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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. That's my father's second team (QPR is his first but for a number of years they were in the Championship so he picked up Arsenal because his bestie is also one. Kyle, a now inactive here, is one for sure.
  2. Holy hell I had 7 blocked shots I have very rarely seen that many
  3. LOL and I am not updated! So goaltending's not a factor this season eh?
  4. His name should be Cornelius. Wouldn't you say that he looks like a Cornelius?
  5. That's pretty typical of every telltale series game. I love the Walking Dead telltale and have GoT on ma wishlist. Can't wait to play it.
  6. Stocklolm ep 2
  7. Good work anonymous gents/madams
  8. That's not a question or even in question. This is not the General Answer thread! Therefore, you post is invalid...... .......?
  9. Oh nice one Jackim! Many thanks!!
  10. Phil


    Welcome back. Wish you all the best! Stay active now
  11. Is this really the purpose of this thread? If so, then why did I not know this?
  12. Hope the hangover isn't too bad Jardy
  13. Don't worry flyersfan... I got this... Suddenly, everything went silent. A hush fell upon the crowd. It was so quiet you could hear a cricket fart. No one dared to breathe. What was going to happen? For moments the crowd in this thread waited with bated breath. Nothing happened. QUICK AS A FLASH, A SHAPE,FROTHING AT THE MOUTH, EYES RED AS THE FIREY DEPTH OF HELL, JUMPED OUT AT SMARCH YELLING Normality was restored. Honour was saved. Dignity was non-existent.
  14. The fuck's wrong with you man? That's dark.
  15. The youngest of this team inspires the pedaPHILe in me
  16. Anderson? Is that you?
  17. HAHA that's awesome boom. I'll wear it until some PHIL versions come along
  18. Great to be on your team again (I think I may have played with you waay back but I'm old and can't remember things) Gratz on the career and nice sig for Jeltz . I R Excited.
  19. We have too much skill to keep these performances going. Stick it out... we may have to endure a beat-down at Old Trafford this weekend but I'm excited for the transfer window. PS... Markovic HAS to go... that fucking useless sheep anus is a bigger waste of 20M than Carrol was of 34M. I fucking hate that splatter of a cumstain
  20. huzzah for the king!
  21. Has anyone played the FAmily Guy game (something about the Multiplex)? It's 80% off on steam and I'm debating getting it. By the way, Sandro.. my close friend let me play the beginning of Advanced Warfare... holy shit is it intense!!
  22. gratz murica
  23. ^ only if I can control you
  24. LOL Edgar to Trade David to Stockholm ep.1
  25. one day?
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