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Everything posted by STZ

  1. Claiming Week Ending 2/5
  2. STZ

    Games: 61-70

  3. Shoutout to Larry Page for the recruit
  4. STZ

    Games: 52-60

  5. I’m loving it
  6. S87 Blessed Team It’s been a long standing tradition that I go through my roster for VHFL and reveal what players will be blessed with a good season. I have been undoubtedly the best performer in VHFL history, despite what the statistics show. This season we saw a couple copycat roster reviews, but make no mistake, this is the Official Blessed Team. So, let’s get into the team. To start things off, I took a season off, so I’m a little out of touch with the trends. On top of that I was the Group Manager and first pick overall. This plays into a harder strategy as while you do get the first selection, you have to wait until everyone picks twice before you get another player. 1st Overall - F - Daniel Janser @Daniel Janser For me this is a player that I have taken in the past. I predicted his rise to superstardom before it happened. So in a way, this was a bit of a nostalgic pick. I also like to return to the players I’ve taken before. You’ll see that with a few of my picks. Janser is in his sixth season with the Wranglers. He has proven to be an incredible player taken at 8th Overall in the S81 draft. He’s put up three seasons in a row where he’s had over 200 hits, and he’s been quickly trending up in the points total with 120 last season. He has an optimal build and on a team with a great group of forwards. I think this is a safe pick. 12th Overall - F - Nico Pearce @Spartan Another familiar face, I bring back Nico Pearce to the blessed side. Pearce had a bit of an off-season last year with a decline in points and hits; it can only be explained by the fact that I took a season off of VHFL. Well, welcome back to promised land my friend, you’ve been re-blessed. He’s on an absolutely stacked roster of heavy hitters, so that is my only concern with Pearce. Realistically there isn’t a set amount of hits that can happen in a game, but for forwards most of the time they are coming from the forecheck. When you look at how this team is composed, Pearce won’t be heavily relied on to be the only fetching the puck. Despite this, I still believe in this player. 13th Overall - F - Vinny Detroit @dasboot Three forwards right off the bat? Well, yeah. The opportunity presented itself to get three previously blessed performers and I took it. One of my OG blessers in Vinny Detroit. This is a no-brainer, and might be the safest and best pick in the 3rd round of any group. This is a player who almost hit 400 times last season. He's been in the 300’s every season of his career, and will undoubtedly do it once again in his final season. In addition to the hits, he’s got a change of scenery where he’s playing in LA where he’s the main focal piece for scoring. He’s at 87 Scoring, and I’m just assuming that is him pouring all of his banked TPE into Scoring, and will likely continue to point to the golden STHS attribute until he’s put into the ground at the end of the season. Vinny D has always been one of my favorite VHL Players, so this is partially a fanboy selection. 24th Overall - D - Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito At 24 I bring the first new face into the blessed world of fantasy fantasy hockey. My first non-forward selection brings Pierre Emile Bouchard, or PEB into the mix. PEB has had a modest career so far, not getting above a point per game and peaking in the mid-100’s for hit totals. Well, that’s over, get ready to feast, my friend. This is a player with the very nice build, and it seems like 68 Checking must be a drastic improvement, as you wouldn’t have only 100 hits with that attribute. One of the bigger things that attracted me to this player was that they were the premiere defenseman on a really well built team. This team features a forward core that has 5 players above 83 Scoring, with the top one being 90. PEB should collect a mountain of points and as the main defensive player, should collect a large hit total as well. Career season, incoming. Keep an eye out, this player will not be selected in the 4th round ever again. 25th Overall - G - Xavier Booberry @CowboyinAmerica Another returning pick. I secured my goalie with the top TPE Earner, CIA’s Xavier Booberry. Booberry is on a decent Davos team that has top defensemen Jake Thunder and Siyan Yasilievich. In addition to the two star defensemen, they feature new draftee David Jokinen and Isamu Knieval. I like this group. A lot of times with a goalie pick you are taking the whole team. I think Davos will be a strong defensive team. On top of that, Booberry is the type of player that can steal a game. Booberry hasn’t had a 10 shutout season since his rookie contract, however I feel like the two time Aiden Shaw Award winner will be on the top of his game as he tries to get that elusive Continental Cup in his 8th and final VHL Season. 34th Overall - D - Callum Murray @Berocka The group had two skips, so I got to pick two spots ahead of time here. I go back to the LA Stars for one of their two signed defenseman in Callum Murray. Here’s another new face to the blessed team. Murray has not historically proven to be a point producer or a huge hitter. Well, that’s about to change. This season we will see over a point per game, maybe even catch a sniff at triple digits. More importantly we are going to see the young defenseman get a career high in hits, and take home an award for top defensive defenseman and maybe even a Labatte. Okay, maybe that’s a lot, but he’s been blessed. Watch for this player to be on my team for years to come - however, there’s no way I am able to select with the last pick in the draft ever again. 1038 words. Claiming: Week Ending 1/29 Week Ending 2/5
  7. STZ

    Games: 22-31

    Ottawa is buzzzin
  8. Get clickbaited. Yeah, so 10k posts, I feel like I should use this as some shameless content. Most of these posts were likely made on the old forum, and then I know they adjusted post totals when we came over. My forum activity was a lot more frequent on the old forum, and I think I actually offered some decent constructive content. Not so much anymore, case in point: this. So let’a explore how I (likely) got to 10,000 posts: Shit Posts - probably at least 8000 of these posts are useless shitposts. Probably trying to be funny and/or farming for reactions Reviews/Grading - I would bet at least 500 posts were grading. Back in the day I remember grading like crazy. Victor used to give our 10 TPE for the person who graded the most each season, so I went hard. Press conferences - I would bet probably like 150 posts.. I did use PC for most of my capped TPE since it came out. I posted questions as NY GM and then as AGM for both Moscow and Malmo. So I mean that was productive. VHL Magazine - I did a shitload of editions (like 300). Each had their own post, but then we also organized and constructed the magazine in a private forum. More importantly this is how I farmed most of my reactions. Point Tasks - I’ve done a lot of PT. In fact, I’ll likely break 10k TPE with Analfist. Save that for more future content. Donation Thread - I don’t even want to think about the amount of posts I’ve made about donations to Jeffery James..
  9. Review: This is nicely done. Maybe the best graphic featuring a bird cage?? I like the effects and coloring. Very soft and nice. The text is clean, I love that font. I think I would have used the same font for subtext, or something even skinnier. The jersey change is nice but the color of the logo doesn’t seem to quite match which is the only thing really throwing me off on this. I like the subtle helmet change to really push it over the top. The effect on the background render is really cool, especially around the number; adds depth and really gives a nice background for the text. Great work! 9/10
  10. @Spartan all rosters are complete once Ben selects..
  11. Review: This is really well done. The coloring and jersey change is really solid. Seems like the two black and white squads in the league have the best graphics right now. The render effect is really killer. It’s interesting and clean and really makes the details pop. I’d be curious to know what you use. The smoke is cool and the ripple on the bottom through the logo looks good. The text is great, I like the main text effect and the subtext is nice where it is. the gradient stroke on the render is great - I think if you did that on the text rather than the 1px offset stroke it would look better. Great work! 9.8/10
  12. D - Callum Murray
  13. @Ben mclaughlin 12hr skip @traphag you’re up..
  14. Two of your picks will be blessed when I release my picks to the world. Unfortunately I’m in a group where we take 12 hrs each pick so I’ll be releasing mine at Trade Deadline..
  15. Because maybeeeeeee
  16. Any teams going for; Playoffs Missed for Analfist??
  17. D - Pierre Emile Bouchard G - Xavier Booberry @DarkSpyro
  18. @Ben mclaughlin skipped again, @Spartan @traphag you’re up.
  19. @Bojovnik you’re up. @Ben mclaughlin please tag the next person up.
  20. Interestingly Analfist is selected first overall by the Ottawa Lynx. I actually tried to join the team at Trade Deadline and received no communication from management - so I went to Houston instead. So far the team looks decent and we’ll put together. I’m hopeful for my future in the VHLM Once again I’m in a VHFL Group that is molasses. I’m the GM on top of that, so I literally have to watch as the timer hits 12 hours after every couple picks. This could just be Gentleman’s Agreement 2.0, but not really I think there’s just two new people… My son has been sleeping almost all night this past week. He’s four months old now and it’s been rough with the staggered sleep schedule. Glad we are seeing improvements! During my nights awake with my son I’ve been playing a lot of Xbox.. an excessive amount. So my Resolution was to read more and I’m attempting to do a book each month. I knocked the first book off for January, The Road. I’m about halfway through my second with Orwell’s 1984.
  21. Review: Awesome work. The effects are really cool, I’m always shocked at how you can do these effects on the entire graphic and yet not destroy the quality of the render, specifically the face. I love the black and white look, the lighting reminds me of Christmas lights. Love your style and the Wolves players are always decked in the highest quality sigs! 10/10
  22. Review: good work here. I can tell a lot of effort was put into this. Looks like a manip graphic so you used a layer mask technique to darken the back ground. The jersey change is solid. I think the coloring is well done not just desaturated. The text is simple but clean. The glow makes it all stand out. I think the basics are all there now - look into elevating your work through render effects. Overall good job! 8/10
  23. I hope he gets FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY too!
  24. F - Nico Pearce F - Vinny Detroit @DarkSpyro
  25. @traphag you can pick. @Ben mclaughlin pick as soon as you can.
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