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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Also, technically the name is Eurydyka Skłodowska Dudzińska, but the player creator does not consider ł and ń as letters
  2. 12:01, so after the deadline
  3. Player Information Username: diamond_ace Player Name: Eurydyka Sklodowska Dudzinska Recruited From: Returning Age: 37 Position: D Height: 80 in. Weight: 222 lbs. Birthplace: Poland Player Page @VHLM GM
  4. Nie jestem jeszcze martwy 😉

    Read more  
    1. rory


      Ja ich stimme zu :)

    2. badcolethetitan


      Are you sure you aren't D_A?

    3. Dom


      I love google translate

  5. i will never commit to doing that amount of work again (until i retire from actual real life jobs maybe? hit me up in s270 or so and well see) having said that i am seriously considering making a guy - entirely a clicker of course but thats better than nothing
  6. so just out of curiosity - is this midnight sun into mon, or midnight mon into tue
  7. I'll post one of these over here, since it's not nearly as long as McWolf's: I'm not leaving. Not even briefly. I'm just going to embrace the clicker life and not have to do any actual work.

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    1. JB123


      Glad you’re staying around! 

    2. jacobcarson877


      you've earned that sweet sweet clicking TPE, enjoy!

    3. diacope
  8. Originally, @Ledge was planning to step down from Miami Marauders GM at the end of the season (along with others, which will not be announced until such time as they become relevant) but given recent events he has decided to accelerate that timeline a bit, which is of course completely understandable - we all enjoy this place and commit our varying degrees of time to it, but it is a game, so if things are happening in real life it's understandable to need to prioritize that. So we have decided (for the second time across my tenure in particular) to name an interim GM. Insert obligatory two dog gifs so that the hire doesn't appear in the preview: Congratulations to @Lemorse7 - the guy is on constantly, and will be able to deal with the flow of new people coming in through the ads, given Miami is one of the teams with available space for players. Full disclosure: we had reached out to a different candidate first, who is more closely affiliated with Miami in particular, but that candidate is in his busiest time of year right now - he is definitely still viable moving forward. Should both Lemorse and that candidate be given positions in the next round of full hires, it is likely some team shuffling will occur a la the Gus-Berocka transition in Mississauga.
  9. diamond_ace

    New VHLM GMs!

    This all started with the Mexico City vacancy, but then it sort of spiraled out of control with Frank being poached for Vancouver, and Arce being poached for Vasteras (which itself was only open because Dil got poached for London). We'd been between two guys for Mexico City (although there were more than that in the top tier) so the San Diego vacancy was actually particularly beneficial as it meant we didn't have to decide between these two, and especially because one of them had a close link to one of the teams anyway. So here are two gifs of puppies to take up the space in the preview, then the first two hires: Houston gave us the chance to look a bit more in depth at the rest of that top tier of candidates and ultimately we decided it was time to give another chance to a guy who'd lost the opportunity once before. This proves no single incident is a death sentence, the guy's been a great member both before and after and handled the incident pretty well under the circumstances - there's also another guy we didn't quite go with for whom this same thing applies, and hopefully this motivates said candidate to keep applying! For some of you, there's a noteworthy candidate who was not selected, someone you'd perhaps have expected. This candidate has been spoken to privately.
  10. Tynan Sylvester - DC
  11. Wroclaw Wlaszczyzewaszyskis (otherwise known as the Wroclaw Cat Walking Across The Keyboard) but no, keep Vasty
  12. I've found that running for speed is not fun, but running for distance (after you're accustomed to it at a certain level) is fun. Ran cross country in high school (we didn't have track) and my best time back then was an 18:57 so definitely nowhere near college level, but usually one of the point scorers for my tiny ass school (the whole team was like 10 guys, so I was usually 3rd or 4th even though on a larger public school team I'd have been only mediocre). Now though, as the post-high-school portion of my life is now slightly longer than the pre-high-school portion, I've gone the complete opposite direction. I'm slow as fuck now but have done 7 marathons and a 50k. I'd much rather be out there on some long trail course, peaceful as hell, nothing but me and the trees for miles, than trying to shave a few extra seconds off a 5k time. Been out of commission for this since Covid, but 2017-2018 were some huge personal milestones distance-wise. Still slow as fuck though. (Also, if you're interested, back in 2014 I wrote a poem about where my running journey was at that time, and it's on this forum:)
  13. I've also been to AC a few times, fun place
  14. Wasn't around to watch the guy, but there's no denying he was a legend of the game, and a huge part of Montreal's past successes. Lung cancer from a history of smoking, it seems.
  15. I was in a group called SET (Study of Exceptional Talent) based out of Johns Hopkins that was largely considered a middle school/high school precursor to Mensa at the time. Obviously did not put in nearly the effort to maintain that sort of thing as I got older and so I'm pretty sure I was never officially a Mensa member (I did get a lot of their mailings at the time) but pretty close. Tbh now it seems somewhat trivial even though at the time it seemed like such a huge thing
  16. 1. Dont know didnt do it 2. Not sure actually, would have said London but they kind of fucked up the restrictions just like Murica did so maybe New Zealand? Not sure of their weather, hopefully not too hot there 3. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Basically all of Ghibli's catalog but Nausicaa is my favorite 4. Back to where it all began 5. Developing Rimworld, since that's what the real Tynan Sylvester does. 6. Block for me. The goal guys get all the glory, the block guys are doing it for the right reasons. You do still need goal guys to win though 7. Darth Kaprizov, everyone calls him the sith lord. 8. Send a mechanoid cluster to @.sniffuM between the 1st and 2nd period 9. Fantastic! Such a nice place
  17. Why you heff to be mad
  18. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 13 3/6
  19. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 10 5/6
  20. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 8 2/6
  21. VHL Wordle https://vhl-wordle.herokuapp.com 7 6/6
  22. So this is going to be kind of good and kind of bad at the same time, and admittedly even the bad parts are just annoying and nowhere near to the level of retail stories. I'm sure I've had retail stories in the past but I've been out of it for a little over 6 years so I genuinely don't remember any of them. Anyway, so I'm "central admissions" for a group of 25 hospitals, largely centralized around the Pittsburgh area but one is in Erie, one is in western NY, 4 are out near the Poconos, etc. There's about 40 of us, and directly above us are 5 "IOTs" who are our immediate bosses. My favorite IOT is leaving shortly to become manager of the whole registration department at one of the hospitals (or "Patient Access" as they like to call it - basically she'll be in charge of the people in the ER as well as the people in Outpatient). Now I'd been informed of this a little in advance, but on the day it was officially announced, THAT VERY SAME DAY one of the other IOTs asked me if I was going to put in for it, and after I said I had no interest, continued to push. On one hand, it's nice to be one of the go to people when something like this comes up, but the position would have hours that would be different times on different days, sometimes with short turnarounds between shifts, and get stuck with overtime fairly often. Additionally, being in my position, I know the type of calls we tend to escalate to IOTs and I don't want to be on the receiving end. The paint wasn't even dry on the other one leaving, and even now the position has yet to be posted, and she's pushing me to do a thing that I've vehemently refused to do. Now if it was just this position on just this occasion, fair enough, but the same one that's been pushing me to put in for IOT has tried in the past to push me to do several other jobs I haven't wanted - ER supervisor at one of the sites (I'm not going back into an actual hospital job unless I'm compensated very well to do so, now that I'm comfortable at home); as well as a position that was created about a year ago that's kind of halfway between my role and an IOT role (this wouldn't have been terrible, except it again had the different shifts on different days, and 3 of the 5 days I'd have been working directly under my least favorite IOT, which actually is not this one, and additionally I'd have had to go into the office about half the time). Yet when I find something I actually do want, she complains about it. Just last week I found a job that's still at home, would be at minimum about $3 more an hour than I'm currently making, does not have calls, and is consistently 8-4 weekdays (I hate mornings, but would put up with it for the rest of the positives of the job). It's still in the same company, it's still considered a promotion from where I currently am, and I really can't find any drawbacks to it other than the shift, which I'm sure I'd get used to. I mentioned it to her, and her response was to tell me I would have to do math (ok, but I like math, so how is that an issue) and try to redirect again to the open IOT spot. Again, I realize it's still a pretty good position to be in a job where I'm seen as someone that would be viable to promote out, but to have someone who claims to be looking out for me consistently push things that are a terrible fit for me and downplay things that would be much better, it's annoying to have to deal with.
  23. I'm only in 30-36 by virtue of hogan not using even 5s, to which I appreciate it
  24. at what point did we decide cup ends with e
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