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Spangle last won the day on December 12 2016

Spangle had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Spangle

  • Birthday 12/13/1994

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  • Player
    Luigi Linguini
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  1. Shouldn't have complained about playing 50 and 31 seconds, now I'm now playing at all.
  2. I guess I was written off as inactive again?
  3. Yikes, 50 seconds played?
  4. +3 because I'm lazy and it's Christmas
  5. Probably late to the party, but Our Lady of Perpetual Motion is the best name in league history.
  6. " 6. Oslo Storm , Luigi Linguini 3 (Kai Abendroth, Elias Forsberg) at 17:09 " Mmmm that third goal. Linguini is actually solid.
  7. La La Land >>>>>>> life
  8. Graduated as of a day ago. Now looking for some job relevant to a business/marketing degree that is, ideally, not sales. This summer I was an intern/marketing coordinator for a credit union.
  9. I'm too good
  10. I've come out of the Hull closet, yes. And then I actually get into games. It's tragic.
  11. Spangle is hyped for Christmas (that's him sitting under the tree) And yes he's still alive. 15-years old now. Blind in one eye and a cancer battle three years ago behind him and he's still an energetic furball who gets absolutely psyched to see a human being or dog or thing. Dude's unstoppable. Still barks outside, even though he's largely just barking at fog at this point (blindness joke).
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