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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Oslo claims Bobby Boucher
  2. Oslo claims
  3. Oslo selects Kyle Keenan
  4. Oslo selects Matej Kriz
  5. Oslo selects Wesley Babiy
  6. Oslo selects Evgeny Nezhmetdinov
  7. Oslo selects Thaddeus Humbert and Giovanni Reuel
  8. Oslo selects Sandro Clegane
  9. With the second pick Oslo selects Le'Sean Coutzen
  10. Yes, in 23 minutes, although no one has created a Skype group, or a chatzy, or a stinto, or anything - at least not as far as I'm aware
  11. Common one season he wouldn't be, except he didn't have a common season, he had a rare season.
  12. Oslo gets Artemis Fowl Moscow S44 3rd (the earlier 3rd) Moscow gets Brampton S45 2nd Accept
  13. Accept
  14. They no longer exist, just like the franchises that owned them. Otherwise some team would be getting a free asset
  15. Moscow 1st, Oslo 2nd, and I'm not sure which 3rd belonged to Minot/Turku
  16. diamond_ace - Kerkko Hyvarinen
  17. in honor of Novacek
  18. The last place Oslo Storm from S43 are looking to find themselves in the same position in S44, if for some reason the league decided to tabulate points by golf scores where the lowest suddenly became the highest. That's right, this team and this management group thinks the Storm can make the jump, going from worst to first in a single season. Working against them is the fact that Yukon (the second worst team from S43) won the lottery and will select first, plus Yukon has more picks. Working for them is the fact that given this year's crop of players, especially the goalies, we might not see much of a drop in talent until the middle of the second round, and there are gems to be had even into the third. All that remains of last year's team is Supa Hot Fire and Hashtag Jeffership. Jeffership is pretty useless but Fire is a decent defenseman. Oslo has already added Chuck Goody and Ken Anderson without sacrificing any S44 picks to do so, and are looking for more S44 picks at the expense of picks of other seasons.
  19. Yeah I know, but tbh I don't really mind missing a season of WC. It's not like I'll do anything yet. I'm one of the future key players for Scandy, so I'll be good in the next WC
  20. Clardy and the better Hyvarinen (no offense munk) will just have to make our own Mercenaries Part 2: The Redux team
  21. Tor turns around and sells both for much more
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