It has come to the attention of the league that @Doomsday has gone a bit awol recently. McWolf and I have been discussing, and this decision is first and foremost for the health of the VHLM on the whole. Anyone who's been here longer than a week knows Doomsday and I go way back, and he's one of my favorite people here, so naturally I'm hoping this is as simple as life got busy for a few weeks and he'll be back at the helm before you know it, and someone with his history and reputation here certainly deserves that chance - but for the time being, it's not what's best for Saskatoon and for the VHLM.
As a result, we are naming an Interim GM. Given the position the league is in, and the fact that it's never ideal to pick something up during the season, we've gone with an existing AGM who is already in on league talks and the like. Additionally, there is one current AGM who has been a VHLM GM before, has experience doing the job, and knows its ins and outs - and not to be too spoiler-y, but was in the final few names for the last crew of openings, and is more likely than not to get a position in the near future whether it's this one or another one.
Full disclosure: this may be temporary, and the parties involved were informed of that. The position is Doomsday's until it isn't, and we don't know as of yet what has happened with him, so it's entirely possible things revert to how they were at the beginning of the season. It's also entirely possible this becomes a longer term thing, if for whatever reason he does not return to his normal activity, and the person in question is certainly qualified should he need to take the reins for good. Of all people though, Doomsday deserves the benefit of the doubt - he's had chances to move onto bigger and better things and has chosen to stay in the VHLM, so we know where his heart lies.
Obligatory @VHLM GM tag so that when I later tag the person we're stealing from, they can't determine that it's them from the sake of having been tagged, and the others can't determine it's not them from the lack of one.