  4. I am sure I cannot fill the shoes of @AJW, but I will do my best with his team. Now I can finally 1v1 @Grape
  5. McWolf still exists?
  6. We now refer to my player as YNFR, its just easier that way

  7. Spartan always trades my players confirmed
  8. I just love free TPE
  9. 100% Grape gets the team if Moscow loses
  10. I'm just giving you some shit dont take me seriously lol
  11. An Interview with YNFR (Youre Not Fucking Retiring) Vhl.com staff: Retiring, you made a pretty big impact in your first season with Miami, how did you manage that as such a low TPE player? YNFR: Well, as mentioned in my biography, I am a literal lab grown human. I had many current VHL players train me on the game when I was only 8 years old. Plus my dad, Eric Queefson, gave everything he had to transfer his talents to me. Long story short, I'm just that good. Vhl.com staff: It seems you were hampered in the playoffs putting up only 1 goal, any reason this occurred? YNFR: Yeah, my fucking coach @Mysterious_Fish didn't even give me top minutes. I told him time and time again, if we want to win the cup give your big boi some more ice time. He refused. It's just that simple folks. Vhl.com staff: Is there anything you would like to say about the conclusion of your season? Good or bad? YNFR: Well, I want to call out @Ricer13. He fooled us in the regular season thinking that he was a good goalie, but man, when we played Saskatoon he proved everyone wrong. He was atrocious. Honestly, I hope when I die that Ricer is there to lower me into my grave so he can let me down one last time. Vhl.com staff: What has your offseason looked like? Are you putting more work in or having some fun? YNFR: I'm always putting in more work, since my Dad, the lab scientists, and the VHL players are always performing experiments on me to see if they can make me an even better VHL player. I've had my DNA manipulated so many times that I might not even be related to my father anymore. Other than that, I like to sit at home and play some chel with the boys. On Friday nights I tend to get a couple teammates over, hire some escorts, and get some blow from my hombre Juan down in Mexico. It's a good time, you should visit. Vhl.com staff: You've been a big proponent of taking care of your mental health this year, why is that? YNFR: I think a lot of VHL players don't seem to address their concerning mental health problems. It's honestly becoming an epidemic. I mean go to vhlforum.com and check some of the statuses these players are posting, it's beyond out of pocket. Hopefully the VHL will create a new program that allows these players to get help. Vhl.com staff: Lastly, what are you looking forward to next season? YNFR: Hopefully I can get drafted by a competent VHLM GM and make a run for the cup. If not, I'll just grind on a bottom feeder and do some stat padding. Either way will get me picked higher in the VHL draft. I'm still not looking forward to spending a year in the VHLE. Just seems like it'll be a waste of time for everyone involved. Also, shout out my boy @frescoelmo for becoming the head mod. I can't think of anyone who deserves it less! Having him lead the mod team next season will be a trip.
  12. Yes, I agree. That is an excellent example of satire.
  13. @Enorama we need the BELIEVE image
  14. As the AGM of Warsaw there was really only one choice.
  15. Hey Dia. You do seem like a genuine and nice person at heart, but these weird rants you tend to go on turns a lot of people away. It honestly reads a bit like schizoposting. I feel like you think there's all these people out to get you, and that's just not true. You probably want to look into getting some help for your mental state. Whether that's going to a therapist, or getting on some medication. That's not a bad thing! I go to therapy and I'm on meds to help me too. When I first came to the league I had a tendency to just blow things up and out of proportion, it's the reason "Anti American Sentiment" is a meme lol. I realized that wasn't healthy in the slightest and got help. I think you should too.
  16. lol there's no shot i get the job cuz no one trusts me anyways
  17. I'll actually apply. Let's see what happens
  18. Are the Seattle Bears using cocaine as a performance enhancing drug? Ever since the movie Cocaine Bear came, out I've been debating if it was based on the true story of the Seattle Bears. @Banackock has been caught numerous times trying to coke up his players in an effort to make them play with even more ferocity. Seasons ago, there was an insider leaking information to VHL.com, stating the players on Seattle had been replaced by literal grizzly bears and were being fed a strict diet of cocaine and raw steak. They were dressed up to look like adult males, similar to Vincent Adultman, but were in fact bears. These rumors have circulated during multiple off-seasons, but no one has been able to prove them true. Many VHL GMs state that this is how Seattle has had so much success, and would love an opportunity to prove that they are actually cocaine bears. When asked for comment @a_Ferkcommented, "One time I got really drunk in Saskatchewan and swear I met some of Seattle's 'players'. We did a few bumps of cocaine and wet our separate ways".
  19. Warsaw Predators Press Conference Week Ending July 21st Answer 3 for 1 TPE, all 6 for 2 TPE. 1. If Moscow manages to win the cup is that any consolation for the fact that we lost to them? 2. If you could undo any trade in VHL history, what would it be? 3. What song would you pick to be the anthem of the VHL? 4. What can you hold in your right hand, but never in your left hand? 5. Will Warsaw ever win a playoff series? 6. Would you like Fantasy Zone to be moved to the portal?
  20. Hmmm unless you want to make me another one in a couple of weeks I should probably wait until the M draft . Hopefully, you won't be too busy by then!
  21. Does anyone own a slinky

  22. You're not fucking retiring please
  23. Are these just alt accounts
  24. This thread is
  25. On the other hand if you missed the first week of the bracket like I did, you now get 0 TPE
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