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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. ? One more round alongside an old friend?
  2. I used to have teams in another league from Africa (Abidjan Elephants were the main team, Nairobi Rhinos were the farm, and yes I know they're complete opposite sides of the continent) so I'm especially happy to see someone else embracing the idea of African hockey. Great article, hope to play alongside you in the future
  3. @fromtheinside since it seems no one has mentioned it yet: "former user Streetlight" is current user @scoop
  4. "Almost 30" is young - I'm 36 now, a grown ass man with a job I spend too much of my life at (and that's even taking into consideration I'm the last person to ever want to pick up OT or anything) and most importantly, a wife as of about 2 weeks ago. I have a guy on SBA and two guys on EFL primarily because of the auto-12, although one of my EFL guys might be HOF bound for the first time in my sim life.
  5. F Duncan Idaho @leafsman
  6. Good old Leandre St.Pierre! How's things, been a while
  7. With the recent league restructuring and the theft of GMs involved in doing so, we were left with two openings in Halifax and Saskatoon. Coincidentally all from the same managing tree, as Barzal was Sam's AGM in Hali before taking Sask, and now they're both up with the E. Sent out a quick few interviews, had some good responses. We have now narrowed those responses down to 2. Obligatory space taking gif so the hirings don't show in the preview: Congratulations @Minion (Halifax) and @BrutalBoost (Saskatoon)
  8. you have two whole seasons left.
  9. i definitely spun a wheel for which efl minors teams i would play for
  10. doesnt even mention the team his own guy is on
  11. to play, yes to manage, not this time
  12. Here's the initial one - I'll have some more once the good ones from the actual photographer come in
  13. I didn't have time to party too hard, spent so much of it going around to all the people. Took like 3 hours for me to even eat my second taco
  14. I mean once we're actually underway, that's the plan. Right now, I'm sitting around watching Pointless in the hotel while the hair/makeup person is working on Joan, and checking phones in case people are on their way (maid of honor will prob be here in about an hour, photographer in an hour and a half, and those are the next two unless the groomsman that's also the manager of the hotel decided to pop in randomly). The advantages of the groom not taking nearly as long to get ready
  15. This thing has been in the works for so long and then they had to go and throw a pandemic at things, so people can't travel as much. Timing is everything
  16. So today is it. 5 hours from now I'll have a wife Updates will come, but probably more likely to be tomorrow morning (or today late night)
  17. 14th
  18. diamond_ace

    Houston GM

    So @McWolf and I have been discussing this - ironically wanted to discuss it between the two of us to save time over doing apps since it's midseason, but that didn't end up making it quicker. Anyway, we've gone with an existing agm, someone who doesn't have to prep on the rules and everything under the circumstances and has kind of already stepped in. Likely wouldn't have been the choice through apps just because of how new he is, but he's been great and certainly worked his way into the spot. Congratulations @Moon_50
  19. "everybody has at least 20" mariani has 14
  20. Giving me the same error. I was trying to donate from my Paypal, which is linked directly to my bank account. There's a few thousand in there and I was donating 50 bucks so it's definitely not a money issue. Not sure what's happening with it
  21. i swear if a quarter of everyone says their guy died like that hasnt been done a million times already
  22. While I agree that trivia when gotten from a shared answer list is too easy, I would also posit that trivia when finding the answers yourself is the hardest TPE on the site by a mile. While Dil's idea would get trivia back to its original purpose (and fair enough, if that's what the league deems necessary) I'd argue having to sit and actually find the answers every week would burn people out far quicker than they realize.
  23. We're still new to the post-Landry era, and he was basically just perennial captain, so this was a weirder one. The votes came in, and 1 and 2 were fairly clear, but there was a 3 way tie for 3rd, which to be fair just shows the team has a wider range of support which is always welcome. After no tiebreaking vote came about, I made the executive decision on the final A. I also certainly back the voters' preferences on the other two as well. Captain: @Domg5 Dominic Gobeil 1st A: @Acydburn Battre Sandstrom 2nd A (the one I tiebroke): @Gaikoku-hito Robert Bouchard
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