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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Yanks lost tonight! Good news for the Jays!!! Thanks Cleveland
  2. wrang the choo-choos bell in that game
  3. this series is going to fucking kick ass
  4. Phil Liked This but FUCK YOU
  5. Pick the winner, all three correct will earn 1 TPE (N/A is an answer here) Game 5: Game 6: Game 7: Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 5: 4@ :col:3 - Predict the leading point earner of the series for 1 TPE O'Malley Predict the leading penalty minutes earner for 1 TPE Hill Predict the leading special teams goals earner for 1 TPE Koenig
  6. Really looking forward to the Man City/Everton Match And the Liverpool/ Arsenal one too
  7. Hamilton can always use a fresh one
  8. Give me 2 changes since you've been gone that you like, and one that you don't All-Time Fantasy GM Draft. Who do you put in charge of the 10 VHL teams. Can be any member in the history of the VHL Should Vasteras have been moved to Stockholm? If, one day, the VHL can expand to 12 teams - where would you put the other 2? Give me examples of how you have been living up to the name: Bitch Higgins
  9. Thanks for all your hard work and efforts, flyersfan. I loved my days in Riga and had it not been for you and the others I probably would have never returned to my levels of activity. Congratulations Toast! I wish you all the best luck for your tenure!
  10. lol that's brilliant. The world of Facebook needs to see this / all my man poo united friends.
  11. It's not a secret for too much longer......DEVISE!!!
  12. I saved yours for Sunday's podcast. You're that special
  13. Can you please try to best re-enact your actions and words when you saw the draft lottery? What's the plan now? Who are you aiming at picking up/ #1 Target? Do you have any pets? Will you join me in the Plug Room ever again? You have a couple of active members already in Riga - say a few nice things about each of them!
  14. Episode #52 Run Time: 78 minutes Player Profile: N/A Notes: I just answer all the questions this week. Be warned though, the last section's not a pick-me-up so you know. Because of the lack of space on my C Drive, the recording may have been choppy - but you can skip that last section anyway. I just cleared 100GB of room so it'll sound great next episode. Please show your support below. Facebook Page: KnightTime Podcast Previous Episodes: #51 #50 #49 #48 #47 #46 #45 #44 #43 #42 #41 #40 #39 #38 #37 #36 #35 #34 #33 #32 #31 #30 #29 #28 #27
  15. This draft gunna be gooood
  16. Answered Podcast being edited
  17. true - I wasn't Phil back then either. In case you folks hadn't picked it up, I am Knight's brother, ssdd911 - not to be confused with whatever the fuck Sandro's old username was - sd94 or something.
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