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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. *Insert Free agent Pitch here about how awesome your are* Ahem. Our time in this league is finite... and life is only as good as the memories we make. These relics of remembrance are just like shipwrecks......... only they're gone faster than the smell after it rains.........
  2. I see the email. I' lll deal with it tomorrow! Elementary reuinon downtown tonight's got me a little boozed up atm ahawh a
  3. Please yes knight.philip@gmail.com
  4. Episode 66 Welcome back to the soothing sounds of someone saying stuff. A little late. I explain why. I give you updates on my life, on the VHL, and a brief look into the playoffs and at the World Cup. I just gently remind people that the question thread in below here with a link for your convenience Knight Brothers Question Thread Song: I See Fire (Kygo Remix) - Ed Sheenan This is a division of KnightTime Radio. Run Time: 20 minutes
  5. My Banked TPE should be MUCH higher than it is. I demand cookies!
  7. very close game!!!
  8. Okay.. actually I've refreshed it 7 times in succession ... here's the upvote count 17 16 15 18 15 17 18 What kind of fucked up shite is this!?! Someone explain to me
  9. True.. no other reason to downvote us. Also.. we are back up to 16!
  10. For real? That's below the belt. Glad I left them then.
  11. Phil

    Sense 8

    I wrote a review to my friend (who suggested I watch it) about episode six. I'll post it below in a spoiler code:
  12. Wow... 7 episodes in... and fuck me... It has the potential to be in my top 5 shows of all-time. It's a terrific sci-fi drama.
  13. 14.4 – Earning Uncapped TPE Fantasy Zone, Prediction Points can be claimed for both players. Donation Rewards can be claimed for both players. Just found it thanks! <3
  14. @Draper / @Streetlight Counts for both players?
  15. That's what I like to hear!! Awesome, brother!
  16. On the right track now it looks like Miller! I've just started a shredding program again. Also building/designing a workout program for my father, who'd like to lose weight. It's easy designing a program for yourself or someone similar in age/ability, but it's much harder if not.
  17. EUROPE Game 3 - HC Davos vs. Riga Reign 2 3
  19. I hope you find it in the bottom of a whiskey glass... I know that's where I always look
  20. Whatever helps ya lift, brah
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