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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. I thought Eagles and I were friends but then he does this to me?
  2. OH thank goodness. I just re-checked. It is on Sunday. I just remember checking last week and thought I saw saturday. Sturridge was replaced but that was really only to bring on Lambert for the penalties. If Sturridge (who was the worse of the 2 strikers) had been taken off first, then maybe we would have kept Mario on and we wouldn't have to had Lovren take a penalty. Fucking Lovren?
  3. oh and 48 hours we get to travel back to england and play Man City. Nice scheduling FA - dicks.
  4. Sturridge should have been replaced instead of Ballotelli. Emre was gassed by the end. And fucking Lovren?
  5. But I'm having sex with the simmer... so au contraire
  6. I hit you three seconds into the game... didn't you read the post? SO GET REKT
  7. Nice game guys! It was close. They just had the luck in that one. CALG was is rare form
  8. Fucking Lovren?
  9. decent podcast. Was the song a porter robinson song?
  11. At least you no score again. I made sure of that~ Set the tone early
  12. doing this tomorrow night so if anyone else want to throw in some questions, that'd be appreciated!
  13. My predictions would be so fucked. Stay on your game, Slaughter.
  14. 3 Stars 1 - Phil Villeneuve (SEA) I think this is only my 3rd First Star in Villeneuve's career haha. Shoulda gone to Mikaelson imo.
  15. True say, hombre. I totally get that the league needs a back-up plan - those are great - but since all's well that is current, wouldn't this whole situation be a lot simpler if the League came out and said: "We will address this issue at a later point in time; thank you all for your concerns."? It would fix BOOM's headache
  16. He only mentioned not having a warning because of everyone saying he's had millions of them - I don't believe he's using that as an excuse, just making that point. He's a smart guy and obviously knows that forgetting about the draft time was a bad thing. All that mistake would do was to hurt the team he's working so hard to build... why should we punish the team even more by forcing a change? And (more selfishly) why should other members in the league have to suffer the consequences of this decision? He clearly cares about this GM job or he would have resigned last night instead of taking all this flack.. or just not bothered replying. Ultimately any of his mistakes (like the mistakes of any other GM) only damage the team and have no real impact on anyone else. I just don't understand, if all the Seattle teammates are happy with the direction of the organization, why a change is even being considered at this point in time.
  17. smh... 10 total shots for monaco...7!!!! on target... that's not great. Didn't see the match, just heard my dad yelling a lot and telling Gary Neville to "Shut the fuck up, you stupid cunt" over and over. But it did read the match report!
  18. Yet that didn't even lead to anything bad at all.. since that commissioner called Knight happened to be on the team and just did the GM stuff. That shouldn't even be part of the discussion really.Since the commissioners decided to give you another GM job - they've gotten over it and so should everyone else so we should not really be dragging this back from the past.
  19. What was the problem with Mr Jones signing the free agents? Was that a problem and to Ball:
  20. To anyone who just came into this thread, this sums the appropriate course of action by everyone:
  21. I'll threat you good!!
  22. 5-3 Red Wolves (just cuz, that's why)
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