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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. David Knight's Initial reaction: "What the fuck is this shit? This shitty red and white banner?" lolol
  2. Nice write up
  3. I'm still all over that.
  4. Wow. Shortest first round ever!
  5. Wow.. 38 total shots in that game.
  6. This series is going according to plan
  7. ah-boo-di ah-boo-da
  8. Riga playing it like the Blue Jays?
  9. Da third period doe
  10. Watch them nay nay
  11. Richardson wants that Cup
  12. :cal: :dav:
  13. payback's a bitch
  14. lol more like everyone drop it.... the jays are starting
  15. Phil's Judgment It is coming
  16. That was my first exact thought ahha
  17. Do we still have the daily maximum of likes? Because some days I read a lot of random threads I haven't checked in a while and if I find a thread I like... I throw out a lot of them.. but then run out Since we can't like our own posts, I don't think there still should be a max amount of likes you can give out.
  18. Here we are.. Judgement Day
  19. I made it... it's all so different. I will reserve judgement for a few days
  20. Pronounce these English words: - Squirrel - Anemone - antidisestablishmentarianism - pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis When did you learn English? In school? When is Valmount winning things? What is the biggest flaw in the VHL? Why is the SHL worse than the VHL?
  21. It was
  22. YESSS and dats wai yew r the other historian
  23. Why Vasteras Should Live On
  24. rawr indeed!
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