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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. you must be as delusional as leafs fans thinking they'll win the cup again
  2. The Thunderdome is for shit-talking so yes. And in the true nature and spirit of the thread - sixers are better
  3. If we ever want to feel better about ourselves - sure! ohshite - I used to be a leafs fan...
  4. Another couple of assists my way
  6. TOR G Tor'ed you a new one, CAL
  7. #Miller4DustinFunk.
  8. #TheKnightCurseHasLifted
  9. Only depressed people go there.
  10. Only read the first page - I will read the next two - but first, a post! LOL DT - this is the Thunderdome. It's the put-up or shut-up thread. It's the best place to trash and smack talk. There's nothing like it. It's a pretty appropriate place to put this tbh!
  11. I don't think that's what kesler meant - but it is true. That what comes from going inactive for the last half of your career
  12. Fjord is 650TPE - not 400 btw.
  13. VHLM = better than these scrubs anyway imo
  14. Let's simmer on the fighting shall we - it's sad when Hamilton is Yukon's only star of the night haha Yukon 2 mad
  15. lol so much fight
  16. sshh... don't tell kesler.. let him plea for your strat via chat during the playoffs.
  17. And Mason Richardson has the highest rating in the league with an 89 overall. No one else comes close. Nice going Kenny
  18. a hundred and first. Here's to a great season (I should still go for Top Leader)
  19. - I LOVE FISHING! Let's go fishing and catch a three-eyed fish! We'll call it blinky - Woo! Team Western Europe! Koenig and Klose can be a Rafter/Smalling comparison imo. - You did get a 2TPE reward - VHFL - I like just the idea of one roster adjustment per season. I 'm not going to change mine either - Asian school? hawt. - Thanks! I enjoyed doing The KnightTime version of the Klose - woo! Meet the new pharmacist. Same as the old pharmacist. (Song reference, can you name it?). - You could have answered more boobs questions anyway! - I'll ask questions if you ask me questions. (oh snap, you've just been blackmailed) - You better let me know if you publish something (oh snap, that's a threat) - BOUNCERS!!!! Amazing - no bra then? - That's because the VHL listeners are much better. I never ever get comments on SHL - I like reading things - I used to listen to a lot of audiobooks on the way up to the cottage as a child (alice adventures in wonderland, the first 3 narnia books etc) but now I don't really listen to them. I'd rather read things. - That being said - I'd listen to you reading the short story on here - Twice as many shorts!? WOOOO! I'm a little short on cash this month but I would be more than happy to help out with a kickstarter. - Also do your comedic novelle and sell that. I am so excited for that. - Life feedback from me? oh boy. - I hated your podcast, it was a complete waste of my time. Go drown yourself in a river. - I want that sexy, bouncy jogger's creative juices flowing on me... - I bought your collection - and gave you a review! - Aww only one more followers? Word of mouth - I've been telling my friends to check out NM&DS. I'll continue to rep you! - It wasn't a waste of time - it was 6TPE
  20. This is what happened in the pre-season with seattle-quebec. So please continue the trash talking. CAL 2 GUD Devon's coming back to Calgary!! (Get it? Devon the old member? The Devon-Marlow Marta Trophy?) - LOLWranged it!
  21. Phil Hamilton and R Truth fight to a draw at 3:17 of 1st period Fuck you, R Truth!
  22. He can change his username all he wants... but he can't hide behind a false name.
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