Well Shankly, one down, seven to go. It was not exactly the start I expected, but all in all there are some amazing positives. The main one being that I got 323 hits and only 35 taken. That’s almost a 10:1 ratio and if I can keep that up for my entire career, then I’ll be more than happy – even if it means less time on the puck.
Which is obviously my plan now. Originally, I was going to just max out scoring, passing, and puck handling at 99 but now things have changed. I want to spend as little time on the puck as possible. This may affect my hopes and dreams of ever getting a Boulet Trophy but I’d rather be known as one of the most fearsome hitters of all time than just an average Boulet recipient.
But the best part about this 20-point season is that because of it – I am going to try something that few people do – that the VHL does not easily allow for.
Just watch out, league.