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Posts posted by Kyle

  1. 1) Congratulations boys, Moscow has finished S70 top of the league and taken home the Victory Cup. A team meeting was called to decide if the team would touch the cup or not during the presentation. What was your vote?

    Don't touch.


    2) Moscow has been dominant on offence this season. Which teammate do you think your player clicked the best with in S70?

    I was connecting with a lot of guys this year, can't pick one in particular.


    3) The Menace are taking on Prague in the first round of the playoffs. They've been a tricky opponent in the regular season, who do you think is Prague's best player and why?

    I don't know much about their team to be honest.


    4) Moscow state-appointed Sports Psychologist has introduced a strict policy of positive visualization. Every morning you are to visualize lifting the Continental Cup on the ice. Which teammate do you envision handing the cup to after you've hoisted it?

    I'm just worried about the next series.


    5) In an attempt to get Bernard pumped up for playoffs, the team decided that everyone would buy him a present to get him in a good mood. What are you buying him and why?

    Probably a cake or soemthing.


    6) Smitty and Pavlov were 1-2 in the league for dmen scoring. The team is taking them out to celebrate. What drink do you buy for Smitty and what drink do you buy for Pavs?

    Beer for all.

  2. 1) We're in the home stretch of the regular season and gearing up for playoffs. Are you still adding tpe to your build or just banking since we're performing?

    I'm banking because I have to get ready for depreciation.


    2) It's a tight race for the goal scoring trophy in S70, and Moscow has three possible top snipers (Jaguar, Tocco, and Randoms). Who's going to have the most goals at the end of the season?



    3) Surprisingly, NA is much closer in terms of points than EU is this season. Which NA team do you LEAST want to face in the Continental Cup finals?

    Vancouver always seems to give us a tough time.


    4) The media in Russia has recently been publishing articles about UFO sightings around Moscow. Do you believe in aliens/UFOs? Have you ever seen something in the sky you couldn't explain?

    Yes I do, but no I haven't seen anything like that in real life.


    5) Bernard is currently the win leader among VHL goalies. Do you think this will be enough to get him some trophy consideration? Will it override his dreadful save%? ? 

    I think he's really turned it around at the end of the season so he should at least get a look.


    6) Victor is planning to renovate the Moscow home locker room. Any suggestions on what features the design should have?


  3. Nobody Dumps It In Like Dean Clarke



    Dean Clarke is in his 4th season with the Moscow Menace and although he won't be much of an offensive force at any point in his career, there is something Dean Clarke is perhaps the best at in the entire VHL: dumping the puck in and getting off the ice.


    Over half of Clarke's assists have come while he's on the bench. Clarke says his go to move is to rim the puck in the zone, make his superstar teammates such as Mat Tocco, and Jet Jaguar gain control of the puck and score. Thanks to this strategy, Clarke has already racked up 30 assists as mostly a defensive minded player. He thanks his teammates for allowing him to put up a solid amount of points despite doing nearly nothing for the team.



    Jet, Tocco, Smitty, Dan and Gritty have been racking up the points for me and doing all the work. It's kinda nice being able to show up and get points while I'm sitting on the bench. Hopefully Victor doesn't catch on and ship my ass out at the end of the year. But to be honest, I've been working on my bench hopping in practice recently and I think I may be the quickest change per average. Hopefully I can dump and change my way to a championship here with Moscow.



    @gorlab @Matmenzinger @eaglesfan036 @Victor @flyersfan1453 @wcats

  4. 1) What is your player's favourite alcoholic (or non-alcoholic) drink?

    Friday Beers


    2) VHL recent repealed their trivia answer sharing ban. Are you happy about this or do you think everyone manually doing the trivia themselves is valid?

    I think it's asking a bit too much from casual members.


    3) Which Menace player do you think is most likely to win their all-star skills competition event and why?

    Jet usually finds a way to get things done in every situation he's put in. So I'm gonna pick him.


    4) Smitty and Gritty have not re-signed in Moscow beyond this season. Please pitch them (and @ them) to convince them to stay in the motherland for at least another season.

    I think us continuing to win will get them re-signed.


    5) VHL was recently canvassed regarding expansion locations. If you could choose only ONE north american and ONE european city for the VHL to expand to, what locations would you choose?

    Denver and Zagreb.


    6) The S70 VHL playoff picture is becoming clearer. Who would you rather face in round 1? Helsinki, Prague, or Malmo and why?

    I'd like the opportunity to take down Malmo. 

  5. Moscow "Menacing" the VHL With 12 Game Point Streak



    Moscow is currently the hottest team in the VHL right now, riding a 12 game point streak that sees them with 11 wins and 1 overtime loss in those 12 games. Their offense has been scorching hot with nearly all of their veteran players blowing past a point per game average. What's helped Moscow besides their offense, has been their young goaltender Ray Bernard has finally started to round into his own after initially slightly struggling to begin the season.


    Despite this run that Moscow is currently on, they are still only a mere 3 points ahead of Vancouver for the league lead. If they want to manage to hold strong and wrangle home ice advantage throughout the playoffs, they will need their depth players to continue to contribute they way they have been so far this season. We manage to get a hold of Dean Clarke who is often out of the limelight in Moscow for his thoughts on the season.



    "It's been nice being on such a run, it's a fun group of guys to be playing with and it's definitely been one of the high points of being on Moscow so far in my career. But everyone in this locker room knows our real goal is to win the Continental Cup. So this is all us just working towards that and we all need to continue to get better as the season progresses. I want to win here with this group and I think this year and the next is our true window." -Dean Clarke


    Moscow plays the New York Americans in their next game, a home and home series against conference rival Helsinki and then they return to play the Americans again. The point streak will certainly not be easy to maintain these next 4 games, but Moscow has been able to squeak out a lot of tightly contest games this season.

  6. 1) what kind of device do you primarily use to access/participate on VHL?  (phone, pc, smart TV, etc) 



    2) Moscow has been on an absolute run of 10 straight wins as of writing this question. What do you think triggered this reign of terror? How long will the win streak go? 

    I think we're just connecting at the right time.


    3) What VHL team will end Moscow's winning streak? What VHL team do you WANT to end Moscow's streak? 

    I don't want any team to end the streak we are on.


    4) Which VHLer in their final season  will you miss the most? Dan Wilinsky, Joseph McWolf, Tzuyu, Ryan Kastelic, Alexander Pepper, or our boy Randoms? 

    Randoms, I suppose.


    5) Of the above upcoming retirees, who do you think had the best career? 

    Again, Randoms.


    6) Are you aware of the STHS bug which results in teams dominating if a majority of their lines have 40 passing / 90+ scoring? Would you want Moscow to exploit this bug? 

    No I think we can win straight up.

  7. 1) Who is your favorite teammate on Moscow and why?

    Pavlov, we've known each other for a long time.


    2) If you had to bet $1,000,000 on a team to win the cup this year, would it be Moscow or a different team?

    It would be Moscow.


    3) One thing Moscow never has issues with is scoring goals. What do you think is the key factor behind that?

    I think we have great depth and a lot of guys that love to bury.


    4) On the flip side, one issue Moscow runs into is preventing goals. What do you think is behind that?

    I think I could be better in my own zone to help out our goaltender.


    5) Who is your favorite of the expansion teams just based on team name / logo / city?

    Ah, I guess Moscow.


    6) Who do you predict will be Moscow's leading scorer? 

    Jet Jaguar

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